-Gaara-SandyDeath-: color/red
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: ....crap.....ak! How do you change the color!!
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: .....................................................cause you will hate yourself in the end
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: don't cry! cause its alright.
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: cause you will hate yourself in the end...
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: wowirnsfnvgaqbfaivhbfeahurehgrjnhaeurhnofgjrnuhquhrohaohrfihowhufhrushdonjfnurnyoubhfbgdhchangeofhudhfthejafjhscolor????
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: haofsinhowhaofsindohaofsinyouhaofsinchangehaofsinthehaofsincolorhaofsinofhaofsinthehaofsintexthaofsin???
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: haofsinhowhaofsindohaofsinyouhaofsinchangehaofsinthehaofsincolorhaofsinofhaofsinthehaofsintexthaofsin???
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: haofsinhowhaofsindohaofsinyouhaofsinchangehaofsinthehaofsincolorhaofsinofhaofsinthehaofsintexthaofsin???
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: haofsinhowhaofsindohaofsinyouhaofsinchangehaofsinthehaofsincolorhaofsinofhaofsinthehaofsintexthaofsin???
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: haofsinhowhaofsindohaofsinyouhaofsinchangehaofsinthehaofsincolorhaofsinofhaofsinthehaofsintexthaofsin???
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: haofsinhowhaofsindohaofsinyouhaofsinchangehaofsinthehaofsincolorhaofsinofhaofsinthehaofsintexthaofsin???
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: haofsinhowhaofsindohaofsinyouhaofsinchangehaofsinthehaofsincolorhaofsinofhaofsinthehaofsintexthaofsin???
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: haofsinhowhaofsindohaofsinyouhaofsinchangehaofsinthehaofsincolorhaofsinofhaofsinthehaofsintexthaofsin???
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: ......................................galah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: WHEREARE YOU TOBI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???????????????????
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: hhomfjagfisngjdjfnemchskfgjskajsjfngjksnfisrjsjakdjgunsfnudunisifjzkajfjsjfhsifnsndjfjajkdnfjnsjdfnsjjdjdjfsaidjfisjifsjfjsifjfdjsifjisjdfsifjsidfsifnsifjfsifndjsnf
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: ..........................man I'm bored.....................
dark_spirit12987634 enters the chat.
dark_spirit12987634: HI!
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: FINALLY!!
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: how do change text again??
dark_spirit12987634: /SETCOLOR then what ever....but no caps
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: thanks
dark_spirit12987634: yur welcome!
dark_spirit12987634: brb
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: kk
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: Woot! Bonus item!
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: AND 99 gold!
dark_spirit12987634: lol nice!
dark_spirit12987634: as you can tell IM BACK!
dark_spirit12987634: and brb....again.......
dark_spirit12987634: sorry my mom is wanting something........
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: ok..........
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: can't..................find.....................good...............picture!!!!
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: Aha! I found one!
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: .................na na na, na na na, na na na, na na na.
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: I tried to kill th pain, but only brought more!
dark_spirit12987634 leaves the chat.
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: I'm dying! Praying! Blleding! and Screaming!
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: wait! where'd you go???
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: ..........................oi!
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: alllallalallllllllllllllllllllaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllalallalalalaallalalaalala
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: courage merry. Courage for our friends
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: WHatever happens, stay with me. I'll look after you.
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: DEATH!!
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: DEATH!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: DEATH!!!!!!!!
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: DEEEEEEEAATH!!!!!!!!!!!!
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: DEATH!!!!!!!!!!!! *DEATH!!!!* *DEATH!!!!!!!!!!!!*
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: WOOT! GO ROHAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: YAY!!!! THE OLIPHAUNTS ARE HERE!!! (I love Olipaunts, even though they kill alot of the riders of rohan)
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: .............................................................................................................
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: WHERE THE CRAP ARE YOU TOBI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????????????????????????????????????????????????
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: .................................
dark_spirit12987634 enters the chat.
dark_spirit12987634: sorry.............
dark_spirit12987634: it was the server......
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: oh
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: I was wondern where the heck you went!
dark_spirit12987634: yeah.....
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: sooooooooooooo.....do you want to start the RP now?
dark_spirit12987634: TEEN GIRL SQUARD!
dark_spirit12987634: *squad
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: what??!!
dark_spirit12987634: lol
dark_spirit12987634: biggrin
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: ??????????????????????????
dark_spirit12987634: look it up on YouTube!
dark_spirit12987634: Its really random!
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooookkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
dark_spirit12987634: biggrin
dark_spirit12987634: but I dont know if you will like it..........
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: eeeeeeeeeeeeeeew! When I went onto youtube, there was a picture of a bunch of naked peoples buuts! *washes eyes out* EEEEEEEEEWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
dark_spirit12987634: well........I did NOT want to know that!
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: I didn't want to SEE that!
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: I'm scarred for life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
dark_spirit12987634: lol
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: (ANd by the way that was really dumb)
dark_spirit12987634: I like how random it is!
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: so, do you want to RP now?
dark_spirit12987634: yeah!
dark_spirit12987634: we should call Smepaii to see if she can RP to!
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: ok I'm http://s235.photobucket.com/albums/ee317/Orochimaru-sama9/?action=view¤t=Elf_girl_by_grayserg.jpg
dark_spirit12987634: im uh........
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: but (since you can't see) she has this girls ears http://s235.photobucket.com/albums/ee317/Orochimaru-sama9/?action=view¤t=Elf-3.jpg
dark_spirit12987634: kk
dark_spirit12987634: or you could PM kyo-kyo and ask if she wants to!
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: What?
dark_spirit12987634: if Kyo-kyo wants to RP
dark_spirit12987634: or call Sempaii!
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: You call Sempaii, I'll PM Kyo-Kyo
dark_spirit12987634: kk
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: brb
dark_spirit12987634: kk
dark_spirit12987634: hey, do you think you could call sempaii too?
dark_spirit12987634: I cant find the phone!
dark_spirit12987634: >.<
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: woooooooooooooooooooow
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: (btw im back)
dark_spirit12987634: kk
dark_spirit12987634: can you?
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: yeah
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: hold on
dark_spirit12987634: thx!
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: ak....What's her phone number? I can't find the book
dark_spirit12987634: *censored*
dark_spirit12987634: err.......the the lil' dash thing.........
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: thnx
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: brb
dark_spirit12987634: k
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: she is on her wayzez!!
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: but kyo-kyo isn't since she just logged off.
final_fantasy_bankai enters the chat.
dark_spirit12987634: oh okay!
dark_spirit12987634: hi!
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: Oh! Never mind!
final_fantasy_bankai: damn! finally found you!
dark_spirit12987634: konan-chan LIED!
final_fantasy_bankai: great.
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: THTA WAS WEIRD!!!!!!!!!
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: that*
final_fantasy_bankai: you guys are wierd
dark_spirit12987634: yes!
dark_spirit12987634: score!
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: I just said your not coming, and then you came!!
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: THAT'S FREAKY!!
dark_spirit12987634: XD
final_fantasy_bankai: ...why is your type red and tobi's is blue?
final_fantasy_bankai: your welcome
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: because we want it to be
final_fantasy_bankai: o...kay...
dark_spirit12987634: yeah!
final_fantasy_bankai: DEATH NOTE KICKS a**!!!!!!!!!!
dark_spirit12987634: YEAH IT DOES!
final_fantasy_bankai: RP?
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: type in /set color and then a space and then type in a color, and you text changes color!!
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: we are waiting on Sempaii!
final_fantasy_bankai: never mind, i like black
final_fantasy_bankai: k
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: oo! I like this song!
dark_spirit12987634: what song?
final_fantasy_bankai: okay...i'm listening 2 Pain-3 days grace
dark_spirit12987634: I LOVE THAT SONG!
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: sweet
final_fantasy_bankai: yeah
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: im hungry
final_fantasy_bankai: L is so f**king CUTE!
dark_spirit12987634: im not!
final_fantasy_bankai: just ate
dark_spirit12987634: I just ate blubbery moofins!
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: I haven't had lunch yet.....
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: moofins?
dark_spirit12987634: and yeah, I like L
final_fantasy_bankai: yuck...hold on a minute...i gotta do something
dark_spirit12987634: yup! moofins!
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: L?
dark_spirit12987634: oh yeah you dont know who L is.......
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: is "L" Itachi-san?
final_fantasy_bankai: NO!
dark_spirit12987634: NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: i'll take that as a "no"
final_fantasy_bankai: HELL NO!
dark_spirit12987634: L is from Death Note!
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: oh
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: that would explain why I don't know about him/her/it
final_fantasy_bankai: Yup! L is cute and Light is hot!
final_fantasy_bankai: In a maniac way
dark_spirit12987634: HIM!
final_fantasy_bankai: but he's still sexy :3
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: I'm going to get something to eat. brb
dark_spirit12987634: ^ -^;
dark_spirit12987634: kk
final_fantasy_bankai: k
dark_spirit12987634: okay! yay!
final_fantasy_bankai: i have an a** load of death note icons on meh profile
dark_spirit12987634: I finally found my person!
final_fantasy_bankai: ?.?
dark_spirit12987634: lol nice!
final_fantasy_bankai: ?!
dark_spirit12987634: for the RP
final_fantasy_bankai: what r we doing fr the RP?
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: finally!
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: IDK
final_fantasy_bankai: WHAT ARE WE DOING FOR THE F**KING RP?!
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: IDK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
final_fantasy_bankai: =_=
dark_spirit12987634: idk my bff jill?
dark_spirit12987634: okay go here-
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: ....
dark_spirit12987634: http://photobucket.com/image/anime%20goddess/blusapphireanime/Anime/goddess.jpg?o=11
dark_spirit12987634: her name is....................
final_fantasy_bankai: ...
dark_spirit12987634: uh.......
final_fantasy_bankai: ...
final_fantasy_bankai: .
final_fantasy_bankai: .
final_fantasy_bankai: .
final_fantasy_bankai: .
final_fantasy_bankai: .
final_fantasy_bankai: .
final_fantasy_bankai: .
final_fantasy_bankai: .
final_fantasy_bankai: .
final_fantasy_bankai: .
final_fantasy_bankai: .
final_fantasy_bankai: .
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: ok!
final_fantasy_bankai: heh heh
dark_spirit12987634: uh..............
dark_spirit12987634: um.....
final_fantasy_bankai: just make one!
dark_spirit12987634: Im thinking!
final_fantasy_bankai: hurry up!
dark_spirit12987634: sad
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: For me go here: http://s235.photobucket.com/albums/ee317/Orochimaru-sama9/?action=view¤t=Elf_girl_by_grayserg.jpg
final_fantasy_bankai: *vein*
dark_spirit12987634: Isuna!
final_fantasy_bankai: ...you guys... hold on let me get onto photobucket...
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: And she has this girls ears: http://s235.photobucket.com/albums/ee317/Orochimaru-sama9/?action=view¤t=Elf-3.jpg
dark_spirit12987634: okay!
dark_spirit12987634: sempaii is on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
dark_spirit12987634: biggrin
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: my name is..............................hmmm
final_fantasy_bankai: wait...what's the RP about?
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: people?
dark_spirit12987634: uh just a random RP
final_fantasy_bankai: define people
final_fantasy_bankai: what r we gonna do wit it?
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: people who go on an adventure
dark_spirit12987634: dose sempaii know where we are?
final_fantasy_bankai: k...what kind? more like what time era
final_fantasy_bankai: feudal?
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: pre-firearms
dark_spirit12987634: uh....it doesnt really matter
final_fantasy_bankai: k
final_fantasy_bankai: hold on a sec...
oofuchibioo enters the chat.
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: HELLO!
dark_spirit12987634: YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
oofuchibioo: yo!
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: sup!
oofuchibioo: not much
dark_spirit12987634: :F
dark_spirit12987634: lol
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: =/_=
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: teehee!
dark_spirit12987634: <_>
oofuchibioo: lol, his mouth looks like a mini keyblade!!! (not itachi's)
dark_spirit12987634: IT DOES!
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: IT DOES!
dark_spirit12987634: :O
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: *gaspeth*
oofuchibioo: 4 a moment, I forgot how 2 spell mini...
dark_spirit12987634: LEGASP!
oofuchibioo: lol!
dark_spirit12987634: nice!
dark_spirit12987634: BOO!
oofuchibioo: ^ ^;
dark_spirit12987634: I bet I scared ya!
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: btw (once again) my person is: http://s235.photobucket.com/albums/ee317/Orochimaru-sama9/?action=view¤t=Elf_girl_by_grayserg.jpg
oofuchibioo: nya?
dark_spirit12987634: for the RP!
final_fantasy_bankai: which URL are we using?
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: what?
final_fantasy_bankai: layout pages?
final_fantasy_bankai: websites?
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: the one at the top of the screen
dark_spirit12987634: my person is- http://photobucket.com/image/anime%20goddess/blusapphireanime/Anime/goddess.jpg?o=11
final_fantasy_bankai: e-mail and im?
dark_spirit12987634: her name is Isuna!
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: no higher
final_fantasy_bankai: Tobi, what URL address did you use?
dark_spirit12987634: huh?
dark_spirit12987634: I just used the link at the top
final_fantasy_bankai: Younger self?
final_fantasy_bankai: k
final_fantasy_bankai: hold on
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: The top o' da screen
dark_spirit12987634: alright
final_fantasy_bankai: top of the screen?
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: yeah
oofuchibioo: ooooh! Tobi and Konan-chan's people are pwetty!
dark_spirit12987634: lol
dark_spirit12987634: thx
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: thnx
oofuchibioo: ^ ^
dark_spirit12987634: LETS MAKE PAINBOWS!
oofuchibioo: painbows?
dark_spirit12987634: no, not rainbows,
dark_spirit12987634: Painbows!
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: GAK!! *chokes on chip* can't....breath...
oofuchibioo: I didn't say rainbows...
final_fantasy_bankai: god...hold on..
dark_spirit12987634: *whacks Konan on the back*
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: *cough* *cough*
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: thnx
dark_spirit12987634: ARE YOU ALIRGHT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: ow, that hurt my throat
dark_spirit12987634: *whacks her again*
oofuchibioo: *whacks with computer*
oofuchibioo: HOLD ON, KONAN!!!
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: AK! *dives for cover*
dark_spirit12987634: DONT DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
oofuchibioo: YEAH!
final_fantasy_bankai: wtf is going on?
oofuchibioo: DON'T DIEEEEEEEE
dark_spirit12987634: *throws random crap at Konan*
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: I'M OK NOW!!
oofuchibioo: oh
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: help me older self!
dark_spirit12987634: biggrin
dark_spirit12987634: YAY!
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: that computer hurt sempaii
oofuchibioo: oh, sorry...
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: s'okay!
dark_spirit12987634: Bad semaii!
dark_spirit12987634: LOL!
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: WHAT?!!?!
oofuchibioo: lol!
oofuchibioo: smosh!
dark_spirit12987634: This is NOT egland And THAT is not legal!
oofuchibioo: but---
dark_spirit12987634: oops.....
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: GAK! *chokes on another chip* ow!
dark_spirit12987634: FAILED!
dark_spirit12987634: *whacks Konan again*
oofuchibioo: *whack, whack*
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: I is okay now
oofuchibioo: yay!
dark_spirit12987634: YAY!
dark_spirit12987634: WHOA!
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: I'm having serious chip problems today. maybe I should stop eating them....
oofuchibioo: yeah..
final_fantasy_bankai: http://photobucket.com/image/paine/Roxie_Mage/PAINE.jpg?o=70
dark_spirit12987634: KYO-KYO'S AVI LOOKS COOL!
dark_spirit12987634: the hair at least..........
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: ok! brb *goes off and puts chips away*
final_fantasy_bankai: whoa...that was fast...
oofuchibioo: nye?
dark_spirit12987634: semaii who are you going to be?
oofuchibioo: um...
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: whoa! cool!
oofuchibioo: ummmmmmmmm..........
oofuchibioo: I need to find someone...
dark_spirit12987634: HEY!
oofuchibioo: ?
final_fantasy_bankai: again... http:photobucket.com/image/paine/Roxie_mage.jpg?o=70
oofuchibioo: brb!
dark_spirit12987634: THATS WHAT YOUR HAIR LOOKS LIKE!
dark_spirit12987634: kk
final_fantasy_bankai: I'll just keep the original name for her
dark_spirit12987634: kinda........
final_fantasy_bankai: ish yeah
final_fantasy_bankai: Her name is Paine
dark_spirit12987634: OMG!
dark_spirit12987634: shes from FF!
final_fantasy_bankai: wat?
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: cool
final_fantasy_bankai: no s**t sherlock
dark_spirit12987634: biggrin
dark_spirit12987634: I didnt know that!
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: but why is there a bunch of pictures of an emo Sakura making out with Sasori?
final_fantasy_bankai: ...well now you do
dark_spirit12987634: WTF!?!?!?!?!?!
dark_spirit12987634: SAKURA SUCKS!
final_fantasy_bankai: don't know...not my problem
dark_spirit12987634: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
dark_spirit12987634: GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
dark_spirit12987634: *rips Sakura's head off*
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: it's creeping me out....
oofuchibioo: LOL!!! LOOK WHAT I FOUND!!! (brb)
final_fantasy_bankai: meh...she's okay...but i've seen WAY too many sakugaara stuff for my liking
oofuchibioo: http://photobucket.com/image/anime/8059_16/Anime/Sharingan.jpg?o=49
final_fantasy_bankai: k
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
oofuchibioo: ew?
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: the sakugaara
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: and who is your person sempaii?
oofuchibioo: ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww....................
oofuchibioo: I dunno yet...
dark_spirit12987634: lol
final_fantasy_bankai: just like you
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: btw my person's name is Illirea
final_fantasy_bankai: shighs
dark_spirit12987634: I like that pic!
final_fantasy_bankai: k
dark_spirit12987634: is the first letter an i
dark_spirit12987634: ?
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: yeah
final_fantasy_bankai: my comp is f**kes up everytime i go onto pjotobucket so ill look ltr
final_fantasy_bankai: f**ks*
final_fantasy_bankai: oops
dark_spirit12987634: kay though so!
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: nice, you have to spell your curse words right
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: what's your name again tobi?
dark_spirit12987634: Isuna!
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: oh yeah
final_fantasy_bankai: shaddup
dark_spirit12987634: huh?
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: she's talking to me
dark_spirit12987634: oh okay
dark_spirit12987634: hurry up sempaii!
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: seriously
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: I'm hungry
dark_spirit12987634: again?
dark_spirit12987634: semaii just be asako!
final_fantasy_bankai: o...kay...
dark_spirit12987634: I think I spelled that right...........
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: well I had three chips, choked on two, and then put them away, so, yeah
final_fantasy_bankai: so now what?
dark_spirit12987634: YELL AT SEMPAII!
final_fantasy_bankai: GAH! STUPID PHOTOBUCKET!
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: brb *goes and looks for food*
dark_spirit12987634: HURRY UP SEMPAII!
final_fantasy_bankai: hold on...
dark_spirit12987634: kay
final_fantasy_bankai: *goes back and opens another window.AGAIN*
oofuchibioo: ok, this is meh! her name is Koharu
oofuchibioo: http://photobucket.com/image/anime%20girl/Kohaku8/anime_girl6776.jpg?o=22
final_fantasy_bankai: hmmm
oofuchibioo: ? hmmm?
dark_spirit12987634: what? do you smell bad or something?
dark_spirit12987634: whats with the window?
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: kk
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: back
oofuchibioo: did yall see me yet?
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: yeah
dark_spirit12987634: its loading
dark_spirit12987634: yup!
oofuchibioo: kk
dark_spirit12987634: so whats the setting?
final_fantasy_bankai: my photobucket link is f**ked up
oofuchibioo: O.o
final_fantasy_bankai: yeah seriously what r we gonna do in the rp?
oofuchibioo: um...
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: so, I'm Illirea, Sampaii's Koharu, Kyo-kyo's paine, and tobi's Isuna?
final_fantasy_bankai: who's idea was this?
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: Mine
final_fantasy_bankai: k
oofuchibioo: ah...
dark_spirit12987634: IN HALLOW BASTION!
dark_spirit12987634: lol jk!
oofuchibioo: awesomeness
final_fantasy_bankai: I'm the only one with a non-Japanese name...oh well
dark_spirit12987634: I have been playing too much Kingdom Hearts!
final_fantasy_bankai: yes you have
dark_spirit12987634: biggrin
oofuchibioo: lol, both of us have
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: mines isn't japanese
final_fantasy_bankai: not a good thing
dark_spirit12987634: yeah we played like all day yesterday!
oofuchibioo: yep!
oofuchibioo: I have to beat up Ansem!!! @_@
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: so where do we start?
oofuchibioo: um.../
dark_spirit12987634: for like six hours!
dark_spirit12987634: I told you he was hard!
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: plain? forest?
final_fantasy_bankai: okay...but ur r my younger self so you don't count
dark_spirit12987634: I like forests!
oofuchibioo: I haven't got to him yet!
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: forests?
final_fantasy_bankai: forests
dark_spirit12987634: oh.....well. everyone knows you have to fight Ansem!
oofuchibioo: NO! not a forest 4 once!
final_fantasy_bankai: y?
oofuchibioo: ;_;
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: I like forests
dark_spirit12987634: I never RP in forests!
final_fantasy_bankai: oh! mountains!
oofuchibioo: I don't
oofuchibioo: ......................
final_fantasy_bankai: mountains!
oofuchibioo: how bout a desert?
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: ok
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: mountains
final_fantasy_bankai: what? i like mountains.
dark_spirit12987634: ug! fine!
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: no desert
final_fantasy_bankai: yay!
final_fantasy_bankai: yes no desert
oofuchibioo: crap..
final_fantasy_bankai: had enoguh of sand
dark_spirit12987634: sorry
oofuchibioo: CRAPSICLE!!!
final_fantasy_bankai: s**t crap,crap s**t!
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: I don't know you people yet (in the RP)
oofuchibioo: O.o
final_fantasy_bankai: eh...oh gotcha!
dark_spirit12987634: LETS BLOW THIS CRAPSICLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
dark_spirit12987634: lol!
final_fantasy_bankai: ...-_-
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: I'm eating one! ^-^
dark_spirit12987634: O.O
final_fantasy_bankai: ew
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: jk
dark_spirit12987634: a crapsicle?
final_fantasy_bankai: phew
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: but I am eating a popsicle...
oofuchibioo: GROSS!
final_fantasy_bankai: nice
dark_spirit12987634: oh........
final_fantasy_bankai: he heh
dark_spirit12987634: crapsicles are better!
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: It's strawberry flavored
oofuchibioo: lol! Whinnie the POOH!
final_fantasy_bankai: you guys have a quizilla?
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: yeah
dark_spirit12987634: yeah!
oofuchibioo: I think
dark_spirit12987634: I have two!
final_fantasy_bankai: what's your usernames?
oofuchibioo: um...
dark_spirit12987634: yes, you do sempaii!
dark_spirit12987634: uh........
oofuchibioo: I forgot...
dark_spirit12987634: I dont remember!
final_fantasy_bankai: ...
final_fantasy_bankai: Yuffietine
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: don't remember, but I'm trying to make anew one called eowynofrohan
oofuchibioo: ?
final_fantasy_bankai: lotr
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: yeah
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: whoa! you know lotr???!!!!
final_fantasy_bankai: i remember that and I havent watched the movies ar read the books in a VERY long time
dark_spirit12987634: SORA IS A BUTTERFLY!
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: oh...nvrmnd
final_fantasy_bankai: yes...I have the books and the movies
final_fantasy_bankai: what the crap?
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: me 2!! ^-^ *squee*
final_fantasy_bankai: heh
oofuchibioo: YAY! BUTTERFLY!
final_fantasy_bankai: younger self is a spazz!
dark_spirit12987634: Cid Cannon MK. II
final_fantasy_bankai: jk
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: vat??
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: can we start now???
final_fantasy_bankai: correction...WHAT THE @#$%^&*^%$@#$%^
dark_spirit12987634: yeah!
final_fantasy_bankai: yes we can
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: what does "@#$%^&*^%$@#$%^" mean??
oofuchibioo: O.o
final_fantasy_bankai: ********!
final_fantasy_bankai: jk
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: k. oh. ok.
oofuchibioo: something very bad
final_fantasy_bankai: ^_^
final_fantasy_bankai: no s**t sherlock
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: duh
final_fantasy_bankai: -_-"
dark_spirit12987634: ..................
final_fantasy_bankai: .........................................................
dark_spirit12987634: can we RP now?
final_fantasy_bankai: CAN WE JUST START?!
final_fantasy_bankai: SERIOUSLY!
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: so, I'm near the bottom of a mountain sitting in a tree reading a book (I'm an elf btw) and I don't know you peoples yet
final_fantasy_bankai: okay...
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: who wants to start it?
oofuchibioo: I just fell down a mt...
oofuchibioo: into a lake...
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: niiice
final_fantasy_bankai: and i see you
oofuchibioo: ^_^
final_fantasy_bankai: and don't help you out
oofuchibioo: "OW, CRAP!!!"
final_fantasy_bankai: jk
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: that's just like you!
oofuchibioo: "THAT FRIGGIN HURT!!!"
final_fantasy_bankai: "How the hell did you do THAT?!"
oofuchibioo: "? do what?"
final_fantasy_bankai: Fall down the f**king mountain and just get a scratch?
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: GAK!! stupid Caps lock!!))
oofuchibioo: "um..."
final_fantasy_bankai: heh heh
oofuchibioo: "I don't know..."
final_fantasy_bankai: "No answer?"
oofuchibioo: "..."
final_fantasy_bankai: "That's wierd..."
dark_spirit12987634: STOP TALKING!!!!))
oofuchibioo: "maybe to you"
dark_spirit12987634: I NEED TO READ!))
oofuchibioo: WHY???))
final_fantasy_bankai: "People usually say they trip. But that only goes for normal people"
oofuchibioo: "oh... Well, someone pushed me..."
final_fantasy_bankai: "Right. Listen.You're on our side of the mountain now human. And ther's nothin you can do bout it."
oofuchibioo: "our side?"
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: are you not human marty??))
final_fantasy_bankai: "Idiot. Can't you see, this isn't the mortal side of the mountain?
final_fantasy_bankai: no im a vampire!))
dark_spirit12987634: duh!))
'forestgreen' is not a valid color. Open color guide.
final_fantasy_bankai: idiot))
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: oh))
final_fantasy_bankai: Dei?))
oofuchibioo: "see?"
'orest green' is not a valid color. Open color guide.
oofuchibioo: "NYA?!"
final_fantasy_bankai: "Take a look.".
oofuchibioo: "not mortal side?! I CAN'T TAKE A LOOK!"
final_fantasy_bankai: "This isn't your normal human city."
dark_spirit12987634: *Isuna sits quietly on a rock, looking up at the clouds*
oofuchibioo: "I'M FRIGGIN BLIND!!!"
oofuchibioo: lol, 4got to mention that...))
final_fantasy_bankai: "Hmm. That's a problem."
final_fantasy_bankai: idiot!))
dark_spirit12987634: well mabye you should have told us that before!))
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: wait, I'm on this side of the mountain, and I'm an elf, and I live in the forest at the mountains base...))
oofuchibioo: "yes, I suppose it is..."
final_fantasy_bankai: "No s**t sherlock."
dark_spirit12987634: oh yeah, you might need to know......Isuna is an angel!))
oofuchibioo: "hmmm..."
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: kk))
oofuchibioo: kk))
final_fantasy_bankai: "A blind human isn't cut out for this world. I'm gonna have to talk to the Counsel."
oofuchibioo: "Counsel?"
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: elves are immortal in the way that they only die if they fall in battle btw))
final_fantasy_bankai: "Once you're in there's practically no way back out. So the Counsel erases their memories of ever being human."
oofuchibioo: "whoa..."
final_fantasy_bankai: vampires are kinda like that too))
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: kk))
final_fantasy_bankai: "Tell me about it." *gets up and starts to leave*
oofuchibioo: ah))
oofuchibioo: "ah... wait!" *falls over*
dark_spirit12987634: nice!))
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: sempaii's turning into Itachi-san))
final_fantasy_bankai: "It's dark. Go find yourself someplace to stay. And don't tell anyone you're a human. They're not as nice as I am. They'll eat you on the spot!"
oofuchibioo: "IT'S DARK???!!!"
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: your nice?? *smirk*))
final_fantasy_bankai: "Besides..."
dark_spirit12987634: 'hmmmm, I wonder what happened......and why the cast me down here..............' Isuna thinks.
final_fantasy_bankai: "Don't you humans know that vampires need to eat?"
oofuchibioo: "oh course. everything needs to eat."
oofuchibioo: *of, not oh
final_fantasy_bankai: "Hello?! VAMPIRES!"
oofuchibioo: "psh... I get your point"
final_fantasy_bankai: "I didn't think so..."
oofuchibioo: "oh?"
final_fantasy_bankai: "I'm a vampire, stupid!"
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: I like this song))
dark_spirit12987634: what song?))
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: For a pessimist I'm Pretty Optimistic by Paramore))
final_fantasy_bankai: "Aren't you scared of me, little human?"
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: brb))
dark_spirit12987634: oh, its okay.....))
dark_spirit12987634: kk))
oofuchibioo: "um.... NO!"
final_fantasy_bankai: "Why?"
oofuchibioo: "maybe it's cuz I'm BLIND???!!!"
final_fantasy_bankai: hold on a minute...my mom's calling))
dark_spirit12987634: "Its so boring here........." she says, pluking out a white feather from her wings, and starting to play with it.
dark_spirit12987634: kk))
oofuchibioo: ...))
dark_spirit12987634: *plucking
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: back))
dark_spirit12987634: for a second i thought pluking said puking))
oofuchibioo: me too!))
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: same here!!))
final_fantasy_bankai: idiots))
dark_spirit12987634: that would be gross!))
final_fantasy_bankai: heh heh...anyways))
oofuchibioo: LOL!!!))
final_fantasy_bankai: "I guess that makes you different. C'mon, get up."
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: *Illirea looked up from her book when she saw a faint light is the wood ahead*
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: brb))
oofuchibioo: *gets up*
final_fantasy_bankai: wat does brb mean?))
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: be right back))
final_fantasy_bankai: *holds out hand* "I feel like a f**king mother."
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: btw I'm back))
final_fantasy_bankai: k))
oofuchibioo: LOL!))
oofuchibioo: "does that make me a kid?!"
final_fantasy_bankai: "Watch out for that stone on your left. Yes. What year were you born?"
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: *Illirea follows the glow and see an angel through the leaves of the undergrowth*
dark_spirit12987634: STALKER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!))
final_fantasy_bankai: haha! nice!))
oofuchibioo: "I'm 15."
final_fantasy_bankai: "And I'm practically 10,000 years older. That makes you a newborn."
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: nice. Kyo-Kyo's an old hag))
final_fantasy_bankai: shaddup))
oofuchibioo: LOL!))
dark_spirit12987634: Isuna drops the feather to the ground, then it turns to ash.
oofuchibioo: "wow... your an oldie..."
final_fantasy_bankai: "I'm actually 21. I've been like this for 10,00 years in human time."
oofuchibioo: oh?"
oofuchibioo: "well, your still old"
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: 10,00 isn't a number))
oofuchibioo: nice))
final_fantasy_bankai: "You stay the same age as you were when you cross over. I got bitten in my 21st birthday."
dark_spirit12987634: then the ashes float away on the breeze.
dark_spirit12987634: lol!))
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: well at least you can drink!! lol jk yi))
oofuchibioo: "I see..."
dark_spirit12987634: nice))
final_fantasy_bankai: "It's complicated. I haven't aged physically. being a vampire gives me engancements to my physical being."
oofuchibioo: lol, looks like engagements!))
final_fantasy_bankai: "The only way you can tell how old a vampire is when they tell you."
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: it does!))
final_fantasy_bankai: oops))
oofuchibioo: "hmmm......."
final_fantasy_bankai: i ment enhancements))
oofuchibioo: I know))
final_fantasy_bankai: "What?"
oofuchibioo: "nothing..."
final_fantasy_bankai: "...okay...anyways, we havent really been introduced. (What an overused phrase!) my name is Paine
oofuchibioo: "I'm Koharu..."
final_fantasy_bankai: "Japanese huh?"
final_fantasy_bankai: what does it mean?))
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: when she voices near the lake, and some light footstps, Illirea turned and followed the sonds, leaving the angel to her feathers.
oofuchibioo: psh, beats me!))
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: hehe, I like this song too))
final_fantasy_bankai: "Wait." *stops Koharu and sniffs the air*
oofuchibioo: ?
dark_spirit12987634: 'so she left.............' Isuna thinks, turning to look at the place where the elf once stood
final_fantasy_bankai: "We're being followed. Smells like..."
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: Illirea sow the vampire as it turned toward her
oofuchibioo: got 2 go!))
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: saw*
oofuchibioo: bye!))
final_fantasy_bankai: "Elf."
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: NO!!))
oofuchibioo leaves the chat.
final_fantasy_bankai: DAMMIT!))
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: kill her marty))
dark_spirit12987634: NO! dont kill sempaii!))
final_fantasy_bankai: BRB!)))
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: then take over her tobi!))
final_fantasy_bankai: JK))
final_fantasy_bankai: seriously. now what))
dark_spirit12987634: take over?))
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: take over her charecter))
final_fantasy_bankai: take over sempais part.))
dark_spirit12987634: NO!))
dark_spirit12987634: Tobi cant do that!))
final_fantasy_bankai: guess it's our show now.))
dark_spirit12987634: Tobi is bad at RPing as more than one person!))
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: well, elves and Vampires are horrible enemies and have always fought over control of that side of the mountain))
final_fantasy_bankai: "What're you doing here Elf? This is Vampire territory!"
final_fantasy_bankai: *snarls*
final_fantasy_bankai: younger self?))
dark_spirit12987634: snarls? like a puppy?))
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: "You are on the edge of the forests, this neutral territory Vampire" Illirea spat
final_fantasy_bankai: tiger))
final_fantasy_bankai: "So what? It's gonna be ours anyways!"
final_fantasy_bankai: Paine growled
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: "oh, would you like me to test that?" Illirea threatened.
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: *Illirea stepped out of the trees into the open*
final_fantasy_bankai: "Bring it on b***h!" Paine yelled, taking out her sword.
final_fantasy_bankai: "Or should I say, Illirea?" Paine smirked
final_fantasy_bankai: wolfishly
dark_spirit12987634: Isuna stands up from her sot on the rock, "well, mabye I should go prevent a fight........."
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: fast as lightning Illirea wipped out her bow and knocked an arrow. Then she put the point against the vampires forhead
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: You are worthy to speak my name filth
final_fantasy_bankai: "Think that can stop me, Princess?"
dark_spirit12987634: she walks slowly to where the two enimes were.
final_fantasy_bankai: Appears behing her with the sword point at her throat.
final_fantasy_bankai: "Never forget, how our families lasted so long."
final_fantasy_bankai: Withdraws sword.
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: "nice trick" she said, pulled out her dagger, wipped around and put its point against her chest
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: not her own chest, but paine's))
final_fantasy_bankai: "Think again." Knocks it away snaps at her throat.
final_fantasy_bankai: not hers but Illirea's))
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: Illirea flipped over the vampire and shot several arrows at her from in the air
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: we'll just asume they aren't suicidal))
final_fantasy_bankai: "I won't hesitate to turn the heir to the Elven Throne into a vampire." Paine remarked side stepping the arrows easily and jumps after her lashing out with her fist
dark_spirit12987634: isuna walks out of the bushes to see the two of them fighting.
final_fantasy_bankai: *Smokebombs explode on contact*
dark_spirit12987634: "both of you please stop, there is no need to fight..........."
final_fantasy_bankai: "Stay out of this Angel."
final_fantasy_bankai: Paine snarled, swinging her sword at Illirea.
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: Illirea kept an arrow pointed at paine's chest
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: You are out of reak sc*m
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: reach*
final_fantasy_bankai: "Like that's gonna stop me." tramsforms into a wolf.
final_fantasy_bankai: and snaps the bow in half
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: Illirea released several arrows on the animal
final_fantasy_bankai: "Don't forget, we vampires have special ablilities."
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: you can't break an elf's bow))
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: It's impossible))
dark_spirit12987634: "Okay, If You Two Dont Stop Fighting I'll Blow Both Of Your Heads Off!" Isuna yells.
final_fantasy_bankai: you could've said that!))
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: sorry, I forgot))
final_fantasy_bankai: "Try it! You'll get yourself killed."
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: Illirea paused, but kept her arrow pointed at the vampire
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: what do you want angel?
dark_spirit12987634: "I want the fighting to stop!"
final_fantasy_bankai: "Seriously." Paine muttered transforming back into her.. uh human form
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: what is sempaii's name again? Koharu?))
dark_spirit12987634: yeah!))
final_fantasy_bankai: Its a pain in the a**! Don't say anything!" she growled as a crooked smile quirked on the elf's lips
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: Koharu sat wondering what the heck was happening
final_fantasy_bankai: "Koharu! C'mon, we're leaving!"
final_fantasy_bankai: Paine yelled, strappin the sword onto her back
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: "umm....okay...." Koharu said
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: "where are you?" Koharu asked
final_fantasy_bankai: "We'll meet again elf. When there's no interupptions." Paine growled over her shoulder.
final_fantasy_bankai: "Over here. Paine held put her hand again.
dark_spirit12987634: isuna just rolles her eyes.
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: "I'll be waiting." Illirea replied calmly.
final_fantasy_bankai: gotta go eat dinner fr a bit be b ltr))
final_fantasy_bankai: Paine smirked "Beat it b***h."
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: "thanks." Koharu took her hand and followed her
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: Illirea simply watched them leave.
dark_spirit12987634: okay))
dark_spirit12987634: "why do you fight when you dont have to?" isuna asked Illirea.
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: THose creatures have no right in our territory, they are invaders. What else would you have us do?
dark_spirit12987634: brb))
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: kk))
dark_spirit12987634: nvm!))
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: brb))
dark_spirit12987634: kk))
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: back))
dark_spirit12987634: wb!))
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: continue))
dark_spirit12987634: "why cant you just settle an agreement that both of you would follow?" she asked.
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: "Thos peices of sc*m would follow no agreement, and no oath would bind them." Illirea replied simply.
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: thos*
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: those*
dark_spirit12987634: "are you sure?" Isuna asked.
dark_spirit12987634: lol!))
dark_spirit12987634: "they could think the same thing about you" she said.
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: "They have no loyalty, nor have they earned any trust. They do what they wish, and feed on whomever they find. We do what we must to stop them"
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: The Elves however have made alliances with their most bitter enemies and they held."
dark_spirit12987634: "but you can make no alliance with the vampires?"
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: "We tried when they first came into being, before humans were created, and they refused to speak with us. They ate our messengers."
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: "Surely you know of this as you would have seen it from you watching from the world above"
dark_spirit12987634: "well then..........mabye I could go! Im sure they wouldnt eat me!"
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: watches*
dark_spirit12987634: "you think I care!I was forced down here! as you can tell Im not the kindest angel out there!"
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: "You could try, but you saw how the filth treated you. You are unwelcome with them, as much as we are, and besides, you would have to talk to Lady Tinuviel and Lord
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: before any alliance or agreement is made"
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: Insert "Ellebreth" Between before and Lord))
dark_spirit12987634: kay))
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: Edit: not Ellebreth, Gilthoniel))
dark_spirit12987634: "well then take me to them, I guees if I do a caring act towards the living that I will accepted back up there"
dark_spirit12987634: alright))
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: brb))
dark_spirit12987634: kk))
final_fantasy_bankai: whoa...what's going on?))
dark_spirit12987634: go read it!))
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: read, we won't type))
final_fantasy_bankai: k))
final_fantasy_bankai: *Paine pulled Koharu through the crowd, cursing colorfully under her breath*
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: "where are we going" Koharu asked
final_fantasy_bankai: "That son of a-! How the hell did and Angel end up down here?!" Paine was deaf to Koharu's question
final_fantasy_bankai: "I mean seriously! I can't even get into her mind!"
final_fantasy_bankai: Paine can shapeshift and read minds))
final_fantasy_bankai: that's how she knew Illirea's name and that she was royalty))
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: but she isn't royalty))
final_fantasy_bankai: oops. okie then))
final_fantasy_bankai: reply Koharu!))
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: She is Captain of the Raiding party of the elves, and she does serve in the court, but she's not royalty))
final_fantasy_bankai: gotcha!))
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: What do you mean??"
final_fantasy_bankai: "Captain eh?" Paine mused practically kicking down the door to a hotel.
final_fantasy_bankai: "F*ing Raiding Party."
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: btw Illirea has elf powers: keen sight/hearing very fast, able to move silently, very agile, and can speak in peoples minds))
dark_spirit12987634: kk))
final_fantasy_bankai: "I need to talk to him 'bout this...gods above, I hope the stars were lying."
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: "What??" Koharu asked bewildered
final_fantasy_bankai: Vampires and elves are so alike it's scary!))
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: + she can heal herself and (sorry older self) shapeshift))
final_fantasy_bankai: "You're blind. Right. I forgot." Paine ran a hand through her silver hair and sighed wearily.
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: Elves are basically the good version of elves.))
final_fantasy_bankai: sighs* spells. not dark magic, but not Light magic either.))
final_fantasy_bankai: you mean vampires))
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: yeah, whoops))
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: "So, um, what's going on?" Koharu asked
final_fantasy_bankai: "That girl that interuppted was an Angel. No doubt from above. But Angels aren't really supposed to be down here...so..."
final_fantasy_bankai: "Sit. This is gonna take a while and you look tired."
final_fantasy_bankai: Paine gestured behind Koharu. "There's a chair behind you."
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: "Thanks" Koharu said. She sat, missed the chair, and fell on the floor
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: "ow" she said, and clumsily got onto the chair
final_fantasy_bankai: Paine sighed and helped her to her feet. "You've been blind for 15 years haven't you? Shouldn't you be used to this by know?"
final_fantasy_bankai: *now))
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: "No, I've only been bling for three months." Koharu mumble embarressed
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: blind*
final_fantasy_bankai: Paine frowned. "What happened?"
final_fantasy_bankai: bling heh heh))
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: *cracks up over my own mistake*))
final_fantasy_bankai: bling bling))
final_fantasy_bankai: well?)) what happened?))
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: We were setting off fireworks, and it exploded on me, and, well, I've been blind since."
final_fantasy_bankai: "Ah. Nearly happened to me too. Being a vampire does have its advantages, but it has more shortcomings."
final_fantasy_bankai: Paine stood up and opened the window and stared at the moon.
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: "What do you mean?" Koharu asked.
final_fantasy_bankai: "Well, it's difficult. No that's not good enough. It's like hell. A cold one."
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: "erm, well that's hard to imagine..."
final_fantasy_bankai: She turned from the window and gently tapped Koharu's forehead with her fingers. "Feel that?"
final_fantasy_bankai: its cold))
final_fantasy_bankai: her fingers. rly rly cold.))
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: "Gah! Your hand is freezing!!!
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: I know! I'm no idiot!))
dark_spirit12987634: hey, can you stop talking for a sec please?))
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: sure))
final_fantasy_bankai: k))
final_fantasy_bankai: er...wher'd she go?))
dark_spirit12987634: STOP TALKING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!))
final_fantasy_bankai: GAH! SRY!))
dark_spirit12987634: GOD!))
dark_spirit12987634: okay sorry))
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: done?))
final_fantasy_bankai: wat was that?))
dark_spirit12987634: please continue!))
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: she needed to read))
final_fantasy_bankai: oh))
final_fantasy_bankai: hold on
final_fantasy_bankai: okay
dark_spirit12987634: my mom wanted me to unload the dish washer so I had to leave, then I ewanted to know what happened...))
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: ok))
final_fantasy_bankai: Paine smiled humorlessly. "I feel it too. But magnified beyond belif. Not only that, I feel this almost unbearable thirst for blood."
final_fantasy_bankai: brb))
dark_spirit12987634: kk))
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: "Well, that's kinda creepy..." Koharu noted. Then she shivered and backed up a little.
dark_spirit12987634: lol))
final_fantasy_bankai: "Yeah. I used to be a wanted mass murderer." She laughed at Koharu's frightened expression. "Don't worry! That was before I had control over myself."
final_fantasy_bankai: note razz aine is not a wanted vampire anymore...she actually.))
dark_spirit12987634: brb))
final_fantasy_bankai: Paine leaned against the wall next to the window. "The elf's got it all wrong."
final_fantasy_bankai: k))
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: "oh..uh, okay." she said. Then (anxiouse to change the subject) she asked, "So why do you hat elves so much?"
final_fantasy_bankai: "I don't really hate them. I see them more as a nusiance. Or in a way, a good sort of vampire." Paine laughed again.
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: "Then why were you so quick to attack the elf we met back there?"
final_fantasy_bankai: "Vampires and elves are so alike, I don't even know why we're fighting. It's just as really stupid blood feud for the mountain. I wanted out."
final_fantasy_bankai: "I attacked the elf because I was really crabby. When I need to eat, I get really pissed off. Then I found you..."
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: "You aren't going to eat me are you?!" Koharu squeaked.
final_fantasy_bankai: she hasn't eaten/drinken any blood for the past 2 months. Vampires need to eat at least once every week))
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: That isn't good))
final_fantasy_bankai: Paine reached out with one hand. Koharu squeaked when she rested it on top of her head. "Course not stupid! It's against the law!" She started ruffling Koharu's
final_fantasy_bankai: hair
final_fantasy_bankai: what color is Koharu's hair?))
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: "What?" She asked.
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: purple))
final_fantasy_bankai: thnx))
dark_spirit12987634: back!))
final_fantasy_bankai: A less cheerful air stole over Paines face. "When I saw you, of course I wanted to eat you. But I couldn't. There's this wierd aura around you that refuses to be
final_fantasy_bankai: eaten.""
final_fantasy_bankai: read())
dark_spirit12987634: kk!))
final_fantasy_bankai: i won't type))
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: I won't either))
dark_spirit12987634: kay thx!))
final_fantasy_bankai: ok younger self?))
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: Yep!))
final_fantasy_bankai: type.))
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: Squee! I love this song!! ^-^))
final_fantasy_bankai: Koharu?))
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: "Aura? What do you mean?" Koharu asked bewildered
final_fantasy_bankai: "My thirst was surpressed. I knew I hadn't eaten for 2 months so I knew you're special. So I decided to take you along to the Council with me."
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: MEANWHILE Illirea had finished their meeting with The rulers of the elves and were on their way to the vampires
final_fantasy_bankai: great))
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: oops, Isuna too))
dark_spirit12987634: thx just forget about me!)
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: sorry!))
final_fantasy_bankai: Paine smirked and glanced out the window. "Looks like someone's a tattle tale. But she's in for a big surprise!"
final_fantasy_bankai: hello?))
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: Illirea followed the angel rather reluctantly, not wishing to offer allience with the vampires, but she had to follow her orders.
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: Tobi?))
dark_spirit12987634: sorry i was side tracked......)
dark_spirit12987634: "you know its best if your not fighting all the time..........." isuna said.
final_fantasy_bankai: "Hmm...sounds like the angel Isuna's gonna offer an alliance. Gods above, I hope she doesn't get hurt. The last thing we need is angels waging war."
final_fantasy_bankai: oops.continue))
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: "This is completely pointless and idiotic." thought Illirea, but said nothing.
final_fantasy_bankai: "And it sounds like the little Captain is gonna spill about me attacking her."
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: This song makes me hungrier than I already am...))
final_fantasy_bankai: Paine smirked. "Sadly for her, I'm not with THOSE clodheads."
final_fantasy_bankai: hello?))
final_fantasy_bankai: hello?))
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: I have nothing to say))
final_fantasy_bankai: Koharu's reaction plz!))
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: oh))
final_fantasy_bankai: youngerself is so dense))
final_fantasy_bankai: continue))
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: "What the heck are you talking about???" Koharu asked
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: suddup))
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: Shuddup*))
final_fantasy_bankai: "I'm going to the Council to sever my bloodline. I don't wasnt to be the heir of the freaking throne."
final_fantasy_bankai: you))
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: "What?!?"
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: "But you could change things!!"
final_fantasy_bankai: "Bingo! I was bitten by the current king of the Vampires."
final_fantasy_bankai: "Whattaya mean change things?!" Paine cried "I'm no magician. I'm a f**king bounty hunter! and assasin!"
final_fantasy_bankai: an*))
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: "But as aruler, you could offer alliance with the elves! Make peace! Isn't that what you said you wanted?!"
final_fantasy_bankai: "Hello?! Course I wanted that! But apperantly, the rulers before had to go and eat the messengers!" Paine sighed andsank to the floor and leaned her head against th
final_fantasy_bankai: the wall
final_fantasy_bankai: "it's complicated." Paine gazed at the ceiling, thought fully
final_fantasy_bankai: Then she turned her gazed at the blind 15 year old staring at her general direction
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: Koharu sat in thoughtful silence and tried to injest all of the information.
final_fantasy_bankai: "Aren't you tired?" Paine asked, resting her arms on her knees, closing her eyes.
final_fantasy_bankai: and boerdly stared at the teen
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: "I geuss..." Answered Koharu, though sure she wouldn't sleep anytime soon.
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: How do you stare at someone when your eyes are closed?))
final_fantasy_bankai: "Guess again sweet heart." Paine snapped her fingers
final_fantasy_bankai: she opened them sry. snapped her fingers=sleeping spell))
dark_spirit12987634: lol!))
final_fantasy_bankai: heh))
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: "Huh?" she grunted then fell to the floor asleep.
final_fantasy_bankai: Paine sighed and stood up in one fluid movement. "I need to perfect that one." She muttered to herself, lifting Koharu with ease. "Damn, she's light."
final_fantasy_bankai: Paine grunted setting her gently in the bed in the corner.
final_fantasy_bankai: there is a bed in the corner. i forgot to mention))
final_fantasy_bankai: sry))
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: s'ok))
final_fantasy_bankai: now what?))
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: er, back to the angel and the elf))
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: where's tobi?))
final_fantasy_bankai: k))
final_fantasy_bankai: seriously)) TOBI?!))
dark_spirit12987634: sorry!))
final_fantasy_bankai: ugh...just like you))
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: speak my friend!))
dark_spirit12987634: but noone was talking to me so I started to read......))
final_fantasy_bankai: type))
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: oh
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: ))
final_fantasy_bankai: type now plz))
final_fantasy_bankai: angel and the elf!))
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: erm...))
dark_spirit12987634: kay just a sec!))
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: "We are almost there"
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: "That filthy Vampire and pesky human is whatching us, but no matter, they dare not stop us." Illirea commented
dark_spirit12987634: ' Am I doing the right thing........' isuna thought, looking at her feet as she walked.
dark_spirit12987634: uh....mabye I should have added a question mark......)
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: yeah...continue))
dark_spirit12987634: *.......?
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: Paramore rulz! sry...random thought...))
final_fantasy_bankai: where are we?))
dark_spirit12987634: i dont know! thats why I havent tyoed anything!))
dark_spirit12987634: *typed
final_fantasy_bankai: okay!
final_fantasy_bankai: ))
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: There is the cidital of the Vampires. We will be there in five minutes tops.
final_fantasy_bankai: citidal of Vampires...I like that:3))
dark_spirit12987634: lol nice!))
dark_spirit12987634: "alirght............." isuna mummbled, not really paying attention.
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: Oh, okay, so that's how you spell it. Wasn't sure if the "t" or the "d" went first..))
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: At the Iron doors they paused, then then Illirea went forward and pushed them open with a very loud creak.
dark_spirit12987634: "dear god! does it have to make such an irritating noise!"
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: "Apparently they are too lazy to oil the doors. Either that or they like the sound..." Illirea commented.
dark_spirit12987634: isuna frowned, " geez!"
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: They walked into the dark hall, no lights were there except the faint glow of the angel and that of the stars.
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: As soon as they were halfway through the entryway the doors clanged shut with no apparent help.
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: "show offs" Illirea muttered.
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: Tobi??!!)
final_fantasy_bankai: Tobi?))
dark_spirit12987634: Isuna laughed at the comment and looked around.
dark_spirit12987634: sorry!))
dark_spirit12987634: ^ -^; ))
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: reading again?))
dark_spirit12987634: yes......))
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: nice))
final_fantasy_bankai: idiot.))
dark_spirit12987634: shut up!))
final_fantasy_bankai: type!))
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: "Well I suppose we go this way..." I llirea said and pointed to the doors that had opened as the others closed.
dark_spirit12987634: "yeah, I would guess.........." isuna said, and started walking to the doors.
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: They followed they paassage and went through several door until they (literally) ran into paine.
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: the*
final_fantasy_bankai: Paine smirked. "Not surprised to see you guys here. Sorry Illirea, I gotta make a run to the Council, so i can't fight you right know."
final_fantasy_bankai: is koharu with Paine?))
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: No, she's asleep, duh))
final_fantasy_bankai: k))
dark_spirit12987634: " we are not here to fight!" isuna said.
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: 'I'm afraid you can't lose us that easy" Illirea said with a smirk, "we're going to your "Council" as well."
final_fantasy_bankai: "I know that Illirea! I ment the Mage!" Paine turned to the angel. "You shouldn't be here. Get out of here now!"
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: what?))
dark_spirit12987634: huh?))
final_fantasy_bankai: the oracle))
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: oh))
final_fantasy_bankai: i ment Oracle!))
final_fantasy_bankai: brb
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: "Whatever. I have no time for this. If you are to leave, give me proposal, and go, if not carry on" Illirea said to the Angel.
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: kk))
dark_spirit12987634: "Im staying, If I leave, where dont think I will go?" she asked
final_fantasy_bankai: eh?))
final_fantasy_bankai: guys...I gotta go now...I'll post this on quizilla. we can continue ther))
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: me too...))
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: bye!
dark_spirit12987634: okay)))
final_fantasy_bankai: bye.
dark_spirit12987634: buh- bye!
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: See ya later.
final_fantasy_bankai: stop typing!
-Gaara-SandyDeath-: Bye guys! Got 2 go! See you later!!
dark_spirit12987634: bye!
dark_spirit12987634 leaves the chat.
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