If someone tells you that life is nothing but a sequence of events that one must march though while baring the disease of age, how would you reply? Love, Hate, Sadness, Happiness, and regret are some of many emotions that one must endure if one is to be well experienced in the ways of life but if one is experienced in the way of life would you not have an explanation or a counter comment to the question that that someone has presented you with? No one is positive about life. Life is a vast and great journey that no one man can simplify and tell to you. Its something that you by yourself must first realize and take to heart then go out and live and experience so that you may soon look back and see the echo of others slowly finding their way on the same path that you by yourself have discovered. Yes, you may turn back to try to tell the others what lies before them just as that someone has done to you, and in thinking that you have traveled off the path to help others, you have actually been headed the same direction the whole time, just as the ones before you have, as they to look back and watch you, an echo, following the path that they have already found and followed and experienced. In the end, after you have experienced all and know all your body now serves you no purpose. Life is nothing but a sequence of events that one must walk though while baring the disease of old age, you simply reply in silence, not a word but an action of living life so that you may one day answer to yourself the question, then you will turn and tell someone, Life is nothing but a sequence of events that one must walk though while baring the disease of old age.