~If you wanted to know.
What started as an innocent thread has out lasted everyone's expectations. It has easily reached 66 pages, relying heavily on 6 main people, but a closely related page will be included for a person there is equally influencal;
Neko_aka_Sparky (countdown girl and the creator),
Vindicated Paranoia,
[Chocograph!](who has been reported missing ninja ),
Lupine Pyrefly,
All share one interest, Avatar. Even though they tend to get off topic and talk about random things, and scare off people that are confused, they won't stop talking about it. Combining all the facts compiled in the posts, one could find out how the series will end most likely. These girls just won?t stop! Every day it can be found close to first on the Animation/Cartoons sub forum.
Special Report!
It has come to my attention that they have a secrete sign of the thread... something to do with bunnylabs?! What could it mean?!

Kya_Star · Mon Sep 05, 2005 @ 04:34am · 3 Comments |