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oh! not another one!
"Pinkey, are you pondering what I'm pondering?" "I think so, Brain, but burlap chafes me so."
the blood letting
I was part of a blood letting today. Yesh, twas much fun, we let so much blood today, you wouldn't believe! I let two pints of my own blood! So, yeah, Now I'm short two pints of RBC's and can't go to another blood letting for 120 days which is... seventeen weeks...or four months. Usually it is 54 days, or seven weeks wich is about two months. *hides calculator* no, I'm not cheating! j/k but I do enjoy giving blood. You can save three lives with one pint of blood donated, and even more if you do a double red, which is what I did today. It's counted as two pints of blood, and they give your plasma (plateletts, saline and other stuff) back and they keep the Red Blood Cells. Hmmm, I wonder which vampires prefer to have, regular blood or just pure RBC's...

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