Okay, so, college starts in less than a month...and there are a few things that I'm worried about. 1) Life: all of a sudden, life is coming at me at break-neck speed and I'm a little more than freaked about it. I'm not ready to make my own life! 2) Meredith: more and more these days, Meredith is grating on my every last nerve. Well, it's not that bad, but a lot of the stuff that she says and does makes me really mad or depressed. I feel like she's strangling me. I'm a horrible person for being an omnivore and I'm equally terrible for not being as zealous as she is about environmental stuff. I can't be myself around her anymore. This wouldn't be so bad, but we're going to be roommates...for an entire year. What's more, she has a drinking problem. She drinks for the sole purpose of getting drunk. And she does it a lot. Mostly, I know she does it as a means to "get back at her parents." Meredith has a self-destructive personality that she refuses to recognize and it worries me greatly. I also believe that she's getting in over her head when it comes to sex. I don't mind that she's sexually active, she is 18 after all, but it's the reasons that she's active that disgust me. She uses sex as a tool, again, to get back at her parents. She's verbally expressed her desire to bang one of her black friends, Kyle, for the sole reason that her parents are racist and hate black people. I believe that there's something very morally wrong in that. On top pf that, she's astoundingly shallow. All she cares about are looks, she's told me before that she'd bang a guy just because he's hot, even if she's knows he's a total jackass. She's not going to be happy, if things continue like this. And I don't want to be around for the backlash. I worry about what college will do to her...I fear for the worst.
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