1) Wrap your mind aroudn this. if you pay attention in science class you learn abotu the shape of an atom. it has those rings and many other little tiny balls aroudn it and s**t. well. what if our universe, is just a little tiny atom of somethign much bigger. our planets are the little balls and strands of DNA of somethign much bigger. we the peopel that live on this planet are only contributing a very small percentage towRDS THE GROWTH and development of the tiny little balls in our solar system. and the planets (being the tiny parts of a giant atom) are all part of somethign ******** HUGE. like our entire solar system is only a tiny part of some GIANT living thing and it jsut keeps gettign bigger. growing and developing. just liek on our planet thigns grow and develop with the help of atoms. everythign we know on earth is made up of atoms. well what if the cycle jsut keeps going and going and going? what if everything we call the universe is jsut a little atom of somethign bigger? then get this.
2) we have explored a little bit of outer space right? well. think of this. we know that black holes suck everything into it even light. btu once somethign goes in it, where does it go? scientists call it wormhoels and they say that u never know where it leads to because we cant send anythign into a black hole. mainly becaus eit would be crushed. even an atom gets crushed. well pretend that the blackness we call outer space, actually has a shape. remember that long ago peopel thought that the earth was flat. well how come no one has dared to think maybe the outer space (the darkness) is shaped liek something instead of just beign ongoing and never ending? i'm goign to assume that the universe is shaped like a ball. we think its ongoign but what if its really a ball shape and it just takes a logn time to get all the way around? and lets say this, remember the wormholes that scientists say that they dont know where they lead to? well what if the wormhoels and black holes actually lead into the center of this huge black ball of outer space? what if there is a core inside of space and it jsut wants to suck everythign itno it just liek the core of our planet earth? idk.
think on that stuff and contact me to let me know what u guys think. im extremely interested in seeing if anyoen else finds this stuff interesting. id love feedback to know if its even understandable.
basskicker · Sun Jul 27, 2008 @ 08:07pm · 1 Comments |