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View User's Journal

It's all about Domo!
My journal will be about me, or stuff that happens to me, or short stories that I write.
A little bit about me.
I guess I should start off by letting whoever reads this know a little bit about me. My known name shall be Domo. It's not that I don't trust everyone on Gaia, I just don't like giving my name out to strangers. I'm 17, and I live in a little podunk town on the Kansas Oklahoma boarder. I've been Around Gaia for over 4 years, but I lost my first account recently. Luckily, I had friends who donated stuff to me and helped me buy my stuff again! (List of people who donated is in my profile). I have been taking piano lessons for eight years, and I just quit recently. I am a percussionist in the school band, and have been all through my high school career. I play mostly the mallet instruments, due to my experience with the piano. I'm a lover not a fighter, but that can change if you piss me off. I'm pretty easy to get along with, and I'm a good listener. If you have problems that you don't mind sharing, you can tell me...I won't tell.

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