The name of the holiday eluded him during his musing before a trumpet like instrument interrupted his mental soliloquy. It was the man being announced that was to be his target. Another notch in the belt and all the screams and blood to go with it. He moved through the crowd of humanoid demons unnoticed as he approached. Two shots was all it was before the screams and his flight ensued.
What passed as law enforcement chased him through the alleyways, making him annoyed that his wings didn't quite work in this atmosphere. A sidestep, a jump, another jump with a boost from the wings, they did more than decorate after all, and he was on a roof top, still fleeing and somehow the petals still fell the sky. Still they reminded him of lovelier days when he didn't have to do this s**t.
It would have been easier to kill the guards, really it would, but he had other plans and other things to do than try to explain law enforcement deaths to his masters. There is always rules, no matter what level of hell you seek or belong to in this case. He could hear their voices still pursuing him. Apparently they were of hell hound stock and weren't going to give him up that easily.
As he glided down swiftly, he saw something that could be useful. In all his existence, he never assumed he would be glad to see a hellish pimp trying to push young souls on the streets but this time he was... His rules prevented him from attacking basic authority but this was scum among scum. A single bullet broke the pimp's knee while the incubus never broke stride and kept going, leaving the instinct of his hellhoundish pursuers to react to spilled blood. A smile was allowed to break on his face as the screams of a torn pimp caught his ears as the hell hound law enforcement found something new to occupy themselves.
He finally stopped around a corner a few blocks down the road, gasping in a breath while those petals still fell. It seemed to seek him out, to never let him forget why he was doing this. Damn foreign goddesses... Had he been a little wiser, maybe he would have known better than to fall in love with... Her. He dared not even speak her name now. What he had tried was forbidden, only mortals and fellow demons allowed but he had dared. Oh how he had dared.
He touched the spot on his face where the touch of her lips would always show. A lot of his power had been purified by her very touch, preventing him taking life with passion now. He had tried to hate her for it and how she looked covered in rose petals but he just couldn't. He didn't even want to hate her. He just wanted her but he had been caught. He was tried for breaking the old ways and sentenced to be made use of. He cringed knowing what usually happened to sex demons who were punished but something happened.
Something unexpected, he was sentenced to work off his debt through acts of murder. He was to take care of some of their problems. Mortals and demons acting out of bounds in hell and he was to clean it up. It seemed absurd. True, he could fight but... Then he knew better than to question it. He just took the guns offered and did his job. And now he was still doing it and was to keep doing it for years to come. He didn't exist, couldn't advance or gain souls. He just had his work and perhaps a bit of time to rest.
It didn't matter though, he knew why he was here. Why the falling rose petals affected him so and why he would have always done it again if he was only given the chance.