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Sleep overs wat to do list!!!!!

Community Member
well heres a list of stuff to do at sleepovers!
call bois or ppl u kno
make some ppl at the sleepover fall asleep and then..
1.u tape them to the floor with duck tape and yell that theres a fire in the house
2.open their hands then put whipped cream on their hand then tick their nose with a feather

truth or dare
silly faces
if u have an older bro or sis do pranks on them its sooo much fun!!!

clothes pile
put a pile of clothes that r pretty big and one person times the other people to put on the clothes whoever has the most clothes on wins.....

a model runway
everybody gives eachother a makeover and puts on their fave clothes and has a model runway whoever has the most creative or best win the first round there r five rounds whoever has the highest score wins...
do creative stuff with magazines or u cut them out and...
talk about celebs
have a party foods,drink and games included
fashion tips
putting on clothes
talk about bois!!!

hope u enjoi these games,pranks and other stuff to do at a slumbr party or a sleepover!!!!!

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