Yeah, I'm makin' one, God knows who even reads this s**t. gonk
Just to remember.
Rough draft story:
It's been fifty years since the return of The Deciever and his sealing, and much has changed in that time. Many 'a faction leader has passed, coming under new rule, The Lich King has been brought to dust by The Ashbringer, and peace seems to have washed across most of Azeroth. The races live in as much harmony as they can force, although old grudges of course still exist. The remanants of the scourge have been practically wiped clean from the earth, whether it had been from destruction or assimilation, and the Burning Legion seems to be, for the most part, at bay.
Though not all is well under the peaceful guise of Azeroth. Rumors have been stirn that the Scourge is not yet defeated and that the Burning Legion's return is close at hand. Although these rumors are only heard in whispers, at the back of taverns and in the darkness of alleys, they are indeed present. As a denizen of Azeroth (There is no Outland in my RP, deal with it.) it's up to you what path you will take. That of a warrior for your cause, or perhaps simply a peaceful citizen. No matter the path you choose, you're sure to be affected by the possible oncoming darkness, the grasp of hatred, or the ever-devouring plague.
The Orcish Horde (This does not mean you're friendly with ALL of 'The horde' Races, Only the Orcs.)
Leader: Thor'Krash Bloodcringe
Thrall's Orcish Horde is similar to what it was prior to the fifty years passing, excluding two things : There is no Longer Thrall, and there is no longer the size that was once present. The new Warchief of the Orcs, Thor'Krash Bloodcringe, Known to many as just Cringe, is exactly what his name implies. Although a mighty shaman, some say even mightier then Thrall, a decorated war hero, and a strong speaker, Thor'Krash can not stand the sight of blood on account of an incident with his family and the Scourge. And although some ask him how he could possibly fight on a battlefield without bloodshed, he merely says, "An enemy does not have to bleed to die."
As for the numbers of the Orcish Horde it has been significantly decreased, some estimates of one third of its total Orcish population having been wiped out during the effort to destroy the Lich King.
The Darkspear trolls
Leader: Vol'Jin
The Darkspear tribe, soon after the destruction of the Lich King and with the help of the orcs, Built a new nation just south of Durotar, their capital city known as Zul'Stanj. Vol'Jin, now an old, old Troll, has practiced in the ways of Shamanism and is the undisputed Lord of the Darkspears (As he was 50 years ago), now sometimes referred to as the 'Stanji' trolls. Vol'jin, seeming to inherit his fathers connection to the Earth has become very spiritual, even more so than most trolls, and seems to be always at his guard, as if he has information no one else knows of.
The High Elves
Leader: Lor'Themar Theron
After the reigniting of the Sunwell, the Blood Elves were once again deeming themselves "High Elves," although they used 'High' in moderation, seeming to grow some sympathy for the other races after the struggle with the Legion and the Lich King. Shortly after the Death of the Lich King Lor'Themar Theron severed the majority of the Elves ties with the Orcish Horde and the Horde in general, only keeping a rather unbroken relationship with Sylvannas and the Forsaken (To the Farstriders dismay.) Today the High Elves still practice the Arcane arts heavily, although they have shied away from Demonic magics and the like on account of the Legion.
Although Lor'Themar Theron is now a rather aged Elf, he and his people are very much renewed by the Sunwells energy, and no longer seek to rely on it. In this, they seemed to have found an equality with themselves, and no longer have a thirst for magic. Lor'Themar is still a very formidable opponent and his age has seemed to only refine his skills even further. His acts with a bow are only matched by Sylvannas Windrunner herself.
The Forsaken
Leader: Sylvannas Windrunner
The Forsaken seemed to be struggling the most Prior to the death of the Lich King, their minds torn between conciousness, their ranks full of rottting, scraggly soldiers. This all changed when the mighty entity died, The Lich Kings chains were shattered and all of his Undead minions were freed, their conciousness returned. Although some simply tried returning to their old life, fell into seclusion, or died at the hands of many marauding Humans that sought to eradicate the undead while they were weak, the bulk of the Former-scourge turned to Lady Sylvannas and her Forsaken. She gladly accepted them with open arms, not only sheltering many lost souls, but bolstering her ranks to immeasurable numbers. The Forsaken kingdom now reaches as far as Stratholme and Pyrewood village.
Although the Forsaken have undoubtebly the greatest force between all of the races, Sylvannas remains pacted with the Orcish horde, The High Elves, and surprisingly enough even the Tauren and Trolls. Many of the allied nations thought Sylvannas to be out for her people and that was all, but they were apparently mistaken.
The Tauren
Leader: Baine Bloodhoof
The Tauren remain virtually the same, Although now ruled by Bain Bloodhoof as his father had passed shortly after the passing of the Lich King. They remain Shamanisitc and Druidic people, always answering to the Earth Mother.
The Night Elves
Leader: Malfurion Stormrage
Long and hard have the Night elves fought through the years, and although their Leader Tyrande Whisperwind was a just and powerful women indeed, they were surprised and delighted when their former Leader, Malfurion Stormrage, awoke from his eternal slumber of the Emerald Dream. The man seemed unchanged, and in most respects, he was. His physical form seems to have retained its peak, and his druidic powers had not faded in the slightest. The only thing different about the 'Shan'do' of the druids was his mind. Apparently he had suffered a great amnesia while exiting the dream, his memory only reaching as far back as when he had entered it.
Though he has been gone a very long time, and his knowledge of the matters at hand is limited, Malfurion has been given charge of the Night elves and the people have no complaints towards it.
The Ironforge/Dark Iron Dwarves
Leader: Magni Bronzebeard II (Jr)
The Ironforge Dwarves remain steeped in their own origins and as of late have made many discoveries. Taking back the ruins of their possible once-home Uldaman from the dark irons and the fortress of Uldum in Tanaris they have learned much about their Earthen heritage. Rumors have circulated that some key dwarves have even learned to revert back to their once Earthen forms, becoming a greater being of a greater power.
Discoveries aside, the dwarves are at quarrel with themselves after the time of King Magni Bronzebeards death. For a short time his daughter, pregnant with the cross-bred to-be King, was deemed Queen of Ironforge and also the queen of the Dark Irons. Due to the Dark Irons blind zealotry towards their former emperor, they've been compliant with Moira, in hopes that her son would bring them to glory. The Latter was not entirely false, but when the Cross-bred came to the throne at the young age of eighteen, named Magni after his late Grandfather, he dropped the familiar stormhammer of authority known in the Bronzebeard family, and the Dark Irons, for the most part, comply with the Ironforge dwarves.
**Most Dark Irons STILL live inside their home of Thaurissan.
The Wildhammer Dwarves
Leader: Falstad Wildhammer
The Wildhammer dwarves continue to be ruled and governed by their Thane, Falstad Wildhammer, and he has continued to be at health and strong will throughout these long years. It seems as if the Wildhammer clan has tied itself even closer to nature, and because of this they're now an entirely different race. They've recieved the blessings of the Earth mother and recently have made a close Alliance with the Tauren, having realized their similar views.
Recently, and most likely because of thier new alliance with the Tauren, the Wildhammers have turned to Druidism and Shamanism even more so than they had previously. It is very uncommon to find a Wildhammer Dwarf not versed in the ways of the elements or the path of the druid.
**I'm not restricting them to certain classes, That's just part of their culture now, so if you were to be a Deathknight or a Warlock or a Necromancer then you'd better have an interesting story. razz
The Gnomeragan Reclaimers
The Gnomeragan Reclaimers are, as the name implies, the majority of the gnomes living in Ironforge that forcibly took back their home of Gnomeragan. Shortly before the fall of the Lich King they, along with the aid from the Ironforge dwarves, took a small group in, with the trademarked Gnome walkers, and took back the irradiated city. With a little bit of magic and the innovative engineering the Gnomes are known for, their home city was brought back to its former glory.
Although their ties with the alliance are still strong, the Gnomes have also began trade with many of the former opposite faction, namely the orcs. Of what type of technology is unsaid. (Use your imagination.)
The Draenei
Leader : Whichever is the city they're staying in.
After the Death of the Lich King, in which the Draenei played a key role in his defeat, the majority of the draenei (IE, the denizens of the Exodar) left to return to their home of Draenor. The few that decided to stay on Azeroth now live amongst the humans of Stormwind and the Night Elves of Darnassus (Few live amongst the dwarves.)
The Humans of Stormwind
Leader : Anduin Wrynn
The Humans of Stormwind have long dealt with the brunt of attacks from the Legion as well as the horde, and yet as the last bastion of human society, they stand strong in these times. Their formerly returned king, King Varian Wrynn has long since left the throne and given the title of king to his son, Anduin, and with good reason. The now towering man, in his mid thirties, is a spitting image of his father. An imposing stature, piercing eyes, and a glorified war hero.
Although slightly more headstrong than his good 'ol dad, Anduin keeps the peace and is a fair and just king.
The Gilded Dusk (Yes this is a play on 'The Argent Dawn's name)
Leader: Achrisan Blindfrost, Usurp Bonechill, Seladridan Dawnruin (The three primary liches)
The Gilded Dusk is comprised of a group of ex-cult of the damned members and servants of the scourge in general. Although seemingly disorganized at first, racked with confusion and disarray at the death of the Lich King, after a time the Necromancers pulled what forces they had together into an Elite group. It is rumored that many higher-ranking necromancers have in fact transformed themselves into Liches and now control the the new Scourge, now dubbed simply as the Blackness by the few that are aware of it. The various liches work as a sort of linked hive mind in controlling the Blackness, being seperate physical entities, Seperate 'Personalities,' yet still one mind. The Gilded Dusk plans to bolster their forces to dizzying numbers under the leaders of Azeroth's watching eyes and strike to reclaim what was once almost theirs; All of Azeroth
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