~The Very Long Quiz~
~ General ~
1) Haii, how are you today? --- Great
2) Are you a boy or a girl? ---Girl :]
3) What's your name/nickname? --- Shar-Bear, Shariie
4) Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? ---Yes I do.. and he's everything to me.. <33
5) How old are you? ---13 turning 14 December 20th
6) What time is it where you live? --- 8:07 PM
7) What country do you live in? ---U.S.A.
8] What's your favorite color? --- Grey, White, Red and Black
9) Why? --- Grey; Is purty. White & Black; They're shades, but still purty. Red; It's bright :3
10) What's your favorite food? ---Ramen =D
11) What's your least favorite food? --- Green rice -shivers-
12) What is one thing you couldn't live without? --- My laptop
13) Do you have any stuffed animals? --- Chyea. Like... well.. A LOOTT
14) What grade are you in? --- 8th
15) What grade do you wish you were in? --- 9th <3
16) Do you have siblings? --- 2 half-brothers, 1 half-sister, 1 sister-in-law, 1 brother-in-law
17) Do you get on the computer often? ---Every single day
18] Do you like music? ---I love it <3
19) Do you watch a lot of television? --- Lately..
20) Do you like anime? --- It's like my life :3
21) If so, which one(s)? --- Naruto, Death Note, Princess Princess, Fruits Basket, Vampire Knight, Tokyo Mew Mew, and more
22) Post your favorite anime 10 times, or your ten favorite animes, in separate posts. okay? ---How about "Im not doing that" and "Naruto Naruto Naruto Naruto Naruto Naruto Naruto Naruto Naruto Naruto" lol
23) What's your favorite anime pairing? --- NarutoxSasuke. And, ItachixSasuke
~ Gaia ~
24) Is your Gaian a girl or a boy? ---Girl of course
25) How much gold do you want to earn from this quiz? ---None, because Im doing it all in one
26) How much gold do you already have? --- like... 28,000
27) Are you saving up some gold for anything specific? --- Demonic Anklets
28] If so, what? If not, bump. --- I just said, Demonic Anklets!
29) Is this quiz helping out so far? ---It's helping my boredom
30) Haha, how about now? ---Sure, why not
31) How do you usually earn gold? --- The Usual way. But I don't play games that often
32) Do you have any dream avatars? ---Yes
33) Do you think you'll ever get that dream avatar? ---Most likely not, but oh well
34) How long have you been using Gaia? --- A long time :3
35) Do you get on Gaia much? ---Every single day
36) Do you actually enjoy Gaia, or do you only get on when you've got nothing to do? ---I enjoy it, it takes the time away
37) How many friends do you have on Gaia? ---Over 100
38] Do you remember how you found Gaia? ---My Ex Girlfriend, Yuki, told me about it
39) Do you ever visit the forums? --- No
40) Do you visit the forums OFTEN? ---I just said "No"
41) Have you ever done a quiz on Gaia before? --- Na-uh
42) Have you ever made a quiz on Gaia before? ---Not at all.
43) Are you in any guilds? --- Uh-huh! 4 :]
44) If so, do you use the guild(s)? If not, bump. ---Yes, it's fun :]
45) Do you have a shop? ---Yeah
46) What's your favorite game on Gaia? --- I don't know
47) Do you ever go to Gaia Towns? --- No. That place just screams, 'Hack me'
48] How much gold do you have now? --- I don't know
~ Have you ever...~
49) Drank? ---Yes
50) Sprayed soda, water, milk, etc.... out of your nose? --- Water =P
51) Drank rotten milk? ---Yeah.. I think
52) Smoked? --- Na-Uh
53) Skipped a day of school without anyone knowing? --- nope
54) Made yourself puke so you wouldn't have to go to school? --- Na-uh
55) Went to school/work drunk? --- No
56) Been in detention? --- No. Just, Lunch Detention and After-School Detention
57) Splurged on an item you just HAD to have? ---Sure
58] Went into a really expensive store and be blown away by the prices? ---Yeah
59) Wanted something you couldn't have? ---Yes
60) Played poker with money? ---No
61) Walked in the rain without an umbrella? ---Yeah
62) Danced in the rain? --- Um... I spazzed in the rain.. if that counts...
63) Been on stage? --- Unfortunatly...
64) Been embarrassed by someone in your family? --- When have I not?
65) Won a pool game? --- Yesh
66) Been on a plane? --- Like a million times
67) Been on a ship? --- Not that I know of...
68] Been on a train? ---Nope
69) Sung in the shower? ---I do that all the time, lol
70) Had a water gun war? --- Yesh
71) Threatened someone with a water gun? --- lol. Yes
~ Random ~
72) Are you bored yet? ---I was bored before I started this thing
73) How much gold do you have now? ---STILL the same amount, jeez why are YOU concerned?
74) What's your mood? --- Impacient
75) Do you think you'll finish the quiz? ---yea
~ This or That ~
76) Chocolate or Vanilla? --- Chocolate
77) Soda or milk? ---Soda
78] Code Red or Limewire? ---Limewire
79) Coke or Pepsi? --- Aren't they the same?
80) Soda or juice? --- Juice
81) Candy or fruit? --- Oooh. Tough choice...
82) Watermelon or strawberry? ---Strawberry
83) Breakfast or dinner? --- Dinner
84) Food or beverage? --- Food :3
85) Cake or pie? ---Cake
86) Rural or Urban? --- -shrugs- I'unno
87) Eat or sleep? ---Sleep
88] Yes or no? ---Yes
89) PC games or video games? ---Video Games
90) Computer or TV? ---Computer
91) Holiday or "snow-day"? ---Holiday
92) Summer or Winter? --- Winter all the way
93) Spring or Fall? ---Fall
94) iPod or MP3 player? --- ... Aren't they the same?
95) Gaia gold or Gaia items? ---Items
96) DVD or VHS? ---DVD
97) Theater or home theater? --- Theater <3
98] Cats or dogs? ---Cats
99) Inside or outside? --- ... Bu-Bu.. I like both
100) Morning or night? ---Night
101) Black or white? ---Black
102) Love or money? ---Love
103) Clothes shopping or electronic shopping? --- Clothes Shopping
104) French or Italian? ---Italian
105) English or American? --- English
106) German or Oriental? --- Oriental?
107) Quizzes or polls? ---Quizzes
108] Items or money? ---Items
109) Boys or girls? --- ... That's tough...
110) Friends or family? ---Friends
111) Wrestling or boxing? ---None of them, lol
112) Basketball or football? --- Neither!
113) Softball or baseball? --- I hate both!
114) Tennis or swimming? ---Swimming
115) Fat or thin? ---Thin
116) Short or tall? ---Short
117) Horror or fantasy? --- ... Both?
118] Comedy or drama? ---Comedy
119) Rich or Poor? ---Rich?
120) Rain or Snow? ---Rain
121) Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings? ---Harry Potter
122) Star Wars or Star Trek? ---None
123) Krispy Kreme or Dunkin Donuts? --- Neither
124) Sunny or Foggy? ---Foggy
125) Monopoly or Life? --- Life <3
126) Movies or shows? ---Movies
127) TV or reading? --- ... Both
~ Do you like...~
128] Milk? ---Yeah
129) Soda? ---Yes
130) Hot Topic? ---YES <3333
131) Anchor Blue? ---What?
132) Pepsi? --- Does it matter?
133) School? ---No, but I only go for friends
134) Money? ---Yeah
135) Clothes? ---Sure
136) Life? ---Sometimes
137) Family? ---No
138] Friends? ---I live for my Friends
139) Marshmallows? ---Yes
140) Homework? ---I never do homework unless I feel the need to
141) Cookies? --- Yes betch
142) Cake frosting? --- Ewww
143) Clowns? --- They scare me
144) Oranges? --- YUUM
145) Lemons? ---Yummy
146) Strawberries? ---Yes
147) Cantaloupe? --- YUUUM
148] Neopets.com? ---Used to like it, but I never knew the purpose
149) Reading? --- If it's Twilight, Yes.
150) Swimming? ---Yes
151) Television? ---Yes
152) Cats? ---Yes
153) Snakes? ---Yes
154) Bugs? --- Depends which ones
155) Frogs? ---Yes.
156) Bedtimes? --- Not bed times . But... I like to go sleepy :3
157) Meat? ---Yes :]
158] Vegetables? ---Some of them
159) Animals? ---Yes
~ Do you...~
160) Wear glasses? --- All the time
161) Wear contacts? --- I want to, But I have a fear of touching my eye
161) Have braces? --- Yup. Cause Imma nerd like that
162) Smoke? ---No
163) Drink? --- Sometimes
164) Have piercings? ---Ears.
165) Want piercings? ---Yes
166) If so, what kind? If not, bump. --- Hmm. One on my Eye brow and another on my ear
167) Have tattoos? ---No
168] If so, what? If not, bump. ---BUMP
169) Play a sport? --- Not Currently, But on Friday I will... Soccer <3
170) If so, which? If not, bump. --- I SAID SOCCER
171) Have a Wii? ---No
172) Super Nintendo? --- Nah-uh
173) GameCube? ---No, but Imma buy one
174) X-Box? --- It doesn't work...
175) N64? --- Yea, But My half-brother has it
176) Have any mangas? ---Yeah.
177) If so, which? If not, bump. ---Chibi Vampire, Angel Diary, Neon Genisis Evangelion, Fruits Backet, Psyco Busters, Death Note, Fall in love like a Comic, Shugo Chara and more
178] Have any pets? --- 1 Fishy and 1 Hamster :3
179) Have a cellphone? ---Yesh
180) Have your own computer? --- Laptop
181) Have the "Christmas Spirit"? --- i dont know
182) Watch MTV or VH1? --- Both?
183) Believe in God? --- Yes
184) Believe in Santa? --- ... Sort of
~ More Random ninja ~
185) Are you enjoying this quiz, or the gold you're earning? ---The quiz
186) What is the worst movie you've ever seen? --- I'unno
187) Why? --- CUZ I'UNNO
188] Would you want to be a superhero? --- That'd be funny =P
189) If you could have any super power, what would it be? Only ONE please. --- To go back in time... I think
190) Who do you like best, Superman or Batman? ---Spiderman XD
191) Have I repeated any of these questions yet? ---the one about the gold, lol
192) What's your favorite emotion? --- Being in love.. If that counts lol
193) Post it 5 times in separate posts. --- Noo... But I'll do this. Love Love Love Love Love
194) What are your hobbies? ---I dont know o.O..
195) What's your mood right now? ---Repeated question, but now I'm calm
196) Am I being annoying? ---No
197) What kind or music do you like? ---Rock, pop rock, metal, ect.
198] What's the worst thing you've ever ate? --- Green Rice -shivers-
199) What rating would you give my Avi? ---Well since I got this from Kristy, I'd give her a 9 <3
~ Favorites ~
200) What's your favorite animal? --- I don't know really.. I love all animals :3
201) Why? --- I....I don't know
202) What is your favorite movie? --- I don't know
203) Why? ---I don't know
204) What's your favorite television show? ---I dont know, lol
205) Why? --- I don't know
206) What's your favorite console? --- I don't know!
207) Favorite game for it? --- I don't know!
208] What's your favorite video game ever? ---Sims
209) Why? ---It's funn
210) What's your favorite holiday? --- Hmm. I don't know... Halloween :3
211) Why? ---Candy, and you dress up as anything you want XD
212) What's your favorite genre of music? ---I think I answered this question but it's Rock, pop rock, metal, ect.
213) What's your favorite artist/band? --- Today, It's Secondhand Serenade
214) What's your favorite song(s)? ---I dont have any Favorite songs, lol
215) What's your favorite soda? --- Today, It's Dr.Pepper
~ Can you? ~
216) Swim? ---Yes
217) Juggle? ---No
218] Ride a bike? ---Yes
219) Do a backbend? --- Yes
220) Do a backflip? --- No
221) Cook (good)? --- I don't know
222) Keep your room clean? --- No
223) Do 500 + 3214 - 120 x 12 in your head? --- That's... a lot of numbers
224) Spell Super-Cali-Fragil-Istic-Espi-Ali-Docious? --- I don't know
225) Finish the rest of this quiz in 15 minutes, while still following the rules stated in the first post? ---No
226) Push a car up a hill? --- If I had some help, Yes
227) Sing? well? ---My friends' think I can
228] Dance? well? ---I dont know
229) Act? --- I'unno
230) Play soccer? --- Hellz Yes
231) Play football? --- Sorta
232) Play basketball? --- Unfortunatley
233) Play baseball? --- Kinda
234) Run really fast? ---I don't think so
235) Jump unusually high? ---No
~ Even More Random ~
252) Have you ever ate broccoli? ---Yes.
253) If so, did you like it? If not, why haven't you? ---Yes I like it
254) Have you ever lied to your parents and they busted you right on the spot? --- I don't think so... o.O
255) Have you ever snuck out at night? --- I can't lol
256) Have you ever entered the Avatar Arena? ---No
257) Have you ever entered the Art Arena? ---Nope
258] Have you ever entered the Home Arena? ---No?
259) Have you ever donated anything to anyone? ---Yes :]
260) Have you ever been in a hospital for something serious? --- I don't know
261) Have you ever had food poisoning? --- I don't think so
262) Do you have your drivers license? ---No
263) Have you ever taken a whole onion and just...bit into it? --- I'm not that stupid
264) Have you ever visted another COUNTRY? --- Duh
265) Do you move often? --- Not lately
266) How many states have you visited? --- States? ... I'unno
267) Have you ever failed a grade? --- Nope :]
268] Are you a "Straight-A" student? --- No..
269) Were you ever a "Straight-A" student? --- Once... I think
270) Are you allergic to anything? --- Shell Fish
271) Do you have a job? --- Not really
~ Last of the This or That ~
272) Book or movie? --- Both
273) Cartoon or regular TV? --- Both
274) Hamster or rabbit? ---Rabbit
275) Bugs Bunny or Daffy Duck? ---Bugs Bunny
276) YIM or MSN IM? --- AIM and MSN :3
277) Neopets or Gaia? ---Gaia
278] Bath or shower? ---Shower
279) Sweet or unsweetened tea? ---Sweet
280) Pacman or Mrs. Pacman? ---Mrs. Pacman
281) Mario or Luigi? ---Mario
282) Wii or PS2? --- Both :3
283) DVD player or handheld DVD player? ---DVD Player
284) Monday or Friday? ---Friday
285) Friday or Saturday? ---Saturday
286) Ice cream or milkshake? --- Ice-Cream
287) Stranded on an island or lost in a forest? ---Stranded on an Island
288] Ocean or lake? ---Lake
289) Beach or mountains? ---Beach
290) Quiz or no quiz? ---Quiz
291) Gold or GOLD!? ---Gold?
~ Yes... More Random ~
292) Have you ever gone bowling? ---Yes
293) Have you ever gone skating? ---Yes
294) Can you ice skate? --- Yes
295) Do you go to the movie theaters often? ---Not really
296) Does your family eat out a lot? --- Sometimes
297) Have you ever done something, and it was blamed on someone else, and you let them take the blame? --- ... Yes..
298] What's your favorite restaurant? ---I don't have one
299) What is your favorite Gaia Collectible? --- I'unno
300) Do you shop online? ---No.. But I want to
301) Do you have an obsession with any celebrities? ---No
302) If so, who? If not, do you have any obsessions at all? ---No
303) What's your least favorite dessert? --- .. I don't know
304) Are you ready for this quiz to be over? ---Maybe because Im tired
305) Do you know how many questions are on this quiz? ---No because you skipped some numbers
306) Do you enjoy shopping? --- Sometimes
307) Can you skateboard? --- Not really
308] Do you play a lot of video games? ---Used to
309) Have you ever gone camping? ---No
310) Have you ever gone rock-climbing? ---No
~ The End ~]~ The End ~]
312) Are you glad you took this quiz? ---Sure, it stopped me from being bored for about an HOUR
313) What did you think of the quiz? ---Hour wasted, down the drain, all because I was bored like hell, lmao
314) Did you answer every question? ---All that was on here
315) Would you recommend this quiz to a friend? ---Sure
316) Are you GOING to recommend this quiz to a friend? ---No
317) Did you enjoy this quiz? ---Yes
318] Did you almost die of boredom? ---Yeah
319) Would you do this quiz again? ---No
320) THIS IS THE BEST QUIZ ON GAIA!... Right? ---It's the longest one Ive seen!
321) Did you notice the #s that were missing? ---Yeah
322) How much gold did you start out with? --- 28,000
323) How much gold do you now have? --- I don't know
324) Did you get as much gold you wanted to earn? ---No?
325) How much gold did you earn? ---ZERO!
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