Okay so, our buddy Edgar got a gaia today. SO WE HAD TO CELEBRATE! :] We played hide and seek, but SOMEONE got all pissed so we gave up on that.[betch]
So this first one is with Jeffery, who had to leave soon after. It was funny though.

Then, we were playing hide and seek [these are after SOMEONE got pissed at us. Betch]

Then, Charlie got a new face. :]

Before all of this. Crystal found a glitch and we had fun!
Army buddies!

Wall of China

My signature phrases. XD NOTE:Yes, my signature phrases are--FUC.K IT! SCREW [insert random thing here having to do wih convo] (oh, and minus the . coscos it would censor if I didn't have that there.)

nangal · Fri Aug 15, 2008 @ 02:35am · 2 Comments |