I know this isn't LP related, but I wanted to post this story here for kicks. biggrin
A/N: This fic is dedicated to my best friend and her boyfriend. Enjoy!
Chapter 1
Emily wiped the crystal liquid off of her face as she stared at the bundle in her arms. “She’s so beautiful.” breathed Emily, as she stared at her newborn daughter with fascination in her eyes. The infant’s eyes sparkled with a chocolate brown as they opened and Emily could see her husband’s facial features on her daughter.
Suddenly, a man came up from behind her and wrapped his arms around her. “She has your eyes.”
Emily turned around and smiled lovingly at her husband. He wore black pants and a white shirt that he had made. On the front, it said, “Emily is my one true love” in bold letters. His hair was black and his eyes were brown as chocolate. “She has your handsome face.” Emily shot back with love in her voice, “I love this life that we created together and I love you, Alex.”
Alex kissed Emily’s forehead softly. “I love you more then life itself.”
Emily smiled as she gracefully returned the kiss. “What are we going to name her?”
Alex thought for a moment before an idea hit him. “How about Angel?”
“I love that name.”
“And I love you.” Alex’s lips met with Emily’s as they shared a long, passionate kiss with each other.
Two days later…..
“This is your home Angel.” said Emily as she brought the carrier inside which held her daughter into the house.
“You’re going to love it here.” added Alex while he put Angel’s things on the couch. The couch was red with black small dots on the sides of it. A plasma TV covered the wall as it towered over the living room. The carpet was a light tan color and a coffee table sat in the middle of the room along with many other accessories decorating the household.
”I’m going to put her stuff in the nursery.” said Alex while he trudged upstairs with an armful of baby things weighting him down.
Emily laughed softly as she bounced Angel in her arms gently. “Your daddy can be so silly sometimes.” she cooed to Angel.
Angel responded by yawning a little and snuggling up close to her mother. Emily’s heart melted at the sight. Never in a million years would she think that she could love something as much as she loved Angel. A single tear fell from her eye while she thought that nothing in the world could be more beautiful then her daughter that she and Alex made together. Alex, God she loved him. She loved for helping her though her hard times when she was a teenager. She loved him for helping her tell her parents that she was engaged. Most of all, she loved him for giving her a daughter that she would love and cherish forever.
Emily’s train of thought was broken by Alex coming down the stairs. “I got her stuff situated.” He said proudly as he gave his wife a kiss on the cheek and beamed down at his princess. “I can’t believe we made that.”
Emily grinned. “Well, believe it because she has your eyes and looks absolutely adorable.”
Alex smirked at her and was about to say something else when he smelt something. He laughed, “Looks like someone needs a diaper change.” He took Angel from Emily, “can I change her?”
Emily smiled. “Sure. Knock yourself out. I’ve had to change my brother’s diaper when he was a baby because my parents made me so I know a lot about this. Do you want me to help you?”
“No, I’m sure I can manage. If I need any help, I’ll just holler.” Alex smiled at Emily before walking upstairs and going into the baby’s room.
“This I gotta see.” Emily chuckled as she too, went upstairs.
Alex gently layed the tiny body onto the table as he processed to undress her. “Ok, Angel. This time daddy’s gonna change you so you be a good girl for daddy ok? Daddy’s never done this before so I need you to be good, ok?” Alex knew that she couldn’t understand a single word he was saying but he needed to relieve some stress.
“So you’ve never done this before?”
Alex whipped around to find Emily leaning on the doorway. “Yes, if you must know, I’ve never done this before.”
“Then why don’t you want some help?”
I want to see if I can do this on my own.” replied Alex as he began to take off the diaper.
“OH MY GOD!!!” exclaimed Alex as he stared at what was inside the diaper.
“What, what happened?” asked Emily as she went over there to see what was wrong.
“It’s like her a** exploded! W-what is that-that stuff!” asked Alex fearfully.
“Its poop.” stated Emily obviously.
Alex slowly bent down so he could get a better look. “That’s poop?”
“Yes.” replied Emily staring at the brown, mussed up substance, “but I wouldn’t get too close if I were you.”
“Why not?” asked Alex.
His question was shortly answered by a wad of brown stuff smacking him in the face. Apparently, little Angel wasn’t done with her business and decided to share some with her daddy.
It took Alex a full second to comprehend what just happened to him before he started to scream in a very girly voice. “AHHHH! GET THIS CRAP OFF OF ME!!! Oh my god, it's in my eyes and went up my nose!! HELP!! EMILY!!” Alex then proceeded to run around the room, trying to find some disinfect or a wash cloth while saying cuss words Emily never knew existed.
Tears were rolling down Emily’s face while she layed on the floor, literally dying of laughter. She was laughing so hard that she couldn’t even breathe.
By now, Emily has learned over 25 new cuss words and yet, her husband still hasn’t found a wash cloth and her baby still had that dirty diaper on her. “Honey,” Emily was having a hard time speaking due to all the laughing she had done, “Why don’t you go into the bathroom and wash your face? I’ll finish changing the baby.”
Alex, who was clamed down somewhat, nodded. “Okay.” He was about to make a mad dash to the bathroom when Emily stopped him.
“Wait.” She commanded.
Alex turned around just in time to see a flash go off and Emily holding a camera in her hands, grinning wickedly. “Just something to remember the moment.”
Alex just groaned as he made his way to the bathroom, vowing to get his revenge against his evil and cunning wife.
The End…. Or is it?
Saiyanprincess3399: I hate you!
I know!
Saiyanprincess3399: Why’d you make fun of Alex? *pouts*
I thought it was funny!
Saiyanprincess3399: *is yelling* IT’S NOT FUNNY! Ok, it WAS romantic! I’ll give you that, but I didn’t like diaper changing part!
Are you kidding? That’s like, the best part!
Saiyanprincess3399: NO ITS NOT!
Whatever. Everyone please review and you will get an Alex covered-in-crap-doll for free!
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Linkin Park journal
A journal about LP. I plan to write updates, fanfiction, and all that other cool stuff about the guys of Linkin Park. Enjoy!
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