I guess in this journal, i'm literly going to just rant and rave about my life, and the good/bad things in it. (Each entry isn't a differen't day, it's just when I feel like writing stuff)
I hate school. I mean, there are all of these preppy no it all kids who all they like to do is laugh at the dumbest things and make fun of people. For example, in gym, this complete iddiot that everyone thinks is so funny went up to the gym sub when he asked him a question and his answer was "uhhhh...what's your name again?" First of all, what an a**. Like he disrespects everyone and then all of the little zombie kids laugh. I'm like "that's not really...funny...." But if you say something like that, your most likely gunna get rejected and made fun of. You know what's another one of the worst things ever.....skateboarding. It's a fricken peice of wood attatched to wheels that you spin around, o and I forgot the best part...YOU HAVE TO LAND ON IT!!! (who the hell really cares) Everyone in the school, (besides eight graders...there actually cool) who isn't a preppy kid, jock, nerd, normy, drama freak, etc...has to know how to skateboard. If you don't, "your not cool." It's like...no....(my quote) "if you DO, your not cool...especially if it becomes something like I have to practice 4 hours a day so I can show off my varial heelflip to my friends on (looks at under-booked no life calender) Thursday..." Yeah I have a life, and just because I don't spend my time going to the skatepark, doesn't mean i'm a loser DYLAN!!!! Some good things, (there aren't many) some of my friends don't feel the need to skateboard. Like cabbage (GNRrocks123, even though his account is mine now) and I just watch kids skateboard or longboard and are like..."wow they don't have a life," and then we go inside and have a life while playing 30 minute improvs on piano and guitar. Let me get something straight, this is basically the autobiography of my life.
Make sense? So whenever Sky and I hang out, we either play videogames,or play more videogames. And we have to many inside jokes for our own good. Like...epic...or...epic fail...Skippy..."may I have a munchkin...SPLOCCI....(some explicit one i should not put on gaia)....*slaps hand into chest* MY PURSE!!!...Dancing in the graveyard....hit it OVER, the Mesaleum...WE WILL OVERCOME!!!...AND SO MANY MORE!!! People who skateboard don't have a life, but then again, sometimes I don't really have one either. Anyway, instruments I play, oboe (o yeah i'm actually really good) piano, and drums. Sometimes I just randomly start playing piano for like 2 hours and then I can't stop just keep making up really crazy songs. I can't explain what I do in music much, just know that besides gaia, music is my life. Like today I'm having a rehearsal for the musical, big, that i'm playing oboe in the pit ochestra for. The rehearsals from 6-10:30 at night and it's a bunch of college and highschool kids, but i'm still playing oboe in it!!! Another important dude that just recently in the past year appeared in my life is Skippy. Skippy is this homeless man that calls me Helter Skelter and used to live in my dead neighbors garage...but don't worry the police eventually kicked him out. Now he's living in these marshy wood thingy's behind carve icecream, and it's creepy when your riding your bike to see him lying there with a beer talking to himself. Anyway, yesterday I went into Dunkin dougnuts with cabbage, his mom, and there neighbor SEAMOOOOOS (He's in 4th grade but could pass for like 6thissh) and guess who we saw....SKIPPY!! "mmhmmm, how's...helter skelter..." was just barely made out of his mouth. Then after the Dunkin Doughuts people screwed over our order again, Seamooos goes "bye helter skelter!!!" Of course he didn't know better but i'm telling you, this kid has guts and is so strong he could beat up some kids in my grade and older. There's this street that I live right next to that has like a million stores so I just wanted to throw that into this sloppy journal thing. And the GRAVEYARD!!!
ENTRY 2: This one's going to be short cause i'm gunna have a piano lesson soon but I have some really sad but extremely happy news...SKIPPY GOT ARRESTED TWO NIGHTS AGO...AT THREE IN THE MORNING!!!! These people were complaining that he was gunna hurt there kids so they arrested him, There are a lot of people in my town now that I think about it. Theres Skippy, (of course) then the short guy with black hair that's always drunk and lies in the middle of the road, there's the man who is actually skippy's so called (brother) but doesn't have a beard anymore. There both REALLY tall. There's some man who goes on the buisiest street in the world that my friends hang out in to go to stores and stuff. He walks around in a winter coat and a winter hat and has a shopping cart and one of those travelling cases you see people in the airport with. O yeah, I forgot one of the most important jokes Sky and I have, and everyone actually knows in the school. (well if your "one of us." wink It actually has it's own journal entry of mine...can you guess??? FINE, i'll tell you. SHANK!!! There are hundreds of different shanks but you don't want to be shanked by Sky, cause you will most likely bleed. No seriously. If you don't know what a shank is, I'll teach you. Extend your middle and pointer finger out from your hand so it looks like you have a gun made out of your fingers. Then apply much force into the persons upper chest, back, or the top of your arm where the doctor people give you shots. OMFG THE DOCTOR PEOPLE!!! I've recently discovered that shots aren't so bad, but throat cultures...I'd rather be shanked to death. (wait maybe I wouldn't. That's a good one to talk to Sky about) Anyway, last time the lady tried to give me a throat culture, I slapped her in the face. I SWEAR TO GOD NO LIE I HAD TO SIT ON MY MOMS LAP!!! And I almost crushed my mom she had to hold my hands behind my back and then I started kicking and everything. Now that lady wants me to burn in hell. Just like the librarian. One time I forgot my card and she's like..."what's your name, lat name, middle name, address, fathers middle anitial, grandfathers name," she questioned me for like an hour so I could get some CD's out. Also at the library I had gotten like 20 CD's out and returned them right? I went back like 2 months later and she's like..."you owe us 72 dollars for those CD's" I'm like "I returned them!!!" So we ended up FINDING them in the library and she was like ugh, and it was an hour of work to clear up my file and stuff. So basically the librarians HATE ME! Whenever I walk in there like..."burn in hell...." I know this writing isn't editied at all and I'm probably using the same kind of style in every sentence which could get annoying. And yes I would know this because I am a writer. Lately I've been writing about stuff and videogames, and if you know a videogame blog online that's not on gaia, let me know. Anyway, I think I gotta go now cause my piano lesson is soon, but i'm going to be writing in this later on today. Actually all of today because all of my friends are away for summer...SO I HAVE NO LIFE!!!!!
I feel like I've talked lots and lots about people who go to my school, but not the school/teachers itself. Get something straight. Our school is a run by a bunch of overprotective sissy's, who bribe us with cotton puff balls with googly eyes and signs on walls that are like "name calling hurts..." Like, what the hell. There are kids that could pass for like 18 that go to our school, and there putting that s**t on the walls. And then you walk around and the Princable who I don't like at all is like "I was never persistant in math. But all of you should be!!! mrgreen " confused whee rofl I'm sorry Mr. Princable man, but everyone thinks your a loser when you do that. Then there of course some teachers that nobody likes like miss, well whatever her name is that I won't put in this journal. She's the librarian. If your in there for 3 and a half minutes without a book in your hand to read or check out, she'll come down and like beat you up. And she has some kind of vein problem or nervous system thingy (because she's like 94) that her head always shakes when she talks to you. So people are either really scared by it, or people like me, who just try really hard not to laugh. And she makes fun of kids who have special needs!!! Well, she doesn't make fun of them, but she yells at those kids just as loud and as bad as normal kids (no offense, i'm not being mean) and then makes them cry. But don't even get me started when it comes to my least favorite teacher. For the purpose that this is going online... we'll call him, "Mr. French Cheese." His name sounds like that, and that's what I call him to Cabbage when were trying to stand the asswholes in our gym class. Mr. French Cheese makes us run miles miles and then has us do push ups and sit ups. I think I have the record of pushups when I got NEGATIGE 7. O yeah. Go me. Actually I did on the CMT's. I was doing them SOOOO bad, i got negative and had to do it over again in front of the whole class. Mr. French Cheese also makes fun of this one special needs kid in our class named Paul. I feel so bad for him cause Pauls pretty damn awesome, but Mr. French Cheese calls him Harry Potter and Paul keeps telling him to stop. Also, Mr. French Cheese will take 30% off of our class final if you don't know like what muscle you use to do a push up. It's like...WHO CARES! I bet you the gym cariculum anyway is like a little baby picture book of like a foot, then a ball, and then a net. Then the teachers are like..."WE'RE PLAYING BASKETBALL TODAY...WAIT no....a ball, and a net, but you use YOUR FEET...O YEAH...WE'RE PLAYING PING PONG!!!" Last thing is, he thinks a leader is someone who can do 2 times 2 in there head. Then he makes a big deal about who's the real leaders in the class because they can figure out "two times around the field and two nets...equals 4 nets!!!" WOOH!!!! I'll rant more about school later.
Last night was my sis's grad party which was fun. I mean it was all my cuban family and a couple of my sister's friends. We had opening night for big as well and it went really well. ONLY 3 HOURSE LONG!!! O yeah, afterwards there was like this mini cast party thing at Pizza Post so we all went there. On the ride to the place (I went with my sis and her bf) I discovered probably my other favorite MODERN, band. THE MARS VOLTA!!!! There sick. I'm actually listening to them now as I speak. Favorite modern bands would have to be MCR, and The Mars Volta. I mean I like tons more, but these are probably my favorite. Favorite bands from the 90's 80's and still going on, Metallica, Iron Maiden, Ozzy. Black Sabbath earlier times too. And favorite Oldy's. Deffinitely LED ZEPPELIN, and lately I've been listening to a lot of the Ramones and the Who. After all the Who does have probably my favorite drummer of all time. Or one of them. My favorite drummers of all time would be Keith Moon, (The WHo) Mitch Mitchell, (Hendrix Experience...HENDRIX ROX) Bob Bryar (MCR) Neil Peart, (Rush) and Buddy Rich. (Solo drummer) I mean, there are a lot of other ones I like, and some I like a lot, but they just don't qualify to be in "my best." You know what sucks? Nut allergies.
ENTRY 5: I'm gunna do entry 6 tomorow.
ENTRY 6: I actually skipped two days of writing in this journal, but i'm to lazy to change entry 5 to "i'll post in two days," so I'm not going to. Right now, at this very moment I have breaking news. Sky is over and just twirled around on the floor saying "you know some people can do this on ice." Then he fell and said, "I failed..." Yeah so we have no life. I'm writing this while talking outloud to- Sky shanked me. So, as I was saying in Entry 4, "Nut Allergies Suck." I think that'll be the topic of this journal. Yes, this journal will be called "Nut Allergies Suck." Now i'm going to go to the top of the journal, and write the new title next to it saying "edit from Entry 6."
K I did it. And i'll explain why Nut Allergies suck in Entry 7. Which I'll do tonight, but Sky is pushing me off the co - k I got shanked again so I'm getting off.
ENTRY 7: I haven't been posting for like 3 weeks so this Journal is OFFICIALLY OVER!!!
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Ummm, not really sure, just read. Funny and about friends I guess. Also about music and what not. Enjoy!
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92% of the teen population would be dead if Abercrombie & Fitch said it wasn't cool to breathe. Put this in your signature if you are one of the 8% who would be laughing.
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they got rid of him a few days ago
im probs going to see big