*deep sigh* i just read my entire journal... i'm insane... bouncing from topic to topic... it dirves me mad... and then there was one thing i noticed... everyone seems to be interested in my writings, numbering nearly 16 views per entry of the insanity chapters, and then in between the chapters, when i wrote about my life, there was maybe five views or so... maybe less... so... no one cares about my life? or is my writing just that interesting? ...i don't know... *sigh* so... my feeling are nothing new... it looks like i've always been confused, and i seem to be a very very very stupid person... falling for people i should have known i shouldnt' have fallen for... respecting people who did not deserve my respect... pitying people who did not deserve any pity... *sigh* in other words... i'm a fool... you have no idea how terrible i feel right now... i guess i just wish the sky would open up and a scroll would come down with a chourse of angels singing and on that scroll be... the instructions to my life... DA DA DUUUUUUM! *trumpet fanfare of doom* but... life doesn't work that way... so... yeah... i'm off...
IM VERY BISEXUAL Community Member |