heart Hiya peoples! heart
Today was my first day back at school as a year 10! It's been good so far but it's still early days-u never know what might happen! wink
My mate thinks she made the wrong choice in taking ICT this year. To be honest I don't know why she chose it in the first place-it involves a lot of coursework and ability to understand the world of ICT eek No affence to her but I don't think she would be able to cope with all the knowledge you need to gain in the course! But you never know-she may grow to like it... rolleyes lol!
Today was really funny. Eleanor and I meet at the bus stop (as usual) and then as soon as the bus came I suddenly relised something and blurted out "OH NO! I FORGOT MY LUNCH!" and she said "NOW YOU REMEMBER!" lmao blaugh lol blaugh Ah...good times! Oh yeh...and then when we were on the bus, we were talking about how I'd forgotten my lunch and suddenly the bus made an emergancy stop and we just fell forward! When we got back up Eleanor was just like "What the?" and I just raised my arm and yelled "THE ADVENTURE STARTS HERE!"
Oh I love our mini bus adventures!
We'll that was my day. Please comment back as I love to know what you think of my entries!
Cya later! heart
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My random moments!
Hello-this is my amazing journal. Okay, so it's not all that amazing but it's a journal. It will include stuff like my day so far, my feelings at the time, funny moments, and a whole lot more random, crazy stuff!
Hope you enjoy it!
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