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View User's Journal

utter randomness from my brain
dumping area for various thoughts, dreams, and other stuff that has fallen out of my head
dimension jumping continued
3rd dimension jump (Red eyes world): weapons lost: other short sword
weapons gained: Self stabilizing rounds for barrett, bare bones exo skeleton.
skills gained: able to build (with enough time) an exo-suit.
equipment gained: none

4th dimension jump: (psyren universe): weapons lost: none.
weapons gained: none
equipment gained: none
skills gained: psychic abilities(Rise (self enhancement) style)

5th dimension jump: ("march up country" universe): weapons lost: none
weapons gained: M9 hypervelocity bead pistol
equipment gained: roll up solar sheeting
skills gained: none

6th dimension jump: (kamigawa dimension): Weapons lost: none
weapons gained: paired kodachi's
equipment gained: none
skills gained: spirit turning and slaying

7th dimension jump: (dragonback world): Weapons lost: none
weapons gained: none
partner gained: Raj (Ka'da (will be explained)
equipment gained: none
skills gained: none really

8th dimension jump: (high magic D&D realm) weapons lost: paired kodachi's
weapons gained: paired mithril keen (never dulled) kodachi's
equipment gained: spellbook
skills gained: up to 5th lvl D&D spells
Raj's magic's up to 4th lvl spells with extremely adept at illusion and tranmutation skills

9th dimension jump (Vampire realm): Weapons lost: None
weapons gained: none
equipment gained: small UV light
skills gained: Vampire tracking
Raj: skills gained: tracking and up to 2nd lvl cleric spells

10th dimension jump (current realm)

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