About whatever the hell pops into my crazy mind ^_^
So im happy to say im going to Metrocon all three days the 18, 19, 20th of July I cant wait and i'll be 16 so I get to do that little "dating" thing they have lol. Its gonna be fun. So far I only have one cosplay outfit. Haruko from Fooly Cooly ^_^ I wanna do a Dir and Grey cosplay or maybe a GazettE one. That would be sweet I have a month left to get everything ready. And my Haruko is basically done I just need to work on the vest and the scarf then i'll be done and im borrowing my friendses guitar but its red......*sigh* but she's the only one I know who will let me borrow their guitar. I cant wait though for metro cause the blackout rave and gonna be ******** crazy as hell. >.< Also im trying to get some people together to do the Haruhi dance.(thats not its real name) But I know almost the whole thing and my friend wants to do it and shes gonna ask our other friend to do it the funny part is im Haruko and they'll be from kingdom hearts lol.