Cute: Amennnnnnnnn~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bya: Oh dear gosh, I'm so tired.
Cute: Nya? And i even thought you had a "high" reaistu!!
Bya: Ahem well we did do --------- -cute cuts him off-
Cute: SHHHHHHH!! Thanks for keeping it CLEAN!!!
Bya: -smiles- Your welcome my dear!
Cute: psssssh heck yeah. LOlz. -sees Kalita chasing Ichigo- Here Kalita! -throws her speedy boots-
Kalita: -catches- Heeeyahhh! -pounces on Ichigo-
Ichigo: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! -echo echo echo-
Ai: Hmmmm
Gin: Eh? Whatcha thinking?
Ai: -grins- nothing..
Ken: I'm bored.
Yachiru: Lets bet on who would get married with who!!!!!!!!
Ken: What the -- That is so lame!
Yachiru: I bet $100 that Kalita and Ichigo are gonna get married and stay that way.
Ken: Eh? How about Cute and Bya?
Yachiru: Ummm idunno. She likes 5 different guys at the same time.
Ken: Ahh so thats what is hard. I think its still gonna be Bya
Yachiru: Nahh i think its Hitsu-kun!
Kassan & Zan; Koori & Chad: -busy busy-
Kali: :thinks: Oh that's right! Ladies! I saw the new Bleach episode!
Ladies: Le gasp.
Cute: Any Bya-kun?
Kali: Sorry nope. Lots of Emo Ichi goodness!! It was an Ichi episode!!!
Ichi: Huh?
Koori: But Kali, it's filler, it doesn't actually happen.
Kali: :pouts: I know, but Ichi was so cute!!! And emo!!!
Chad: C'mon let's get back to-
Koori: Yes sir!
Yachiru: Kali! Ichi! Hurry up and get married so Ken-chan can pay up!
Kali & Ichi: :look at each other: :blush: :look away:
Cute: Aw! They're so cute! Aren't they Bya-kun?
Bya-kun: Not as cute as you.
Cute: Oh you!
Kassan, Zen, Koori, Chad: :busy busy:
Cute: Aww Bya-kun hurry up and jump into the episode. I miss you in there!!! -huggles-
Bya: Yes yes my dear one day when I feel like coming in, I will.
Cute: NUUUUU i want you in right now in the next episode!!! -charges-
Kali: Mwuahaha Ichigo is like the story of the story!!
Ichi: HUH? I don't get it.
Cute: Oh please, my Bya was ---- -gasps- I-It-It's Ulquoirra!!!!!!!!!!!!! MY LOVEEEEEEEEE -runs to Ulquoirra and pounces on him-
Ulquoirra: What the-- Hello my dear! Haven't see each other for quite some time.
Cute: Hehes, i Kno huh.
Bya: -emo- So you've known her longer than me huh?
Ulquoirra: Yes.
Bya: Wow, to her he talks alot and all happily , to me, he is so cold and quiet. -grabs Cute-
Cute: Nya~~!?
Bya, Cute: -busy busy-
Ken: There goes one more lover. Dear goodness
Yachiru: Aww now that is hard to choose!
Ken: You betcha!
Kalita: Oh wow Cutie-chan, you so bad and naughty!
Ichi: Pssh like you aren't!
Kalita: Ahem -blushes- None of youu business!
Ichi: Your business is mine too!!!
Kassan & Zan: Well we'll be going to the real world to buy some snacks! -flees-
Kali: :continues watching Emo!Ichigo: Aw, I love it this episode!!!
Ichi: Yeah yeah.
Kali: :turns to cutie-chan: I was reading a funny recap of this and there's the one part where a fake Masaki tries to strangle Ichigo by pulling his shirt collar ends together. What did the recapper write? He wrote, "Maskai: Button up your shirt dear, you look like a whore." I couldn't stop laughing!!
Everyone else: o.O
Ichi: Uh...
Kali: :goes back to watching episode:
Cutie & Bya-kun: :busy busy:
Chad & Koori: :busy busy:
Zan-kun and Kassan: :snack time:
Aizen: That's it. I'm leaving. You're all insane. C'mon Gin.
Cutie: NOOOOOO!!! :echo echo echo:
Gin: I'm staying here. I wanna watch. Hmph
Cute: YAY!!! -snuggles Gin- thats my boy!
Bya: -takes Cute back-
Kalita: hahahas!
Cute: That is so funny LMAO.
Ai: Fine I'll stay.
Everyone: O-o evil mastermind wants to stay.
Ai: O_o eh?
Ichigo: Danng i look hot in that episode.
Kali: Yes you do dear, yes you do!
Cute: -munches on candy-
Kali: Uhumm lemme have some~!
Cute: -gives some-
Bya: Dearrrrr~~~
Cute: -too focused on episode-
Bya: Hmmm -takes off shirt-
Cute: O_O -nosebleed-
Bya: Ban--kai?
Cute: You got it!!!!!!!!!!!! -runs and pounces on Bya-kun-
Kali: Aiyahh emo Ichi is so cute!!!!!!!!!
Ichi: You mean sexayyy.
Kali: You're such a good actor, fan girls come running after ya.
Ichi: Heck yea. But you're the only one for me. -smiles-
Kalita: Awwwww -snuggles-
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WARNING: The randomness in here might kill joo. D:
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