A small guide to making an OC
OC can be anything really, it can be a version of you or a character to a story your writing. I think most girls design their character off of what they think the ideal beauty is, while males tend to go by the strongest, best looking character.
There isnt really a form to go by, but somethings you may want to think about are: Hair color and length (long, short, wavy, in a pony tale), personality (innocent, bitchy, childish), eye color, skin color, eye shape, body type, what type of clothes your character prefers. Distinguishing marks, does your character have any scars, piercings, or tattoos?
A lot of people also use their favorite anime characters to help design their OC, which is okay too. My OC has taken me 6 years to get right, and even now I'll probably change her a little bit, my first OC design was based off of a few sailor moon characters (I did this drawing of her in ms paint when I was 15)

then it moved to something similar to Lacus Clyne from gundam seed.

Which now in turn I've come up with my own style.
For a reference Image, I suggest writing a really detailed description (even personality) of what you want your character to look like, then after you have a few pictures, choose the one you like best and use it as a reference, or you could draw it on your own, you don't have to be a great artist to get your point across of what you want. Like this for example it's not DaVinci's art, but it definitely gets the point across. You can also try tektek to make a reference, but I don't suggest you use it as a long time reference. A lot of artists don't care for it, however, some artist require it. I made a tektek of my oc, but I had to edit it abit because gaia doesn't have my OCs hair style.
I got this

I hope that helped :] let me know if you have anymore questions