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Stuff...do I really have to give this thing a name??
my stuff? and thoughts...I guess lol
Emotions are funny. Funny in a way that they don't really make sense. Take love for example. Sure, everyone knows that love is a fickle thing, blah, blah. *sigh* sometimes I regret loving someone...it seems all I'm good for is rebound...oh, yeah...LOVELY...

*sigh* but I can't help myself sometimes, I guess...I think I just need it..like a life blood, I suppose. In any case, I guess I have to admit to loving this person...and knowing this person is upset or angry hurts me...All I want is for him to be happy...even if it's not with me. Corny-much, but true. I should have said something. I should have admitted it. But I didn't. In a sense, it feels like I failed him.

Love is a funny thing. Especially when combined with fear...

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