it's just that i only have a limited time to go on the computer, i usually go on neopets. i'm trying to go on Gaia more often, it's just i don't know so many things and not knowing makes me feel small. i don't like feeling small.
and i will get on more, it's just that i have no friends except someone i know in real life. and i don't chat much really anyways..
here are some things i plan to do in the close future:
make a mini shop for my artwork
save up gold
meet more people and expieriance gaian life!
until those are completed i'll just put pictures and links here.

a doll i made in MS paint

picture i drew of the WIndClan camp (from Erin Hunter's Warriors)

both of my adorible kitty cats.
best virtual pet site ever
my account on neopets
art gallery (neopets themed)
graphic examples (mostly neopets themed)