annoying step-mom
well i finally got around to making an entry about my evil step-mom
the real push i needed to write this was when i was walking around the block with my little sis and my dad (little sis is almost 2 yrs.). my little sis stops and picks every little thing up and shows it to us, leaves, grass, sticks etc. you get the point. well one time she stopped and kinda, not really pushed, (for lack of a better word) i nudged the back of her head with my pointer and middle finger (it's an itachi fan thing) and she started running and fell. personally i think it's good for a baby when they fall and scrape themselves because they get used to it for the future and it gets them immune so certain germs. but my dad's all (in deep voice when girls do the deep voice) "do't push her" and from then on, i basically ignored them untill we got to the front door of our house. and you ask, "what does this have to do your evil step-mom kia?" well the only reason my dad said that is because he's afraid of getting yelled at by his crazy wife. so there you go, only ONE instance of my step-mom being evil
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