1: If Jimmy crack corn and noone cares, why is there a song written about it?
2: Are ramen noodles called ramen noodles cuz they where made by a guy named Ramen?
3: How can i lose "it" if i dont even know what "it" is?
4: How important does a person have to be before they are considered "assassinated" instead of just "murderd"?
5: What disease did cured ham actully have?
6: Why is it people say "slept like a baby" when babys wake up every two hours?
7: If a deaf person goes to court, is it still called a hearing?
8: Why is it your IN a movie but your ON tv?
9: If While. E Cyotie has enough money for the explosive stuff, why doesn't he just buy dinner?
10: If you have a cold hot pocket, is it just a pocket?
11: If you pampered a cow, would you get spoiled milk?
12: If theres a comedan thats wheele-chair bound, is it still called "Stand up" comedy?
13: Why doesn't glue stick inside the bottle?
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