luffed list (3k+ or wishlist item C: ) (updated daily all goes to journal
The_RanDom_RainBow - Thistle Blouse heart The Little Reaper - Thistle Blouse+Blue Ribbon Skirt+Solar hairpin+6.1k+stuff adding up to 2k burning_eyes Badass Muffin - Soft Ivory Hoodie heart Sassy_bicthm - Magenta Flow Gown eek Miike Dangers - Solar and Lunar hairpin (trade back)+3k+stuff that adds up to about 4k? mrgreen cute for ever and ever - Angelic mood bubble (trade back) heart irockalot123 - Bun-Bun Plushie+2000+grace of Aphrodite +The Lusty Scoundrel and stuff adding up to 4-5k (gift back) then Outlaw wolf puppy+grace of Aphrodite ~ burning_eyes RawR Its Fanny - Navy Black Checkered Hoodie+2k eek Allie Jane - Black Checkered shirt and jacket ~ heart lynleigh omgstfu - 3k ~ heart skymera - Pearl+Sky+Lime Sparkle Empire Dress+1032g ~ mrgreen Badass Muffin - Lilac Sparkle Empire Dress ~ heart The_RanDom_RainBow - Lemon Sparkle Empire Dress ~ heart FallenNymph - Marmalade Sparkle Empire Dress ~ heart Gabrielle Lioncourt - Valiant Knight+Immaculate Bishop+Angelic Earmuffs+2.1k ~ burning_eyes Hawaii2K - about 5k+War of the Warlords+ Dashing Gentlemen Ruby Vest+Orange Torque Shades ~ burning_eyes tacos rule2 - puppy ears+Toothy ~ heart FruitsBasket_Furuba - 3k ~ heart The_Saint_Joan - 10k ~ mrgreen tsubasa_dreamer - deluxe cat ears ~ eek cute for ever and ever - 6 items off my dream aiv+stuff adding up to 5k~ mrgreen Asshwinder - Aquamarine sash (random) ~ heart Kaori Fallen Angel - 3 items off my b-day aiv (random) ~ mrgreen TrulyUnique - Iced sugarplum puffed sleeves (random) ~ heart FruitsBasket_Furuba - 20k pure ~ burning_eyes