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New OCs - Anishape
I've come up with a new race of creatures called Anishape taken from Animal and Shape, obviously, for my new series Dual Dragons. The Anishape are a group of engineered humans with a lot of animal like characteristics, and the ability to change into whatever animal they have characteristics of. There are three generations: The first generation varies from ages 19 - 28, the oldest generation; the second varies from 10 - 18; and lastly, the third generation and the smallest, ranging from 5 - 9. Regardless of age, gender, animal or generation, these creatures are unable to have children. They were created without the organs nessicary to do so. There are over 20 Anishape, and though some quarrel and some are prey and predator, they usually get a long and help each other as one big family.



Name: Giselle (Ji-zell)
Age: 28
Gender: Female
Race: Anishape - Grant's Gazelle
Height: 5 foot 7 inches
Appearance: User Image [[Hair covers one of her eyes]]
>Exceeding speed ability (can run up to 50 mph)
> Horns can also double as weapons
> Heightened sense of smell
- Rather moody and solitary
- is willing to be a leader, but hates praise
- though she distances herself from the others as oldest Anishape, she will care for younger ones if needed

Age: 26
Gender: Male
Race: Anishape - Cave Dwelling Snake


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