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The journal of Kyanzaki that's what it is, and that's that....
if there was a violent emote that's what I would feel
This has been on my mind for over a year...

However now I am starting to see why she left him...

My fiancée has began to think that now why his ex-wife has left him...

I'm starting to begin to feel very uncomfortable around his "girlfriend" almost to the point of not trying to even think of him as a friend. He's being totally selfish and self absorbed with her, it's starting to get sickening.

I just don't think what he is doing is right...he should be thinking on how he should be trying to win back something he lost very deeply, and if he fails...it's game over, but i don't think he cares anymore...this girl just absorbed with...[I'm not going into detail...] over him to me. It's just downright wrong what they're doing here and it is starting to ruin our relationship, but I think we bonded and have found what the problem is, so if it has to be what it has to be...then so be it, I am not going to let my fiancée health, well-being, and happiness go down any further. Unfortunately the worst happened., we had to deal with her and it felt like that my fiancee is the one is getting hurt so I put my foot down and stop it now. Now when I sternly told him the truth...he thinks I am threating him evil ...his "girlfriend" is manipulating him so she can have total happiness in the form of our disbandment. evil evil If he wants to amputate ties in our friendship because of the way his little girlfriend wants everyone to like her...just to ruin my fiancee's life...that is not going to happen. I really think that he really does not want to hear the truth and just live a life of lies secrets kept and people thinking that he is the greatest friend in the world...but I had enough. evil

Now why I see why his ex-wife left him...he's arrogant, selfish, and downright wrong to his true friends when he can't see the real picture. evil

Sorry if this annoyed any of you, but I had to get it out of my system...

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