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Highlights of becoming a Manga-ka
I think the thing that most makes us human is our imperfection. Is this what makes us sentient? Do animals realize that they are imperfect? Or indeed, are they imperfect? They seem to be able to maintain an ecology while humans tear it down and build a new one.

So, that is what has led me to believe that it is humans who are imperfect.

The important part, though, is that humans also seek to attain perfection. This is what drives us one to another. I think those we consider the greatest friends are those who have things we do not. Hence the term: "Opposites attract." A confident person is generally good friends with people less confident, because those not-as-confident people seek to be more like that person. And that person... perhaps he seeks to be more humble.

Is there a middle ground in all opposites that is perfect? Or will we always be shooting for the moon and missing?

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Fri Nov 07, 2008 @ 05:54pm
Better to aim for the moon than nowhere at all- even if you miss, you'll still be with the stars.

...Very philosophical entry, there, Sesu-kun.

...You think too much. XD

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