I encourage everyone to join!

Welcome to Castle Wulfein!
This Role Play consists of a couple of races.
The three main races are humans, hybrids, and Wulfeins.
We do accept other hybrids but it will depend on the situation.
Please read the storyline and rules for more information.
If you don't read it, you will be lost, like this ---> @_@;
This Role Play consists of a couple of races.
The three main races are humans, hybrids, and Wulfeins.
We do accept other hybrids but it will depend on the situation.
Please read the storyline and rules for more information.
If you don't read it, you will be lost, like this ---> @_@;

Gensekai, one of the largest known planets in the Three Star Galaxy.
It has always revolved around a lot of technology and Earthly-based
lives. Although full of life and many things to do, some people were very
bored with it. They wanted to feel more, physically. The strength, the
power, the domination! A couple of dozen scientist fled Gensekai to
create their own organization in a hidden orbiting moon around the
Galaxy. After many years of extensive research and dedication, they
had found that by combining the DNA of certain animals with those of
humans and altering the genes could actually create one of the most
powerful beings in the universe.
The scientists experimented by combining different animal traits with
those of humans, making hypothesis on which DNA the human body
could adapt more to.
In the end, wolves and foxes seemed to have had a much bigger impact
on the DNA cells than any other type. And so the process began...
After creating many kinds of human/animal hybrids, the scientist decided
to unleash an attack on Gensekai. An attempt to take over their world and
continue the new race they have created.
It has always revolved around a lot of technology and Earthly-based
lives. Although full of life and many things to do, some people were very
bored with it. They wanted to feel more, physically. The strength, the
power, the domination! A couple of dozen scientist fled Gensekai to
create their own organization in a hidden orbiting moon around the
Galaxy. After many years of extensive research and dedication, they
had found that by combining the DNA of certain animals with those of
humans and altering the genes could actually create one of the most
powerful beings in the universe.
The scientists experimented by combining different animal traits with
those of humans, making hypothesis on which DNA the human body
could adapt more to.
In the end, wolves and foxes seemed to have had a much bigger impact
on the DNA cells than any other type. And so the process began...
After creating many kinds of human/animal hybrids, the scientist decided
to unleash an attack on Gensekai. An attempt to take over their world and
continue the new race they have created.
So the war begins...
Little did Gensekai know that there was a moon full of life just around them.
Kinjiru Moon.
The strongest hybrid, Azuki, was sent out to destroy the council of Gensekai.
Evil she was, and more cold hearted than any being known. Her sister, Suki,
had killed Azuki to end the war between both worlds...
Evil she was, and more cold hearted than any being known. Her sister, Suki,
had killed Azuki to end the war between both worlds...
And so the peace began....

100 years after the war, both planets seemed in peace. They both didn't have
contact with each other but they lived peacefully side by side. The population
of Kinjiru Moon grew, creating a new kingdom ran mostly by wolf hybrids.
This kingdom was known as Wulfein. The great Queen Zuki was now in charge,
after being the descendant of the previous reigning queens, one known to be her
mother... Suki.
The peace amongst this kingdom was maintained until a threat arrived from the
large Gensekai.
contact with each other but they lived peacefully side by side. The population
of Kinjiru Moon grew, creating a new kingdom ran mostly by wolf hybrids.
This kingdom was known as Wulfein. The great Queen Zuki was now in charge,
after being the descendant of the previous reigning queens, one known to be her
mother... Suki.
The peace amongst this kingdom was maintained until a threat arrived from the
large Gensekai.
...The evil Queen.
Gensekai was dealing with a new threat aswell.
The Goddess Shilen.
After the war between Gensekai and Kinjiru Moon, some hybrids had fled
the moon or even stayed there to make their lives. Although shun by humans,
they interacted with them under secrecy, hiding their true identity, Many of
them mingled with humans, creating more half breeds with powers... But after
so many years, it started to deteriorate.
Shilen was one of those typical 1/6th breed. Although she had great power, it would
be nothing matched to any of the pure bloods. The deteriorated genes in a mixed human breed after generations starts to fade, and physical appearances would change... Making them look like a regular human. But Shilen... She resembled Azuki's thirst for hunger and power... and so she pursued that same evil path...
She demanded full power of Gensekai, but it was denied to her.
The only other thing she could do was be forceful, using her powers to gain control against the weak humans... And so she did. She destroyed the council and created her own kingdom... But she still wasn't satisfied knowing that she could possibly lose to mere human weapons and other mixed human races...
the moon or even stayed there to make their lives. Although shun by humans,
they interacted with them under secrecy, hiding their true identity, Many of
them mingled with humans, creating more half breeds with powers... But after
so many years, it started to deteriorate.
Shilen was one of those typical 1/6th breed. Although she had great power, it would
be nothing matched to any of the pure bloods. The deteriorated genes in a mixed human breed after generations starts to fade, and physical appearances would change... Making them look like a regular human. But Shilen... She resembled Azuki's thirst for hunger and power... and so she pursued that same evil path...
She demanded full power of Gensekai, but it was denied to her.
The only other thing she could do was be forceful, using her powers to gain control against the weak humans... And so she did. She destroyed the council and created her own kingdom... But she still wasn't satisfied knowing that she could possibly lose to mere human weapons and other mixed human races...
So she commenced the research to find her origin...
She found out about the Forbidden Moon, and of its great powers... She couldn't
resist and she lashed out with threat. She wanted to take their people hostage
and find a way of making her genes as strong as theirs.
Although their physical appearances were much different, she wanted the same
power as they possessed.
resist and she lashed out with threat. She wanted to take their people hostage
and find a way of making her genes as strong as theirs.
Although their physical appearances were much different, she wanted the same
power as they possessed.
So the war continues...
Ruling Queens -
Gensekai - Ruled by the evil Queen Shilen.
Kinjiru Moon - Ruled by Queen Zuki
Races -
Humans -
Can only use weapons (i.e. guns, swords, bows, etc.)
You have no powers whatsoever.
Human/breed mixes -
They have any super natural power, but its weakened over the years.
They also don't resemble animals, only humans. You have a power
limitation (will be discussed in rules.)
Wulfein race -
The half wolf/human race. They have super natural powers and they can have
a weapon that they mix with their powers. (This race needs to be requested and
approved by me. Theres also a requirement, the RPer would need to dress his
character in a Fai coat. Whether its his avatar or in the RP.)
Other race living in Kinjiru Moon -
Fox/humans, they are the last standing strand of the experiment from 100 yrs ago besides the Wulfeins. They are becoming extinct just like the other hybrid races. Either that or they are secretly moving to a new planet they have found.
Positions -
Humans -
* Gensekai civilian (On your own, but somehow in the war.)
* Supporting character (You'll be assisting the queen.)
* Antagonist of your planet (You're against your queen, and is taking
part of the other planet.)
Wulfeins -
* Knight
* Maid (Not necessarily a house cleaner.)
* Antagonist/traitor
* Wulfein civilian (You live in Kinjiru Moon, but you either take no part
or part in the war.)
Mixed breeds -
* Civilian
* Antagonist/traitor
* Queen's loyal servant (whichever queen)
Power Guide
Each Wulfein and most ½ (half) or ¼ (mixed breeds/races) have en elemental power they can control on rare occasions. They have two but that must be requested depending on what race you are. The Elements are listed in their rarity with Darkness being least common and Wind or Wood being most.
Darkness- The absence of light. Allows person bestowed with this power the abilities to cast darkness, literal and figurative. Blind, Silence, Hide, etc.
Light- Opposes Darkness. Allows Person to counter the abilities of Darkness on allies and on self. Restoring, Healing and literal use of Light to dispel darkness.
Earth- Control of Typographical movement. On Rare occasions Earthquakes have been caused by people with this gift but a gift of that strength is rare even among the Wulfeins. Power usually includes telepathic-like control of sand, stone, rock, lava, dirt, or minerals. Enables user to reshape land around them. They also control over Plants. Encourages rapid growth and cause cause plants to act “Alive.”
Fire- Ability to create/control Flame.
Water- Ability to conjure/control Water. Can control Weather when paired with Air Element
Air- Ability to control Winds, necessary for Flight. Can control Weather when paired with Water.
Blizzard - The power to control ice, snow storms, and blizzards. You are able to combine this element with air.
Thunder - Ability to control electricity. You have the power to create thunderstorms and power outages, etc.
Vitality (magic defense)
I don’t think I need to explain these but if I do they will be filled in.
Technopathy- Ability to manipulate technology. a special form of ESP that allows for mental interface with computer data.
Telekinesis- Ability to manipulate and control objects with the mind
Empathy- Ability to read or sense the emotions and/or control the emotions or feelings of others.
Precognition- Ability to perceive the future. It may be expressed in vague dreams while asleep, other times it can be clear and can occur at will. It may also be used as a form of "Danger sense" to show the user that they are being threatened and from what direction it is coming from.
Telepathy- Ability to read the thoughts of, or to mentally communicate with others.
Teleportatio- Ability to move from one place to another without occupying the space in between.
Illusion- Ability to alter or deceive the perceptions of another.

The good ol' common Gaian rules!
As stated by the Gaia rules dept., these following rules must not be broken. biggrin
As stated by the Gaia rules dept., these following rules must not be broken. biggrin
Romance -
* No grabbing/touching of private areas, fondling
* No sexual encounters, also known as cybering
* No inappropriate, sexually-explicit dialogue, "talking dirty"
* No nudity, a character stripping or being stripped in detail, or for acts of seduction
Fighting and Violence
Many roleplayers enjoy a good fight now and again, but please use your discretion when depicting violence. A general portrayal of violence is allowed; this includes bloodshed, slicing, killing, beating, and other general actions. However, extremely graphic depictions of violence are not permitted. Going into explicit details down to the last organ hitting the floor is considered inappropriate and may result in a warning for graphic content.
God modding -
There is to be no "*Kicks you in the face and you die.* kind of writing.
I do not want to see someone somehow overpower the other character without
a mutual agreement between both on the scene. You god mod, you OUT.
"Keep it literate" -
I think us readers would like to be able to read a sentence without running out of breath.
"so she grabed him and lyk hit him in da face and thru him onto da wall and hit him wit hur fist and then grabd his ankle and bit it and then said you stupid for making a stupid mistake for being so stupid buz u r stupid you stupid"
See that? That is an example of what we DO NOT WANT.
I don't want to see "txt tlk" or running sentences. Please use punctuations
and ending marks. Use what your teachers taught you!
Also, there is a FIVE SENTENCES requirement for this RP. You can't write
below that. I know there will be some times where you don't have much to say, so its accepted once in a while, but not often. I don't want to see this happening so much or... GOODBYE! biggrin
Talking OOC -
Please don't do this frequently. Don't have a freaking conversation in the middle of this RP, do that in a PM or something. If you need to ask something or say something rather important, then you may post in ((OOC)) brackets after your post. But don't post just OOC, you'll ned to have an actual RP reply.
Character Profiles and what not -
You'll obviously need to submit a profile to me through the PM system.
Below you'll fill out a profile description and then PM me with the subject
as "Profile" or something.
Also, you're not allowed to post until your profile is accepted.
Please don't forget to let us know when you're leaving for a long period of
time so we don't make a mistake in the RP and speak to you!
Of course everyone has a power limitation. We can't allow everyone to have
60 different powers! @_@;;
The power limitation system may seem a little complicated at first, but its quite easy to understand. So please read carefully:
Pure humans -
They obviously don't have powers. They should be very skilled at wielding weapons and what not, so it shouldn't be a problem.
Mixed breeds - Due to the fact that they are mixed breeds, their power limitation
is cut. So that means, they can only have 3 main powers. (ex: Teleporting, mind control, telekineses.)
Wulfeins - They have full power. They can have up to five different powers.
Although it seems unfair, it doesn't mean they are ALL strong. wink
Just to ensure that everything should go in order and no god modding is happening, you'll need to roll a dice of 4 4-sided. The highest number rolled in a battle will win that hit, shot, or whatever.
*Throws a punch at his face* (*You roll the dice. If its above 10, it hits, if its below, it misses.)
Account name:
Character name:
Appearence: (Pic would be nice.)
Bio: (Background, etc.)
Disclaimer: By you submitting this form to me, you agree to release all rights used
in this RP by you for the use of our manga in the future. Any ideas, actions, character descriptions and even name(s) used in this RP may be used in our manga in the future.
Activity -
If you're inactive, you'll be removed.
- Accepted profiles *banner*
Here are the lucky contenders for this RP! Post away!