It's time to put together all the little gems I bought and received as freebie and show them to you. These arts were done mostly as comissions for a certain Avatar of mine. To make it easier, I'll also show the Ava that was model.
Remembrance Art G-LuLu heart heart heart
Artist: Salice is an Idiot
Avi model:
Art received as FREEBIE:
I put a frame,text and 1 color to it:
Remembrance Art KleinerFisch heart heart
Artist: Suna Megami
Where I got it: Kaleido Hotel
Avi model:
Art received:
Resized for use in signature:
Nobody wants to draw Fatty !? Greyscale art heart
Artist: Suna Megami
Where I got it: Kaleido Hotel
Avi model:
Art received:
Resized and w/o name tag, used as flob:
ChildOfNewDawn Chibi Art heart heart
Artist: LiLiko1
Where I got it: PINK joint art shop
Avi model:
Art received:
Resized, used as flob:
Stitched Doll for ChildOfNewDawn heart
Artist: Pluffers
Where I got it: Stitch
ed Together - Buildable Dolls Shop
Avi model: none
Art received:
Resized, used in signature:
ChildOfNewDawn - The Ace of Spades heart twisted heart
Artist: Hikayuu
Where I got it: Hikayuu's sketcheZ
Avi model:
Art received:
ChildOfNewDawn - Practicing maniac @ work sweatdrop heart
Artist: bloody dream Rose
Where I got it: Bloody Dream Rose's art shop
Avi model:
Art received (resized 75%):
Arts received, but (SORRY!) can't remember details:
KleinerFisch by Lunamoon
KleinerFisch by Little Blonde Riding Hood
ChildOfNewDawn by dogsR2cute
ChildOfNewDawn by Paradoxxxx
........... to be continued ........