mod assistant3467
Brok3n M3lody
mod assistant3467
Brok3n M3lody
mod assistant3467
Brok3n M3lody
mod assistant3467
Brok3n M3lody
mod assistant3467
It has come to my greatest attention that you have been reported for hacking another user on Gaia. So please insert your user name, password, and email address to conform that you are most likely not the culprit in this situation.
user name:
thank you for your cooperation,
Sincerely Gaia administration
I did? o.O
we don't know as yet so please if you could fill out the form above
Please stop staling. I am trying to help you not get banned. I will give 3 more minutes.
Lol. Did it past 3 minutes yet? O=
You no what im going to bann you right now. Hope you had fun on gaia.
go ahead and try... FAKER! *5 hours later* hm... i am still not banned. Lol
lol ur funny um srry bout my cousin he tried 2 hack 5 other ppl but was 2 dumb 2 no how 2 hack if it makes u feel better i told his mom he was watchin porn an now hes in trouble ^^ he even tried to hack me so...hearin his mom beat him is enough of an award 4 me ^^ he wont b hackin 4 a loooooong time and again srry -.-
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