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It's just a few musings. Some notes.
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The Name Tag

× » as it is written :: Mischa Aernorah
× » on your lips :: Mom, Ms. Mischa, Mimi
× » one of many :: Harpy
× » the setting sun :: 22
× » the package reads :: Female
× » assembly required :: Heterosexual

c h i l d i s h - t e m p e r m e n t a l - p r o t e c t i v e - f i e r y - s t u b b o r n
[Hidden Mischa] [Young Mischa]

The Cover Reads

× » camera can't catch me :: Mischa
× » second best thing :: Mischa is what she would describe as "pretty damn sexy". The young harpy woman is tall and curvy, standing at 5'7" with a slender, lithe frame that is as light as a feather. Her pride and joy when it comes to her appearance are her large emerald green wings that extend from the middle of her shoulder blades. When in the best condition, they seem to shimmer with the colors of the rainbow. Her beautiful wings are the same color as her feather-like hair, styled in layers and long braids accented with gold beads cascading down to her ankles. There is, however, a few spots of her green hair that are white, the most apparent one being on the side of her head near her eye. Mischa's hawk-like eyes are a hazel color, complimenting her fair skin. Around her neck is a tuft of feathers that ends at the cleavage of her breasts. Attached to her spine are three, green peacock-like feathers with blue "eyes" at the tips that extend past her feet and drag along the ground when she's walking. Closer to her spine there are short down-like green feathers.

Because of her animal-like roots, Mischa prefers to be as natural as possible when it comes to clothing. In other words, naked. But she understands that everyone else prefers to see her with clothes on. So she wears light, simple clothing that are a bit revealing for both comfort and ease of flight and movement. Her favorite outfit is one she had sewn herself back in her homelands. It consists of a brown bikini-like top with gold embroidery around the edges and straps and a tan loin-cloth like skirt with similar gold stitchings. A gold belt right below her belly button holds her skirt on since the splits on the side end underneath of it on her hips. Around her head is a purple scarf that she got from her grandmother as a birthday gift and a mask symbolizing her inner-bird, something most people of her family carry with them at all times.

Though her hands and feet are very human like, they have sharp bird-like talons where a human's nails would be. She takes good care of them, along with her wings, and can often be seen stylizing them much like one would get a pedicure or manicure. They are black in color.

Subconscious Stories

× » memories best forgotten :: Mischa grew up in the rolling sea-side hills of West Eden. Her tribe, the Aernorah, lived a tribal-like lifestyle, staying far away from "civilization" as they could. The Aernorah family in particular were very distrusting of humans in particular. They hated the way they were treated as second class citizens and constantly pushed out of their homes by the expanding human cities. Mischa was a rare little girl; she had no problem with humans but disliked the way the world was becoming. She was an idealistic dreamer...her father called her a fool but her grandmother called her faithful. Her mother had no real feelings toward her daughter's aspirations and hopes and simply decided to see where her little daughter would go and support her either way. Mischa's family life and childhood was perfect, though her relationship with her father was often strained because of their different ideals. When the skies were clear and the wind was gentle, her and her friends would often soar through the skies near the sea, going fishing, and taking a swim at nearby beaches. Sometimes they'd go to human beaches to frighten them a bit (definitely didn't help race relations much). One day when Mischa was about twelve years old, her harpy tribe was once again forced out of their home and her father had enough. He and a few others from the tribe attacked the humans in protest. They couldn't stand the idea of moving once again; they had finally settled down in the perfect area with a high lookout right next to the sea. They were just humans! What were their right when the harpy race had been here for centuries before them!? Unfortunately, the humans won. The harpies "primitive" weapons and battle techniques was no match for the humans'. Her and her mother and grandmother watched as one of the men came to them with his mask covered in blood. It was a sorrowful day for the tribe as they moved once again. And Mischa wouldn't have it...she knew something had to be done before this happened again.

For a few years afterwards, Mischa spied on cities across the land for her family, telling them the current events of their world. Especially the main city, Crown City. She found out about the usurped throne of the King of Eden and how a ruthless officer took it. This was why so many treaties and agreements between the human residents and the Aernorah family were being broken. On one mission to gather information when she was seventeen, Mischa was kidnapped by a slave trader. Harpies were especially good for working on fishing ships, being able to sense bad weather over the sea and being able to spread nets over a wide area. Apparently, someone had spotted her around the city and set a trap for her. Unsuspecting, she was caught by a net and thrown in a cage. Her mother searched high and low for her daughter that day, shrieking and straining her beautiful voice until there was nothing left. She never found her daughter that day and also lost her voice forever.

Mischa spent the next year working as a slave on a fishing ship. She hated it. She was kept under the deck in a cage where she couldn't see the sea or the sky. Confined in such a closed space, she quickly lost hope and her health deteriorated. They first collared her to make sure she could escape and used her to spread the nets, but as she got sicker, she found it harder to fly or do much of anything. So she was used much like a mine canary to sense the weather and the air currents and tell them if there would be good sailing that day. One day a year later, a kind worker on the ship saw her and felt horrible guilt for what they were doing to her. He never knew she was kept in such terrible conditions. For months, he plotted her escape until finally he broke her out and ran into the forests of the south. In his little retreat, the man nursed her back to health until she could fly again. Mischa had a newfound hope and respect for the human race and knew that one day they could all live in harmony. With this little beacon of light, the young harpy flew away forever indebted to the man who saved her life and went back to the last place her family was. Remarkably, they were still there. Everyone was ecstatic to see her, though she was saddened by her mother's muteness. For the two years, she spent every day appreciating her family, friends, and the sky even more than she usually do.

One day, a young informant (who had replaced her as their spy when she was kidnapped) told the family of a new resistance growing in the south. Mischa instinctly knew that she had to be a part of this for her family's sake. She knew they were due to be moved again soon, and there was very little good places left to go. So she took it upon herself to fly to the south and join the new rebels, Ad Libitum. Upon joining, after a while she found herself taking care of the orphans more and taking to the field less. Though she yearns to go back out into the field, she does love the children. Leaving her family left her feeling a bit lonely, being the social creature she is, and the children became surrogates to her. She loves their companionship, but wishes for more action from time to time. Because of this, she often takes them out on small, sometimes dangerous, adventures to keep both herself and them entertained.

× » the reaction to your action :: Mischa doesn't make a very good mother...she's too playful and fun-loving to be a mother. She like one of the kids herself! Even though she's seen and been through some terrible things, she managed to retain a childish innocence about her that the children adore. She's not the type of person to let a few setbacks in her life bring her down; angst is waste, that's her motto. Her mother always taught her to leave the past behind her and let things go because they believe holding on to pain kills you from the inside out. So Mischa never holds a grudge, though she'll gladly exact some fun and spiteful revenge as payback; just to let people know she's no pushover.

Flirty and free, Mischa is a mischievous little devil and sometimes seems to not only instigate fights but start them, even if she's the one that's fighting. But its because she's bored and needs to be entertained, not because she dislikes anyone. In fact, she has very little hatred in her heart and is willing to give anyone a chance. Despite her apparent immaturity, the children have the utmost respect for her...or maybe its fear for her fiery temper. The harpy woman is quick to anger and can seem almost beastly in her rage. She's working on it though, knowing that anger isn't a good way to solve any problems. Even so Mischa is about as stubborn as a mule and can be unyielding and even bratty. She's quick to put on the pouty face and storm off into a corner when she can't get what she wants...only to return and try again. And again. It can be annoying to some of the more mature members of Ad Libitum, but she knows they know they love her.

While she maintains her kiddie attitude, Mischa is prim and proper, loving to take good care of herself and not wanting to get too dirty. In her free time, she can usually be found grooming her feathers and claws and taking baths. To put it frankly, the girl is vain. She's proud of her body and appearance and believes she the epitome of grace and beauty. Mischa teaches her kiddies that confidence and high self esteem are important in getting by in a cruel world and encourages them daily. And of course, she has to set the best example possible; practice what you preach.

× » to get on my good side ::
~Jewelry and gold, anything shiny. She loves to treasure hunt and pick up little trinkets from around the country. They can be found stashed in her room, shined and sparkly.
~Birds. Mischa is an avid bird watcher; she thinks of it as studying her ancestry almost. Her favorite birds are birds of prey like eagles and falcons.
~Sweets and all sorts of sugary things. Its her weakness. If you wave a chocolate pastry in her face, you could get the little birdy to do whatever you want.
~Playing (games, practical jokes, adventures, etc.). She'll always be a kid at heart and is often the ringleader in the orphaned kids antics.
~Flying the skies, after all, its part of her nature. There's nothing she loves more than to soar through the skies and see the land beneath her.
~Sight and smell of the ocean, it reminds her of home, which she sorely misses.
~Fish (chocolate covered fishies anyone?). Fishing was one of her favorite pastimes and her grandmother's broiled salmon was her favorite meal.

× » guilty pleasure ::
~Insects, especially spiders, make a good snack. She hates to admit it in front of her fellow Ad Libitum members 'cause...its kinda gross.
~Flirting, though she's very rarely serious about it. She just loves the attention.
~Looking at men's chests, its her favorite part of the opposite sex's body.
~The dark. Her kids mostly hate it, but she loves to relax in the pitch black.
~Fighting and arguing is her twisted way of bringing a little spark into everyone's lives. In her mind, a good debate livens up the day.
~Singing, even though she tries to act tough, she can't deny her nature. Harpies in mythology are related to sirens and are said to have a beautiful singing voice. Mischa's no different. In the dark of the night, she sings to the skies and to her home.

× » hatred budding ::
~Rain...rain usually means thunder and she despises storms. Plus it gets her wings and feathers sticky wet...
~Cats, a bird's worst enemy. She hates those terrible things! Though they can be pretty cute.
~Tomatoes, the most disgusting fruit vegetable thing in the world. Or at least in Mischa's mind. She can't stand the taste and just the sight of tomatoes makes her nauseous.
~Being bored and standing still too long, she gets irritable and restless.
~Not being around her family. As a harpy, her family and friends are very important to her and she misses being around them. But she realizes she has a duty to fulfill with Ad Libitum that will help them all in the long run.
~Humans...Mischa is wary of them though she doesn't outright hate them

× » my blood runs cold ::
~Claustrophobia: fear of closed in spaces, a product of slight PTSD
~Lilapsophobia: fear of tornadoes and hurricanes, grandmother told stories of when she almost got blown away during a unpredicted tornado.
~Astraphobia: fear of thunderstorms, a friend got struck by lightning when they were young.

× » say it one last time ::
~"Life is like a twisted game that always cheats. You can't really win, so you might as well have fun with it!"
~"Home is where your heart is, my heart is with the sky."
~"To live and not to breathe is to die in tragedy"

Calling the Shots

× » humming the entire day ::
~Girls Wanna Have Fun - Cyndi Laupher
~Higher - Creed

× » the face in the clouds :: KiMeepKi

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