Byakuya vs. Ichigo ---- FIGHT
Byakuya: You have broken a rule of soul society and you need to be PUNISHED!
Ichigo: Pssh, yeah right. You need to get out of my way or I would have to force it myself!
Me: KYA~~~ -hops on Byakuya and snuggles-
Byakuya: WHAt the---! Get off of me dear! -waves sword around- it's dangerous AHEM.
Me: NUUUUUUUUUUuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu~~~~~~~~~
Kalita: -cuddles Ichigo-
Ichigo: I'm kinda busy her darling. -puts her in a cage-
Kalita: NUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu~~~ COME OVER HERE
FIGHT Continued.
Kalita: :pouts: Oi! Bya-kun! Beat my Ichi up a little once you get your girlfriend off!!
Ichi: WHAT?! WHY?!
Bya & cute: Huh?
Kalita: More skin!
Cute: :gets off Bya-kun for a moment: Oh yeah! Beat each other up so we can see more skin! :comes over beside Kalita:
Both: More skin! More skin! More skin! More skin! :chants, pumps fists:
Byakuya: -whispers to ichigo: troublesome yeah? -
Ichigo; -whispers: i guess we have to do what they want or else. O_O-
FIGHT continued--
Byakuya: Go my cherry blossoms~~! -swings sword and slashes ichigo on the chest-
Ichigo: AH.. dude that hurt!
Byakuya: Umm sorry hahas.
Cute: OMG look at that body whoowhee~!~ -whistles-
Kalita: I know huh, -nosebleed-
Cute: Can't wait til Byakuya gets half-naked mwuahahahaha!!!
Ichi: Geez. She said more skin, not more blood.
Kalita: Amen! Good job Bya-kun!
Ichi: Bya-kun?! What the hell?!
Kalita: Sorry boyfriend. I would hug you and reassure you of my devotion, but you put me in a cage. :points to cage around her:
Cute: :sits in chair beside cage: Does he do this to you often?
Kalita: :sighs: Um....heheh yeah...
Bya: :to Ichigo: Do I want to know? :raises eyebrow:
Ichi: involves a bed....
Kalita: Oi! This conversation is PG-13 m'dear!
Ichi: What? He wanted to know!
Kalita: Just give Bya-kun less clothes to wear.
Ichi: Fine. :slashes:
Bya-kun: :glove comes off:
Cute: Girl, your boyfriend sucks.
Kalita: Only in combat. Sometimes. He achieved Bankai at least.
Bya-kun: WHAT?! When?!
Kalita: :grins: Last night...with me... :smirks:
Cute: Oh god.
Ichi: And you were telling ME about the age level?!
Cute: Oh boy Kalita, you're a naughty naughty girl! I haven't even GONE that far yet. -sits in a corner and rocks back and forth-
Byakuya: Uh ohh O_O
Cute: ICHIGO!! Take off Byakuya's clothes!!! Leave him at least something to wear though. -smirks-
Ichigo: -slashes and rips up Bya-kun's clothes-
Kalita: NOOO get Ichigo first! GO BYA-KUN!!!
Ichigo: WHAT THE!!!!! Don't call HIM THAT!
Kalita: Why not?
Ichigo: Cuz' I don't like it at all! -pouts-
Kalita: Aww my little rawring Ichigo is all jealous~~ -faces Cute- See my lil ichigo is all jealous. ain't he kyuteeE? Oh i just want to pinch his cheeks!
Cute: -sighs- My Byakuya is too hidden to say anything! -cries in darkness-
Bya-kun: No, I'm too ashamed and disgusting to say anything m'dear. :continues to slash:
Chad: :arrives with a clinging Koori on his back: What's up?
Cute, Kalita, and Kassan: Chad? WTF?
Koori: :gets off for a moment: That's a nice way to greet him.
Ichi and Bya-kun: :slashing:
Cute: :turns to Kalita: So, naughty thing, how was it?
Kalita: Ichi reached Bankai several times last night! :laughs:
Kassan: Zangetsu better not have been there. :stares:
Kalita: Oh heck no. Zan-kun was disturbed. :laughs:
Chad: Do I even want to know what you all are talking about?
Kalita, Cute and Kassan: We're talking about reaching Bankai.
Koori: :pats Chad's arm: Don't worry. Ignore the perverted girls.
Cute: You're one too m'dear.
Koori: True.
Kalita: :turns to Cute: So, when did Bya-kun reach Bankai?
Ichi: Again with the Bya-kun!
Kalita: Get me out of the cage first. Then maybe I'll call him something else.
Cute: I don't quite remember. A while ago. But he still needs to reach THE OTHER Bankai with me. :pouts:
Kalita: Don't worry, you and Bya-kun will reach that stage someday.
Ichi: That's it! BANKAI!!
Kalita, Cute: NO!!!
Kalita: He's gonna be clothed!!
Cute: Don't kill my lover! It's not his fault Kalita gave him a cute nickname!!
:smoke clears, Ichi and Zan-kun are standing beside each other:
Ichi, Zan-kun: Huh?
Kassan: YES!! :throws popcorn to the side, attacks Zan-kun:
Chad, Koori, Kalita, Cute, Ichi, Bya-kun: ...
Ichi, Bya-kun: :go back to slashing:
Chad, Koori: :eating Kassan left over popcorn:
Kalita: Hey, can I have some?
Cute: Really Bya-kun? I want to see this "disgusting" side of yours -grins-
Bya: o-o OH dear what have i said? -continues slashing-
Ichigo: Hey Koori, you want Chad half-naked too?
Chad: ...
Koori: SURE!!!!!!!!!! KYAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cute: Ichigo beat and scratch up my Bya-kun first!
Kalita: Hmm, Bya-kun, you have to rip off Ichi's clothes right there! -points-
Ichigo: Oh gosh STOP calling him that!!!!!!! @_@
Kalita: NUUUUUUUUUu get me out of this cage then!
Ichigo: FINEEEEE! -opens cage-
Kalita: -sits besides Koori and Cute-
Kassan: Zangetsuuuuu!!! Kyaaaaa!!! You're so fineeee!~~
Zangetsu: I know huh? -winks-
Kassan: -squees and spazzes-
Bya: -slashes at Chad-
Chad: I don't think I want to be half-naked
Bya: Oh come on! Look at your girlfriend's face! -points at Koori-
Koori: -grins and nosebleeds- GET CHADDDD !!!!
Ichi: :sits beside Kali: Woo. I'm beat.
Kalita: :looks over at Ichi: You do realize it was a bad idea to come sit by me right?
Ichi: Huh? Why?
Kali: :holds up scissors, grins:
Ichi: Oh god.
Kali: Gonna run?
Ichi: :already started:
Bya-kun: Oi! I'm not done with you! :chases:
Cute: Uh, dear, girlfriend is here! :points to self:
Bya-kun: He disobeyed the law! :pouts:
Cute: Screw the law, come over here.
Kalita: :pauses in mid-chase: Um, Bya-kun, aren't you representative of the law, so by logic, you're screwing yourself?
Ichi: :tackles: I said no more Bya-kun!
Cute: Ooh! Kali likes it rough!
Zan-kun: So does the boy.
Kassan: Um, dear, I'm right here.
Zan-kun: Of course. :sweeps her off her feet and stalks away a little:
Koori: Hello? Someone get Chad's shirt off!
Kali: :tosses over her scissors in the moment she gets free:
Koori: :catches: Thank you~!
Chad: ...
Koori: :tackles:
Cute: Here my dear, more popcorn for us. :munches:
Kassan: It's just a party up on the execution hill isn't it?
Zan-kun: Shut up and kiss me you fool.
Kali: That was out of character.
Ichi: Shut up and kiss me you fool. :tackles again:
Cute: Wow...
Bya-kun: Ahem.
Cute: Wow we have some rough and STRAIGHT-foward guys here AHEM. If only Bya-kun was like that. ToT
Bya: Oh God. Here we go again.
Ichigo: You mean "Here YOU go again" HAHAH Just say something cheesy for once it doesn't kill ya!
Kalita: KYAAAAA!!!! -chases-
Bya: FINE! -faces Cute and kisses her-
Cute: -blushes real hard- Am i dreaming? OH gosh -faints- @_@
Kassan: I want romance myself! -tackles Zan-
Koori: Cute hit the ground pretty hard. Whew that must have hurted.
Chad: -is half-naked-
Koori: Are you cold hun?
Chad: Yes.
Koori: -cuddles-
Bya: -sits down and drinks some tea-
Cute: -wakes up- Bya-kun!!!! -snuggles-
Bya: -hugs-
Kalita: They're hugging they're hugging~!! I want you to hug me!! -pouts-
Ichigo: Oh gosh. Here we go again.
Bya: You mean!~~ "Here YOU go again" -grins-
Cute: -happily sighs-
Zan: Hmm should we start?
Kassan: Start what? o_o
Zan: You'll see. -grins-
Chad: ...
Koori: OH gosh stop that awkward silence you're scaring me! -gets scissors out-
Chad: O_O -runs-
Koori; WAITTTT!!!! -snips-
Kali: :stops chasing: I'm tired.
Ichi: :stops running, plops down a few away: Finally some rest.
Kali: :pouts: Bya-kun, Ichi isn't giving me love.
Cute: What do you want him to do about it? He's my man.
Kali: :shrugs: I dunno. :waits for Ichi to come back:
Zan-kun and Kassan: :busy:
Koori and Chad: :busy:
Aizen, Gin, Tousen: :appear:
Kali: :slaps: No! No conspiracy! Not now!
Aizen: We're supposed to have our betrayal now at the Execution Hill.
Kali: This isn't the Execution Hill anymore. It's the Fangirl and Fanservice Hill. Go bring your conspriacy somewhere else...or I'll sic fangirls on you. Haven't you noticed? :motions towards the other two "busy" couples and Cute and Bya cuddling:
Aizen: What about the Breakdown Sphere?
Kali: I'll give you a Breakdown in a second...Ai-chan.
Ichi: :jealous:
Aizen: Ew. Cute nickname. It burns. :leaves with Gin and Tousen:
Kali: ^_^ Bye Ai-chan.
Ichi: What'd I say about giving cute nicknames to my enemies?
Kali: :pouts: Well, you always play hard to get. Or you don't want attention when I'm ready to give it. :turns away:
Bya-kun: She has a point.
Cute: :nods:
Kooi, Chad, Zan-kun, Kassan: :still busy:
Cute: -pursues gin- Ya know I also have a "thing" for you. ;33
Bya: NOOOOOOOOO! She's mine! -grabs Cute-
Cute: I like Bya-kun but I also like Gin. I like his evil smile 24/7 It's lovely -shines-
Gin: My my my! What do I have here?
Cute: You have me!!! -pounces-
Bya: I will not let you go! NEVER!! -locks her up in a cage-
Cute: Aww!!! You've never done this before to me, you must be really jealous. -faces Kalita- My little kyuute Bya-kunn~ is jeawous. Oh buggy woo~~
Bya: ...
Chad: Oh gosh I'm tired already!
Koori: You want some more? -grins-
Chad: ...
Kassan and Zan: -busy busy-
Ichigo: xp
Kalita: Hmpph!!
Kali: :rattles stick across cute's cage: Alms~~ Alms~~ for the fangirl!!
Cute: :pouts: Gin!!
Kali: :turns to Chad: And what happened to you? I thought you had the stamina of a bull.
Chad: ...Shush.
Koori: He wants more.
Kali: That's what I thought. :looks over at Ichi:
Ichi: :waits:
Kali: :sighs: I'll have to settle for you Ai-chan, though I don't really like you that much.
Ichi: ????!!!!
Aizen: Woman, don't even come near me.
Kali: What? I was just going to mime near you.
Aizen: Sure you were.
Ichi: :thinks:
Kassan, Zan-kun: :still~~~ busy:
Cute: Alright I'll stop. Bye bye my Gin come back for me later!
Bya: That wasn't really what I was wishing but that's better!
Cute: Now will you let me out of this cage?
Bya: NO. Because some random ppl can still come in and who knows if you have a "thing" for them! ><
Cute: Aww it's okay, you're my top one.
Bya: TOP? TOP!? oh lord -sighs-
Cute: -snuggles-
Kassan: Oh gosh I think we better stop! I wanna see what happens at the Parrtay!
Zan: Darnit!
Kassan: It's okay we still have plenty of time. -grins-
Chad: ...
Koori: Whew, I am tired! -lays on Chad-
Ichigo: NOOOO !!
Kalita: Hmmph! -sees Kenpachi and Yuchiru coming while the evil 3 leaves- KENPACHI
Kenpachi: Whaddya want? Looking for Ichigo to fight hmph.
Ichigo: NTY dude I am tired!
Kenpachi: WHO cares!? Why don't ya properly take care of your woman?
Ichigo: O_O how did you know about that?
Kenpachi: I've got people!
Kalita: .... Kenpachi you're my hero!
Ichigo: NO i am!
Kalita: Yussh ichigo you are!
Koori: -bribes Kenpachi to go over and molest noriyuki sato-
Noriyuki Sato: EEK!! No Taichou!! gonk Noooooo!!! ........... okay maybe just a little bit. whee
Kali: Wow. It is a party.
Ichi: Dear, can you give a massage?
Kali: I can~ but what do I get in return?
Ichi: ...
Kenpachi: Hmph. :looks over at Nori: Hey there.
Nori: ...:attacks:
Cute, Kali: We got another one.
Bya: Geez, what's with all the attacking? Is there something in the air?
Kali: Naw, it was smores night at the fangirl convention.
Bya-kun: Smores?
Cute: :nods: All that chocolate makes us kinda...crazy.
Koori, Chad: :nod in agreement:
Chad: I was a vitcim once.
Koori: :trails finger down chest: You still are~ :winks:
Kali: :whips out tea from space: Anyone want some?
Ichi: :pouts:
Kali: You need to give me an answer Ichi. You haven't exactly been the best lover today.
Ichi: Well, I was supposed to fight Byakuya over there, but his woman distracted him and you're distracting me.
Kali: :raises eyebrow: Oh really?
Ichi: I didn't mean it like that.
Cute: Ichi you're gonna have to beg for forgiveness.
Kenpachi: At least I know how to a treat a woman.
Nori: I'm over here dear.
Kenpachi: Right. :goes back to business:
Bya: Ichigo, do you even know how to a romance a woman?
Kali: He romances me by just existing.
Cute: :nods: Same with me.
Koori: And me!
Kassan: And me!
Nori: And me!
Ichi: :pouts:
Everyone else except Kali: Well?
Ichigo: I'm sorry! I'll never do it again! -is on knees-
Kalita: That's what it is supposed to be like -mwuahahaha!-
Cute: Bya-kun! I want candy now!
Bya: Oh dear gosh. That was out of nowhere. In soul society, how am I supposed to get a thing called "candy"
Noriyuki: Oh i brought some from the real world!!
Cute: OH!! YAY!! -eats happily-
Bya: Aww she's so adorable I just want to devour her up
Cute: O_O you want to eat meh? Bya-kun is so scaryyyy!!!! -runs to the nearest person: ichigo-
Ichigo: what the--! its alright -sticks tongue out at Bya-
Bya: Oh no you didn't!
Kalita: -whispers to cute- It's alright if its an act just don't go too overboard, besides he;s mine. -smirks-
Cute: I know that hehes. I can't help it though! He's just so cute when he's all mad and jealous!
Kalita: You call that evil aura around him cute?
Cute: Yupp total cuteness!
Kalita: Wow girl you are weird!
Cute: I know huh? -smiles-
Chad: Whatcha doing there koori?
Koori: I'm drawing fan-fiction of you and me in my room..with the lights out..on my bed...with the blanket on us!
Chad: ... you're crazy and naughty
Koori: -spazzes- I know smile
Kassan: -drinks tea with Zan-
Zan: I want some action!
Kassan: wait hunny wait.
Kenpachi: I like your kimono! So soft. -grins-
Noriyuki: Oh my are you kidding? Hehes. -devious-
Kali: :snuggles: Love ya Ichi.
Ichi: Love you too.
Cute: Ah. If only my Bya would say that.
Bya: I love you.
Cute: Yay! :hugs Bya-kun:
Hitsugaya: :walks in: What are you all doing?
Cute, Kali: Being sluts.
Koori, Kassan: Amen!
Nori: Hitsu-kun! :attacks:
Ichi: :to Kenpachi: Sorry man.
Kenpachi: Happens all the time.
Ichi: :hugs Kali:
Kali: ^_^ Yay!
Chad: :to Ichi: Does your girlfriend draw naughty fanart of you and her?
Ichi: Dude, my girlfriend can't draw to save her life.
Kali: It's true. :sighs:
Ichi: But she can write.
Kali: :smirks: That I CAN do.
Koori: :still drawing:
Kali: :looks over: O.O Oh my.
Cute: :looks over too: Wow Chad, I'm seeing parts of you I thought I'd never see.
Bya: :brings Cute's face back: Look at me. And only me.
Cute: Can do. :stares:
Kali: :looks at fanart: Ooh Chad. Do you really-
Ichi: Look away dear.
Kali: Fine. :grins:
Chad: :blushes: ...
Nori: Can I wear your captain's coat Hitsu-chan?
Hitsu: No.
Nori: Why?
Ken: Here Take mine.
Nori: Yay! :snuggles:
Noriyuki: Whoa Kenpachi your body is total HOTNESS. -nosebleed-
Hitsugaya: I don't wanna show my body to anyone.
Noriyuki: Not even me?
Hitsu: That will be an exception.
Kenpachi: MWuahah of course you do!
Cute: Bya-kun~ I love you so much I can die!
Bya: Don't say that! That's bad to say.
[ so lovely dovely ]
Chad: Oh boy ...
Koori: I'm done! -grins so much-
Cute: -looks- -nosebleed ten times- OMG Koori DRAW ME AND BYA!!!
Bya: O_O Darling that's kinda..
Cute: It's alright hun, Koori, do you want us to pose?
Koori: NO LMAO i can imagine myself and draw you guys.
Cute: OKAY! x]
Kassan: ME next! with Zan
Kalita: Me too! That would be so freakn hot! omg
Ichigo: -talks to the boys- They are so squealish today its sad
Ken, Bya, Zan, Hit, Chad: -nods-
Kali: :watches Koori draw Cute and Bya-kun: Wow, Koori where did you get such an eye for detail on the male anatomy?
Koori: Well, :looks over at Chad:
Kali: Ah. :winks:
Cute: Dear, Bya has a mark right there. :points:
Bya: DEAR!! Don't tell them where my marks are!!
Ichi: You have marks?
Kali: You have marks too Ichi!!
Ichi: :blushes: Half of them are made by you.
Kali: :grins: Tee hee.
Cute, Koori, Kassan, Nori: :gasp: You slut!
Kali: I know I know. I can't help it though. He's just so delicious. :licks lips:
Chad: Ichigo, your girlfriend is psycho.
Kenpachi: More psycho than me and that's saying something.
Everyone: :turns:
Kali: You want to leave marks on my Ichi?
Everyone else: Ew.
Ken: Yeah. Marks OF PAIN. And blood. And stuff.
Ichi: :inches away:
Hitsu: This is insane.
Bya: You should've been here when Aizen and his traitor friends were here.
Kali: Ooh Bya-kun! I didn't know it was like- :cute covers her mouth:
Ichi: It's going to be hell once Koori starts drawing me with her.
Girls: :all squeal:
Boys: :sigh:
Kali: :comes over: Well, while I'm waiting, wanna play a game?
Ichi: What game?
Kali: How about BS? That works.
Boys: :shrug: Fine with us.
Kassan: Ooh Kali get over here! You won't believe what Koori just drew on Bya!
Kali: What?! Lemme see! :rushes:
Cute: Ah, my beautiful man. Thanks Koori.
Koori: :grins: No problem. Who's next?
Cute: Bya! This is amazing! I'm gonna hang this up in my bedroom! -grins-
Bya: Oh gosh -blushes-
Koori: -drawing-
Girls and Boys: -playing BS-
Kassan: Danngggit!
Boys: We're bored.
Girls: What do you guys want to do then?
Ichigo: Hmm i dunno let's play tag?
Boys: Ohhh that sounds fun. -light in each of they're eyes-
Cute: I somehow feel some kind of evil plan is going on.
Kalita: Oh boy. Let's play!!!!!!
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