So Edgar and Crystal and Hannah got offline :[ And I got lonely. I decided to go exploring....
I'm very small.

Now I'm singing the appropriate song for the occasion.

Then, I decided to try my kung fu out.

I saw Po. He moves!

It kept sending me to the stairs and I didn't wanna go there!

The caption would be worthless here. Picture explains it all. MIDGETS!

This guy kept following me around and asking me to donate. I got so annoyed.

Edgar eventually showed up. He's in his undies. :] lol. That's his butt saying "what?" These people kept following me. They were either lesbos, whores, or that one guy from the picture above. They were acting like gangbangers stepping up to the CAKEasian kid. WELL NO WAY DOUCHBAGS!

After a while, I got annoyed with the cybering whore, the douchbag, Shifu, and the lesbo, so I did my signature phrases.

Then we left. It was amusing.
nangal · Fri Aug 15, 2008 @ 08:06am · 0 Comments |