I was in a restroom and noticed that the stalls were automatic flushing. honestly has society gotten so lazy as to not flush? actually i really don't trust those things. sometimes they flush and sometimes they don't...and there's nothing you can do about it...but let's get our mind out of the *ahem* shall we?
okay i got to say one more thing before we go on...since someone made the sensor, and the automatic flushing sequence that responds to that sensor...you know how many people are flushing for you?
same goes for all machines...a computer is only as smart as it's maker. this makes me wonder wheter or not to trust a machine...since it is programmed by a human, who makes mistakes. so a machine is as imperfect as a human... eek heh, well...i'll never trust my calculator again!
okay that may be going over board...but by depending on machines, we really are depending on another human right? eh, i'm getting tired here...and i think this may get a lot of spam and flames. flaming spam heheheh! so i'm going private here. but maybe i'll post as public...maybe someday.
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