The Ozone Assassin
Arent I Charming?

Nick Name-- Kano
Age-- 18
Eye Color-- They're brown, but he likes to wear ice blue contacts in.
Hair Color-- For now it's dark brown
Special Ability-- Unless you count singing...then, well... Null and void.
Subject Taught/Favorite Subject-- Choir
Biography-- As a child, his parents were constantly pressuring him to do his best. what parent wouldn't? well his did and they went over board. They were always making him do as many extra after school sports and activities. Out of all of them he probably one liked one. that was choir. He enjoyed singing, one cause he was good at it, and two he was constantly writing his owns songs. After a couple of more years of after school torture he called it, he finally told his parents to stop. they were appalled that he didn't like doing those activities, but if they noticed he was laughing and looking like he was enjoying it instead of worrying about their image among the other parents.
After that, in his first year of high school he had fallen under the thing they called peer pressure. He then developed an addiction to smoking. He had tried to quit but his attempts were futile. He used them as a stress reliever seeing that his parents still had remained a little ignorant to his wants. They had reduced the number of activities but none the less gave him the pressure to do his best no matter what just so they could look good. shouldn't they have cared more about him than themselves? Anyway, ever since freshman year, he had seeked a way out of their grasps. Heaven had complied with his wishes as he read an invitation to the Deviant Academy. Sure he still smokes, but not as much. Probably four a day at most, they were spread out of course.
Personality-- The Junior's personality is somewhat.. how to put it, cold? He rarely talks and is normally the kid who could care less about the events around him, scowling at everyone. the only time that cold outer shell breaks is when he's singing. It's not angelic, but it is very good. His note range was very big. He could sing really low and a few octaves higher than that.
Father-- Taro Takahashi-- [42]
Mother-- Minako Takahashi-- [40]
Brothers and Sisters-- He was an only child, thus why his parents were so harsh.
Extra-- None
•Extra Information•
+ Smoking
+Messing with his hairstyles
+Sour candies
+Taking pictures of himself
+Vampire Books
x- His parents
x- Studying
x- Rap
x- Sweet foods
x- People who annoy him
x- Know it all's
Other-- He can also play the guitar.
••J a c k•R a f a e l•M i c h a e l s••
The Ozone Assassin
As days go by, I wonder

Nick Name-- Jake
Age-- 17
Eye Color-- Icy Blue
Hair Color-- Black and Purple Streaks [dye]
Special Ability-- Control electricity? I don't know how to actually work it yet, I just accidentally make electronic stuff go out every now and again.
Subject Taught/Favorite Subject-- Graphic Design
Biography--Not to be some sob story emo kid or anything, but, I was raised in an orphanage. No, my parents from what I knew weren't dead, they just couldn't afford me at like age four? I don't have actual memories of them so I don't care really about them. I spent about 10 years in that place, had a good number of friends there. Sure once he was adopted he would have to leave them behind, but there were other fish in the sea. no that doesn't mean he doesn't actually put value on friendship, he just knew he would have to say bye to those guys sooner or later.
At the age of fourteen, that day finally came. There in the doorway of the meeting room stood my parents, Mr. and Mrs. Michaels. I wasn't too talkative to the two at first, but as the months went by I eventually warmed up to them. They were nice people actually, not one of those rich couples, just your average people who actually had to work for money. The had received a letter when Jack was the age of 15, it was addressed to him of course. What he read was the invitation to the Academy. They knew about his, ability, and when they too read the invitation they thought it was best for him. they weer originally homeschooling him so he wouldn't have to worry about being called a freak cause they knew just how mean children could actually be, having experienced school themselves. Well, that's how Jack ended up here, he has been there for a year already, now in his Sophmore year..
Personality-- Jacks personality is pretty simple. He is the freely moving kind of guy. Despite his go-with-the-flow attitude, he dislikes the richer kids at the school. why? Because they tend to not appreciate the smaller things in life. He, since growing up in an orphanage, had to be grateful for what he had, no matter how much or little it was. When he's not being carefree, he's being kind and somewhat humorous, and likes to try and cheer people up if they're down in the dumps.
Father-- Sebastian Michaels
Mother-- Elizabeth Michaels
Brothers and Sisters-- N/A
•Extra Information•
- Sweets
-Chatting Online
-Hanging out with Friends
-Japanese Music [even though he can hardly understand it]
-Moronic people
-Getting Bad Grades
-The Orphanage
-People who ask too many questions
-Preppy people
-Teachers who literally breathe down your neck if you're working