Running out screaming 'Ghosts!'
Nothing new in this place
A five hundred year old castle
With a history of murder
Which created a league of restless spirits
Most with a bloody ending to their mortal lives
Then came the demons to live in the castle
But with these hauntings came uninvited guests...

Ghost hunters looking for truths
Scientists demanding for answers
Priests coming to bring final rites
Peacefully haunted and frightened
Until the Scientists captured spirits and demons
Now the remaining seek vengeance for their fallen kin
All the while tours travel the castle
Hoping to meet ghosts like the Howling Ghost of the Grand
The bloody Angel
Or even better, the abusive father Jacques Direrain
And his son, Caleb Direrain

Halloween approaches, and with it, the anniversary of Caleb Direrain's death.
The tourist company that owns the Direrain Castle have foolishly overlooked the warnings, the history of the castle. Pamphlets are sent worldwide, advertisements posted on the internet, phones called, all advertising the 500th anniversary of the only haunted castle in all the world, and the party they plan on throwing in commemoration of the castle's hauntings. Streamers line the stone walls of orange, black, purples. The kitchen redone with brand new equipment. A catering company hired to cook and bring food for the grand party that will be held all throughout the castle. Costumes are highly encouraged, the pamphlets say. 'Scares galore as you freely explore the most haunted castle in the entire world!' the pamphlets say.
Well, they're right in some ways... With the full moon high in the sky, ghosts are sure to make appearances, and with Caleb, the benevolent ghost that's quickly proving his name wrong, things are bound to get messy.
