The Uncomfortable Survey (Extremely long) |
THE UNCOMFORTABLE SURVEY (lets see if you can get through it, if not, you're a wuss)
Did you have a good day? It was ok
What do you look forward to in the next 3 months? Swimming and chilling with friends
How many people of the opposite sex do you fully trust? Idk, counting sucks
Who was the last person you IMed? Veronica
What was the last thing you laughed really hard about? When i owned these little kids in swimming. It was so fun. XD
When was the last time you got flowers? I never got any. I mean, im a dude. O_o
Do you plan on moving in the next year? Naw
Where did you get the shirt you are wearing? Im not wearing one O_o
Do you like winter? Yeaaaa
Do you regret anything? Yeah
Do you enjoy late night phone conversations? Depends who its with.
What are you doing tomorrow? Sleeping and swimming
Do you like to cuddle? Its alrite
Honestly, what's on your mind right now? Why is it so hot?
Honestly, how many people have you liked in the past year? 2 or 3?
Do people think bad things about you? Sometimes i guess?
Do you think you're approachable? No idea
How late did you stay up last night? like 2:50
Suppose you see your crush kissing another person? I would be like "Dam it, he got to her before i did"
Do you like your school? Its alrite
Ever met a real life prostitute? Naw
Last person you talked to on the phone? My mom
What mood are you in? A mellow kinda mood
Are you growing apart from someone close? Kinda
What were you doing at 8 pm? Taking a shower
Are you into anyone? Kinda
What were you doing an hour ago? Listening to music and talking with friends
What will you do Sunday? Sleep and maybe some friend time
Are you married? No
Whats one thing you want right now? Turn on the air con!
Do you love anyone? Do friends count? Lol
What is your natural hair color? Black
Have you ever been awake for 48 hours? Naw, i need my sleep
Do you like your first name? Yaaa
What are your initals? CTL.
Look outside, hows the weather? ITS HOTTTT
Are you jealous of anyone right now? Not really
How are you feeling? Mellow
Would you date someone 10 years older than you? Naw
Do you trust all of your friends? Most of them
Is there someone you wanna date right now? Sure y not. ;D
Why did you stop liking the last person you liked? Idk, grew apart?
Are you usually the heart breaker or the heart broken? Im not either
Do you miss your ex girlfriend/boyfriend? Naw
What was the reason you last cried? Probobly because I was in deep pain
Is there a meaning behind your profile song? Not really
Do you have a best friend? Yaaa
Have you ever hated someone, but ended up being friends with them? Kinda
What do you think of people who don't have sex before marriage? I dont really care
Ever had the opposite sex over when no one was home? Idk
Do you believe that what goes around comes around? Sure
What is your favorite fruit? Pineapple
What is the last song to make you cry? Its a song. O_o
Does anyone love you? i have no idea.
What is your biggest pet peeve? People who are naggy
Is your best friend pretty? Idk, are u pretty, my best friend?
Have you ever felt like you hit rock bottom? Not really
Whats the one thing that's getting you through this week? The fact that my body's getting fitter.
Who do you miss? Ummmm, I dont know
Do you give out second chances too easily? Not really
Where is one place you want to visit? Japan
Do you like hugs or do you freak when people hug you? Hugs are alrite
Done anything illegal lately? I dont think so?
Who do you like? ...............
Are you a tease? No, im a gentlemen.
What is one thing you did yesterday? I swam, ate, slept, etc etc
What was your worst mistake in your life? Getting caught cheating on a test
Where did you sleep last night? On the couch
Is there any emotion you're trying to avoid right now? Ya, but i aint sayin
How's your heart lately? Idk, good?
Who was the last person to disappoint you? My swim coach
Was it a boy or a girl to text you last? Girl
What is one question people always ask you? Why are u so short?
Do you prefer regular or chocolate milk? Chocolate!!!
When was the last time you had star bucks? Idk, maybe a couple of months?
Are you currently wanting any body piercings or tattoo? Tattoo yes, piercing no
Do you sleep on your stomach? SOmetimes
Does your phone ring in the middle of the night often? No
Are you ticklish? Sometimes
Last time you saw fireworks, with whom & where? 4th of july, by myself at my house. (Dam, im such a loner)
Who did you last share a bed with? Nobody O_o
If you had to choose between a million bucks or to be able to change a regret? A million bucks
Do you have a deep dark secret? Yea
Who was the hottest teacher you ever had? None of them were really hot
What was the last thing you ever got grounded for? Bad grades?
Do you crack your knuckles? No
Favorite color? Black
Do you like horror or comedy? Comedy
Anything you want to tell someone? I'll grow tall soon enough!
Are you someone's best friend? Yes
What is your birthstone? Birthstone?
Any plans today? Naw
Do any of your friends have children? No?
Do you hate anyone right now? Not really
Do you ever wonder what your ex is up to? Naw
Have you ever been given roses? Naw
What is your all time favorite romance movie? Moulan Rouge?
How many times have you really [really] fallen in love? None
Who was the last person to hold your hand? ........
What's your current problem? IM SO SHORT
Hookups or relationships? Relationships.
Do you believe in the saying ONCE A CHEATER ALWAYS A CHEATER? Depends
One night stands? Probobly not, depends on how high or drunk i was.
Would you kiss the last person you kissed? Naaaw
Do you know someone who likes you? Ya
Would you kiss someone on your top? Idk
How do you feel when someone kisses you on the forehead? I'd be like "???"
Have you ever broken someone's heart? Ya
Who do you tell the most to? Tommy
Has anyone ever told you they want to spend the rest of their life with you? No
What do you carry with you at all times? My phone and keys
Will your next kiss be a mistake? Maybe
When was the last time you saw your grandma? Like a couple of months ago
What did your last text say? "Tell me who the ******** u are!!!"
Who was the last person you talked to in person? Michael's mom
Who was your last missed call on your cell phone? Mom
Do you think you can last in a relationship for 3 months? I hope so
Have you lost friends in the past 3 years? Yaaa
Do you care if people hate you for no reason? Ya
Do you drink Tea? Ya
Have you ever talked to someone when they were high? Im not sure if they were high
Do you talk about your feelings or hide them? I do both
Things about the opposite sex you notice first? Appearance
Have you ever been out past curfew? Curfew? Never had one
Are you happy? Im alrite
Is your room clean? Kinda
Has anyone got on your nerves lately? Not really
What was the last book you read? To kill a mocking bird?
Do you bite your fingernails? No
Can you make brownies without having to look at the directions? Never tried
Do you watch a lot of TV? No
What are you wearing? No shirt, with pants
Are you tan? Ya
What color is your underwear? Blue
Nitemare X · Fri Jul 11, 2008 @ 08:02am · 0 Comments |