G i B B O U S.M O O N.C A F E.&.i N N
At first appearance a quaint cafe with warm inviting windows and a pleasant atmosphere. On further inspection it seems that an inn lies behind the Cafe - connected.
Inside, a red rug covers oak wood floors. A counter lies not far back from the door, it has jars full of cookies and muffins. A warm smell is coming from behind a closed door, beyond which is a hall. the smell leads to the kitchen, but in the hall is a staircase.
The staircase leads to the Inn part. It is dusty and rather old smelling, and pictures of a gibbous moon - and some of a small black cat or an old lady watch from the hallway. the hall is dotted with doors, and at the end two stairways - one going up, one going down. The one going down is covered with cobwebs and dust, it practically forbids you to go down it.
The one going up leads to another floor full of doors, and a large bathroom at the end. The bathroom is a very nice one, for use for special occasions or other things; as there are small bathrooms in each room. It has a big bath-tub, smaller than a swimming pool yet bigger than a normal tub with a nice looking faucet. A sink is on the other end, and a whole wall is occupied by a large ornate looking mirror.
The inn was recently bought by a Ms. Taevitt. It was shut down long ago and nearly burned, now it seems it is. . . Haunted.
T H E.R U l E S
o - No heavy swearing in the Cafe
o - Please avoid fights/loud arguments in the Cafe
o - No male sneaking into female bathroom or vice versa, please! It is just a place to take a bath that has seperate stalls and stuff because the rooms are too small -_- If you decide you want to be a weirdo and do that, then please take it to PMs.
o - Follow all Gaia Rules
o - To apply for a job PM Taevitt with application (listed in next post)
o - No l33t-sp34k unless it is jokingly, please.
o - No talking in all chat-speak, please! Occasoinally is okay - but please, not all the time!
o - Any rules may be added / dropped at any time without any warning.
T H E.j O B S
Room Servie People:
People Who Do Other Stuff:
Application Form:
Job wanted:
Username: Taevitt
Nickname: Zellish
Availibility: One hour a day on weekdays, one to four hours a day on weekends
Job wanted: Owner
If you have a job I'd love it if you showed up for work at least twice a month. If for any reason you have to go away - please post it or PM me!
NOTE: I will only choose the Co-owner when I am ready, and it will not be some random person who asked for it.
T H E.C A F E.&.i N N
Going into the basement is fine - If you don't get caught. But going in when no one else is around is just cheating.
If you would like to get a room please just ask any of the following:
Owner, Co-Owner, Cashier, or People who do other stuff. If no one is availible, then just wait or ask a waiter/waitress or anyone else who is a staff.
Yes, the Inn is haunted - Feel free to Roleplay a ghost, spirit or other entity.

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T H E.R E S E R v E D.S P o T