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View User's Journal

Ekimals' Journal
Yeah... Random things. Probably won't put much in here anymore...
1. Who are you?-
2. Are we friends?-
3. More than friends?-
4. What are your hobbies?-
5. Where are you from?-
6. What other languages can you speak?-
7. Favorite type of music?-
8. Describe me in one word.-
9. Is there something you want to tell me, but can't?-
10. What do you like best about me?-
11. Pick one emoticon for me.-
12. Whats one thing you like about yourself?-
13. One thing you hate about yourself?-
14. One think you like about me?-
15. One thing you hate about me?-
16. Who's your favorite person?-
17. Would you kiss me?-
18. Would you tell me that you loved me?-
19. Would you have sex with me?-
20. Would you marry me?-
21. Drive half-way across the country to see me?-
22. Do something to harm me?-
23. Whats your favorite anime?-
24. Favorite color?-
25. Favorite food?-
26. Favorite place to visit?-
27. Favorite place to go for solitude?-
28. If you could be anywhere right now, where would you be?-
29. Will you put this in your journal to see what I have to say about you-

User Comments: [5]
Summer Tea Grove
Community Member

Sat Sep 20, 2008 @ 03:16am

1. Who are you?- This is ICCHAN!
2. Are we friends?- Yes.
3. More than friends?- Right now, no. Besides you're taken biggrin
4. What are your hobbies?- Music, food, reading, dancing, food...
5. Where are you from?- Where you are from.
6. What other languages can you speak?- I speak fluent blonde.
7. Favorite type of music?- All! Except rap. xp
8. Describe me in one word.- sincere
9. Is there something you want to tell me, but can't?- I don't think so.
10. What do you like best about me?- You're always the clam one.
11. Pick one emoticon for me.- ninja Everyone wants to be a ninja, duh.
12. Whats one thing you like about yourself?- My eyes.
13. One thing you hate about yourself?- Ugh, the fact that I breakout all the time xp
14. One think you like about me?- I'm pretty sure I answered this one 3nodding
15. One thing you hate about me?- Hate is a strong word, I wish we counld hang out more though.
16. Who's your favorite person?- Jesse!
17. Would you kiss me?- Sure.
18. Would you tell me that you loved me?- Yup. I heart you. See?
19. Would you have sex with me?- Maybe... ninja
20. Would you marry me?- Umm... I think I said I would marry Jesse first, sorry.
21. Drive half-way across the country to see me?- Yes.
22. Do something to harm me?- Never!
23. Whats your favorite anime?- Currently, Vampire Knight.
24. Favorite color?- Red & Blue (ok so it's two, but they're a tie)
25. Favorite food?- Food!
26. Favorite place to visit?- So many places... somewhere with food.
27. Favorite place to go for solitude?- Outside on a secluded hill.
28. If you could be anywhere right now, where would you be?- Home.
29. Will you put this in your journal to see what I have to say about you?- Already did!

Callieco Kat
Community Member

Sat Sep 20, 2008 @ 04:01am

1. Who are you?- Kat desu.
2. Are we friends?- Hai.
3. More than friends?- I don't think so. Sorry. sweatdrop
4. What are your hobbies?- Drawing, writing fiction stories.
5. Where are you from?- Originally? Fort Worth.
6. What other languages can you speak?- A little Spanish. A little more Japanese.
7. Favorite type of music?- TECHNO!!! I heart it!
8. Describe me in one word.- Loyal.
9. Is there something you want to tell me, but can't?- ...Mebe. ninja
10. What do you like best about me?- Your eyes. I like the color. ^^
11. Pick one emoticon for me.- mrgreen
12. Whats one thing you like about yourself?- ...Heeeeeeeeeeee. I guess my nails.
13. One thing you hate about yourself?- I'm short. Need I say more?
14. One think you like about me?- Your always there when we need you.
15. One thing you hate about me?- Your tall. crying
16. Who's your favorite person?- Joshie!
17. Would you kiss me?- Sure.
18. Would you tell me that you loved me?- Well I'm filling out this survey aren't I? biggrin
19. Would you have sex with me?- ...Uhm... Well it all depends on the situation really. sweatdrop
20. Would you marry me?- Sorry that spot's already been filled.
21. Drive half-way across the country to see me?- Of course.
22. Do something to harm me?- Never!
23. Whats your favorite anime?- Digimon.
24. Favorite color?- Purple.
25. Favorite food?- Spaghetti O's with Franks.
26. Favorite place to visit?-
27. Favorite place to go for solitude?- Library.
28. If you could be anywhere right now, where would you be?- Bowling Green.
29. Will you put this in your journal to see what I have to say about you- I suppose.

Community Member

Sat Sep 20, 2008 @ 05:41am

1. Who are you?- Atari-555, the flame headed centaur-unicorn.
2. Are we friends?- Duh.
3. More than friends?- Once. You never called.
4. What are your hobbies?- RPING. Lol. Writing and drawing.
5. Where are you from?- Flroida
6. What other languages can you speak?- Chinese, Italian, Pig Latin and Jesselololica.
7. Favorite type of music?- Old School Swing, Jazz and Classical.
8. Describe me in one word.- Wall. You know I luff you.
9. Is there something you want to tell me, but can't?- Nah. You know everything. Mostly. Lol.
10. What do you like best about me?- Your hair.
11. Pick one emoticon for me.- domokun
12. Whats one thing you like about yourself?- My personality.
13. One thing you hate about yourself?- My looks and innabilty to get a guy.
14. One think you like about me?- Your hair.
15. One thing you hate about me?- Um... Your posting blues.
16. Who's your favorite person?- Katheryn. DUH.
17. Would you kiss me?- Um... Maybe? I'd have to be drunk or threatened...
18. Would you tell me that you loved me?- I don't love you, I LUFF you.
19. Would you have sex with me?- Umm.... I'd have to be REALLY drunk. Lol. Joking.
20. Would you marry me?- Um... I dunno.
21. Drive half-way across the country to see me?- If I had a car.
22. Do something to harm me?- Well... I did punch you once...
23. Whats your favorite anime?- Witch Hunter Robin
24. Favorite color?- Brown
25. Favorite food?-Cucumber
26. Favorite place to visit?- Beach
27. Favorite place to go for solitude?- Shower
28. If you could be anywhere right now, where would you be?- China
29. Will you put this in your journal to see what I have to say about you- You stole it from me.

Community Member

Sat Sep 20, 2008 @ 06:39am

1. Who are you?-
I am the Supreme Queen of Everything
2. Are we friends?-
You're a full time friend
3. More than friends?-
And a part time lover [removed]emoticon(' 4laugh ')
4. What are your hobbies?-
Scholarship searching lol
5. Where are you from?-
6. What other languages can you speak?-
7. Favorite type of music?-
Rock n' Roll
8. Describe me in one word.-
9. Is there something you want to tell me, but can't?-
10. What do you like best about me?-
your youness
11. Pick one emoticon for me.-
[removed]emoticon(' domokun ')
12. Whats one thing you like about yourself?-
I rule the world
13. One thing you hate about yourself?-
can't keep a promise to myself
14. One think you like about me?-
You're faithful
15. One thing you hate about me?-
you're to perfect! lol
16. Who's your favorite person?-
17. Would you kiss me?-
18. Would you tell me that you loved me?-
I love you!
19. Would you have sex with me?-
mebbe :[removed]emoticon(' whee ')
20. Would you marry me?-
yes [removed]emoticon(' biggrin ')
21. Drive half-way across the country to see me?-
22. Do something to harm me?-
only for play
23. Whats your favorite anime?-
Love Hina!
24. Favorite color?-
Glory Red
25. Favorite food?-
the yummy ones
26. Favorite place to visit?-
the north Pacific
27. Favorite place to go for solitude?-
Under the juniper tree
28. If you could be anywhere right now, where would you be?-
with you
29. Will you put this in your journal to see what I have to say about you-


Xena the Sorceress
Community Member

Wed Feb 18, 2009 @ 09:26pm

1. Who are you?-Xena.
2. Are we friends?-You tell me.
3. More than friends?-No.
4. What are your hobbies?-Role Playing, stabbing Jules, playing my 360, drowning Jules, Star Craft, casuing Jules large amounts of pain, reading.
5. Where are you from?-Utah.
6. What other languages can you speak?-Learning Spanish.
7. Favorite type of music?-Funny, humorous.
8. Describe me in one word.-Original.
9. Is there something you want to tell me, but can't?-If I had something to tell you, I would write it onto a fish and slap you with it. Speaking of which, *Smacks you with 'shut up' fish*
10. What do you like best about me?-You seem to have something many people lack. A brain.
11. Pick one emoticon for me.-I don't use those. I have no idea.
12. Whats one thing you like about yourself?-Nothing. I am a horrible, horrible person.
13. One thing you dislike about yourself?-Goodness that is hard to pick...
14. One think you like about me?-I have not known you very long. I can't say much. But again, you have a brain. Very rare.
15. One thing you dislike about me?-Nothing. Nothing yet anyway.
16. Who's your favorite person?-...James Earl Jones? Or Pain...
17. Would you kiss me?-No.
18. Would you tell me that you loved me?-No.
19. Would you have se.x with me?-Good crap no!
20. Would you marry me?-No.
21. Drive half-way across the country to see me?-With today's gas prices?
22. Do something to harm me?-Eh, for how much?
23. Whats your favorite ani me?-Guah...I don't watch that many...DBZ? Lucky Star or Rozen Maiden...Not sure...
24. Favorite color?-Purple.
25. Favorite food?-Stroganoff.
26. Favorite place to visit?-My home.
27. Favorite place to go for solitude?-My room.
28. If you could be anywhere right now, where would you be?-The Pie.
29. Will you put this in your journal to see what I have to say about you- I would, but my journal is dedicated to Marcus...which I need to work on...though do somewhat enjoy getting these and wouldn't mind it being sent to me in a Private Message.

User Comments: [5]
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