yes... little old insane me went shopping... i do not shop yet i did... it was fun. I finely got a chance to go out with me mum. It was fun. I was suppose to go to work but caouse of the weather they told me I wasn't well that was s**t. I woke up at 5 for nothing then. lol I'm so not a morning person, lol. Anyway i woke up and stuff my dad was already up and was getting ready to go do overtime. So i went on the net chatted played the sims 2 (god i need to get a new game) dad cam to bother me while i was playing... the pain in the a** he is. Anyway, soon later my dad went to work and mum woke up. So i washed the dishes cuz she asked... yes my friends if ur reading this i washed dishes... i did some house work. THen we went out to go shopping... we went to... Terrbonne to ardein (sp?) or sumthing like that looked around, i wanted to get a new 14 gadge earing for my ear, didnt find any. So soon later i went to a new store inthe mall... Saw a really cool hat, army style YEAH!!! Bought it even though i was deciding if i should or not, mum bought this leather neon pink purse with felix on it. Its cool. She said its the first time buying a brand name purse or even the type of colour that it is lol. We went to zellers looked around. I saw some boots (been looking for over 3 months for a nice pair) they we cool high top flat boots. THen we went to a computer store so i could get colour ink for me printer. THen crossed the parking lot to get to Wal-Mart. Basterds finally decided to like put out the nice looking boots... basterds. So then walking around wal-mart i spoted yet childish hat a winter hat of tiger.... from winnie the pooh. It's cool. Childish but cool. So then we went to eat at MacDonalds in the car cuz the place was jamed packed. We listen to the buzz... then went home... OH and i bought the Cd Out of your mouth. Lol. its all good. lol.