i was in towns for my (last ) time cuz i was going to quit gaia cuz well it was getting boring =/ then i went to towns cuz the topic said " Bored? come here" su like an idoit i did =D and well it was one of those sticky things where everyone is in the same place =/ i though if i went <---- that way it might stop... then i went to 1066 it was the same ]:
i dunno why i decided to stay i usually left those things well demon was goiving out free hug and i never or try not to turn down a hug he said
" press 147 for a free hug" and i thought eh wat the hell i might as well im bored and then after like probably 15 minutes or longer the lag stopped and only a few people were left it was quiet so i said
".......we surrvived the lag ._. " then i don't remeber wat me and demon were talking about -w- then he said he had to go and that if i wanted to come back here anytime i wanted too. >.> to be honest i wasn't going to come back -w- something inside told me to just show up again and i did =/ i was scared that every time i went to towns i was hiding in the trees -w- i seriously was half the time then i forgot who started talking to me =/ i have a bad memory but if it wasn't for Demon then i would've never be at 1066 and i would never even be here right now writing this ._. id be watching anime or family guy or drawing or possible doing my homework >.>""
well as time went on i got to kno most of all the people in 1066 X3 im glad i did cuz when i get bored or mad at school i can think that " YAY I GET TO GO ON GAIA AND TALKEE TO EVERYONE =DD" and that makes me happy i get sad when i get home late and don't talk to you guys ; ~ ;
yeah well i'll put up some screen shots of Demon i've collected though
out all the time i've known him (and to when i knew how to take screen shots)