Those of you that have the "pleasure" of having a younger sibling will appreciate this entry. (This actually happened to me, my nickname is Cy, my little bros is Iggy, I'll use those but make this a either gender seniro(sp?)) So your on the computer working on a report, listening to your iPod while your parents are out shopping, your younger sibling comes in and asks" Hey Cy, can you help me wth something?" So you say "Sure," turn pause your music , minimize your report and bring up their site for game cheats, figuring that was what they wanted. Well then they say "No, can you go to," and you say "Yeah, why?" "Well I want to get this toy, Mom's at Target, so she could get it if I pay her back when she comes home. Will you call her when we find the toy." The plan makes sense, and your sibling is being responsible, yay. So you ask "What toy?" (Let's say if your sibling is a boy it's a wrestling figure, and if your sibling is a girl it's a baby doll) So you search "WWE/Baby" Well you see a set of wrestling figures/ baby dolls you know that your sibling has been looking at buying for a long time. You point it out to them, and they say, "No, not that, look under toys. So you look, you click on the toys, but it moves down to sports, you don't realize this. Your sibling then says, "Try looking in toys." So you say, "Iggy, I just did." Then they yell, "No, you didn't, it moved down to sports!" "You aren't happy with them, but you do what they say, you keep your cool, be a good role model, whatever. One thing shows up, and it's the EXACT same thing that showed up before. They say, "There it is." You then point out that you saw that when you searched All Products. They scream, "JUST CLICK IT ALREADY!" You are not pleased at all, it shows on your face but you keep your mouth shut. They point out a ring/house that the really wanted, you click it, it's on sale for twenty bucks, woo. They then say, "Can you call Mom now?" like nothing ever happened. You aren't pleased with their behavior so you firmly say "No." "Why not?!" "You didn't act very kindly a minute ago." "Give me the phone!" You grudgingly hand it over and decide to tell your Mom when she gets back... your Dad could spend hours in Home Depot, so your Mom well be home long before Dad. You tell her and she STICKS UP FOR THE LITTLE TWERP LIKE HE COULD DO NO HARM!!! I know many people of been in this situation, it annoys the hell oughta me...
![]() Cynical Kawaii Assassin Community Member ![]() |