I'm sorry for this message
I know it's the hundredth I've sent
And even though it's daylight
I want to see you now
I can't help but beg your butler
Please, let me see him once
And as he shakes his head
My eyes fill with tears
I can't help my feelings
But ever since we met
I can't stop thinking about you
Or the first kiss we shared
I'm kneeling under your window
Begging you to return to my arms
I want to hold you close again
and feel your gentle touch
As the sun sinks behind the horizon
my heart begins to race
because I know what the sweet night brings
What it's kind darkness will reveal to my eyes
As I see the moon's soft rays on the ground
My eyes avert to the window above
They slowly open and looking down at me
Is the vampyre who vowed to watch over me
I smile at him, glad to see him smiling face
He beckons me to go to the door
And in my mind, I cannot move fast enough
For when I arrive, he's always there with open arms
I hold him in a gentle embrace
and feel his arms hold me tight
As he whispers in my ear
Welcome back to my world
He leads me through the gardens
our hands clasped together
Gazing at the glittering stars
and letting the moon light our way
He leads me off the path
into a small place we've been before
As he sits me on a small stone bench
and takes a seat right next to me
He wraps his arms around me
To keep me warm
and safe from anything
that would wish me harm
I never know how time passes so fast
when we're together in the garden
But before very long
He must bid me adieu
The sun has already risen
and he is safe inside
And so I sit beside his window
Waiting for the gentle moon
to bring him to me again
![]() salvationsheart Community Member ![]() |