Character Name: Vampiric Gryphon. She's so old she forgets her birth name
Alias: Vamp, Vampy, VG
Blood Type: An odd mix which she can't identify, but she bleeds a deep blue with a metallic sheen to it
Race: Genetic Experiment. She was once a vampire Shapeshifter
Age: Nearing her 500th Birthday
Birthday: February 13
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 180 lbs.
Birthplace: A lone village in the midst of North America, in a tribe forgotten
Occupation: Wanderer
Sexual Preference: Heterosexual
Human Form General Appearance:
Hair: Her hair is silver white, short and spiky, never getting past her chin, and always styled for spikes. Some say her hair color is from her age, some say she dyes her hair, and those who haven't met her from before say it's from the genetic experiments she was subjected to. From her hair, two small similarly colored ears emerge, actively listening, twisting in the direction of sounds to identify them. They are a good indicator as to Vampy's mood at the time.
Eyes: Her eyes are an amazing icy blue, considered baby blue by most. A haunted look lays deep in them, no matter how happy she is at the moment, and no matter how she may forget the horrors she's seens, it's doubtful that little glimmer of dread and gloom will ever escape those beautiful eyes.
Skin: Whether it's due to her vampirism before being an experiment, or due to the lack of light whilst being an experiment, her skin is white, to the point of being transparent. The blue veins along her wrists and hands are prominent. Perhaps one would see more veins up her arms, but they've been destroyed by having too many IVs hooked up to them, with track marks that would shame a crack whore. All over, her skin is covered with scars, some in shapes of brutal slashes, others methodical, surgical, of skin biopsies, surgeries. One scar that stands out is right above her breasts, centered beneath her collarbone. The letters 'VG' lay there, over her heart, carved in her flesh by what appears to be a dull blade of sorts.
Body: She's tall and slender, with curves at the hips and breasts, nothing too obnoxious, but nicely proportionate to her height. She is not obnoxiously toned, with a six pack and ripped arms, but she's certainly well muscled for a female, with long, lean muscles that don't diminish from her feminine beauty, but don't let her look weak either. From her backside, above her buttocks, a silver fox tail emerges, hanging down to mid calf if it ever lay still. This too, is a good indicator to her mood.
Accessories: About her throat she wears dog tags, not because she used to be a soldier, but because they are the number she was referred to as an experiment, '599.' She can't explain why she would keep such a horrible momento, much less wear them constantly, but she doesn't want to get rid of them.
Voice: Her voice nowadays is heard barely above a whisper, but when she gets comfortable with people, she opens up and speaks more avidly. Her voice is a sweet alto, nothing too annoyingly high, nor too low, but a good middle. She has a sweet singing voice, and the ability to change her voice, much like a voice actor does to their own voice when in character. She has yet to laugh since returning though.
Physical Strengths: Vamp can shapeshift into a myriad of forms, including a gryphon, a fox, and her newly acquired Dragon form. She is fast; a vampire's ability to appear as though sitting normally in an area, and in the next instant gone. Those trained to watch such movements could see her leave, but mortals have a hard time seeing it. She is strong, again with a vampire's standards, and then some, as she draws her powers from the spirits of her forms within. Her pain tolerance is unmatched; since being an experiment she either had to get used to pain or succumb to madness. She got used to the pain.
Weaknesses: Blood lust can make her forget who she is or who's company she is in. Being without blood can weaken her, make her forget friends and even try to feed from them in her frenzy until sated.
Current Goal/Purpose: To remember her past before she was taken as an experiment
Talents: Vamp has an incredible ability to make friends, as she's a friendly woman, prone to sensing other's pains and trying to help them cope with them. She's a strong singer, and likes to show her voice off.
Inabilities: She can't draw to save her life, and her inability to kill ruthlessly when in the right state of mind can be thought of as a drawback. She is compassionate, and those that do not deserve to receive mercy from her are usually afforded it, but if she can spare a life, she will. She can not drink blood from a mortal to take their life. Her conscience is a great set back; she can not kill.
Habits: She cleans when she's alone and bored to keep her mind from wandering to darker thoughts, and also likes to run around in a small, tabby sized version of her gryphon form. As in this form she likes to rub against people's legs, and loves it when they expect a cat, but lo and behold! It's a gryphon.
Fears: She fears being alone, being rejected, and perhaps remembering that she was not quite the person people told her she was. She does not want to remember being a hateful person, if she was such. But most of all, she fears the mere thought of being taken back into the situation she has recently escaped from, to where she is paralyzed with fear.
General Personality: She appears to be a people pleaser, trying to bring a smile to everyone's face. Afterall, what they have troubling her couldn't possibly be worse than what she'd gone through for three years. She's compassionate, kind, softly spoken, but when her heart is in a subject, you'll know her opinion, and you'll know the details of said opinion until you're sick of hearing about it. She has a strong will, strong determination, and doesn't easily give up. Even when physically wounded, she does not hesitate to rise up and meet a new challenge, and is easily motivated by words or actions of others.
Inner Personality: Generally speaking, she is the same on the inside as she is outside. She's happy and go lucky, thankful that she is in the midst of friends and family, albeit she does not remember them just yet. However, when alone, or when she thinks she's not being watched, that dark little dungeon in the back of her mind, resembling the prison she layed in for three years may show through, pinning her ears back and stilling the movements of her tail. She can get caught up in these dark thoughts, staring blankly outwards for hours at a time until shaken back to reality, sometimes accompanied by a yelp or tears. She's timid, unsure if to trust others or to leave them be to their own devices, and it's hard for her to decide who to, and who not to trust.
Her other form's descriptions, along with her history, later.
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Vampiric Gryphon
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Thank you Cless for meh Jinxi's Charm!! -Luffles-