now as the four adventures were looking or more information about the shadow dragon they heard of two girls who fought the dragon and its rider. they got more information about the girls one was named Liz (Rizu 14) and Brittany (Hinata Shinowa) they were both master fighters while one used the deadly art of illusions the other had enchanted fan that could destroy a continent and that would be with a weak swing. they were getting to the last known place of the two friends when they saw both girls hanging by there arms in a tree. josh cut the ropes with the sword while robert gave them something to land on. while the other were helping the girls josh saw just what they were dealing with for there was a town burned to the ground the air smelt of burnt flesh, you could see charcoaled skeletons trying to get away and josh cried a little because of what he saw and when the girls got up they cried two. so with the pain of lost in there hearts they asked to come with the group. they said yes and josh could tell now the other two know just how dreadful the beast was. Before they left josh asked about the rider and what happened they told josh how a monk in white came to there town and how at first he was nice then he changed he killed five men and three women and how he was so fast that he got liz and Brittany then hung them on the tree and knocked them out and all of this happened the before that day. as they were on there way josh thought of who it could be and it scared him because of what the description was so far.
Cliffhanger wow that was allot of stuff well leave a comment to ask me or tell me anything about the story so far p.s. sorry it didnt save so thats why its late on this account
sweatdrop sweatdrop
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