ahhh I actully took my time and think about a poem about my self ;') im happy for myself.
A lonely little kid walking down the steert. A lonely kid who is trying to fight this world but, all he does is fail his heart and try to control his anger. When he mad his anger goes high roar of a loin because he is pissed at the world and what the world give him. The poor kid as same problems with his body so, people make fun of him and his gets mad. His loves ones hates him because he has darkness inside of him. He really don`t know how to express him to the world. All he wants to do is lay down on a bed so, the mean people cant hurt his fellings any more. All he wants is peace in life. No one picking on him, No one hurting, no one abusing him, no fighting with him, No more hatred. All he wants is friend who like him for who he is. Maybe, he can just go same where. Where no one can hurt him physical, and emotial. Sametimes i think he wishes he wasnt born. a lonely little kid walking down the steert.
Dominick Sassano
Dom_The_Smexi_One Community Member |