Zyke Nevaristh
"Leave a place in thine heart for that which thee oppresses, and thee whilst never know dissappointment, nor ever have hopes crushed in faith to only the good light in oneself.... We all return to the dark embrace of death at some point or another."

User Name: Zyke Nevaristh
RPC Name: Satoma Lithel Liander Kosuke
Race: Vampyre
Hunter: N/A
Sexual Preference: Homosexual (takes women victims on rare occasions)
Age: 23 (3079)
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 142
Bio: Not much is known about Kosuke Satoma, as he is generally considered one of the oldest of his kind around. It is known he only had one fledgling, though his whereabouts are unknown. Satoma has distanced himself from many of either race, confined to his attic and his many relativley mysterious studies. It is not quite known where Satomas background lies, and his present life is as much a shadow as he is when stalkin prey, far and few between. Nothing else is known at this current moment.
Personality: Cold, reserved, and contemplating, Satoma is one who carries out even the simplest of tasks wit passionate dedication and strictness. Not one known for leisure time, he is mostly kept to his studies beyond the attic door, beind which lies unknown territory to any who reside with him. Durin masquerades however, he makes a complete turn around and is, among other things, charasmatic and delightful around particular company, though he may still present himself as standofish to some human guests and other less desirable beings of his own kin.
Weapons: Only a single silver athame with celtic knots in its patterned weaving.
Personal Tastes: Artist, writer, musician, actor (the arts in general), British and Asian tastes, monocromatic schemes in neutral colors, though his attire is almost always vibrant in color if it is not black and white.
General Mood: Reserved, calm cool and collected, contemlating, can be dominating at times, dangerous, etc.
Other: Koske Satoma hosts the Trist Ahn Nefaritus within his estate as part of an inheritance. He is aslo of mixed decent between pure blood British on his mother's side and pure blood Japanese on his father's, hence his red hair, english accent, physical appearance, and mixed names (Satoma/ Koske verses Lithel/ Liander).
Portrayal: Raven with red tipped feathers

User Name: Zyke Nevaristh
RPC Name: Satoma Lithel Liander Kosuke
Race: Vampyre
Hunter: N/A
Sexual Preference: Homosexual (takes women victims on rare occasions)
Age: 23 (3079)
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 142
Bio: Not much is known about Kosuke Satoma, as he is generally considered one of the oldest of his kind around. It is known he only had one fledgling, though his whereabouts are unknown. Satoma has distanced himself from many of either race, confined to his attic and his many relativley mysterious studies. It is not quite known where Satomas background lies, and his present life is as much a shadow as he is when stalkin prey, far and few between. Nothing else is known at this current moment.
Personality: Cold, reserved, and contemplating, Satoma is one who carries out even the simplest of tasks wit passionate dedication and strictness. Not one known for leisure time, he is mostly kept to his studies beyond the attic door, beind which lies unknown territory to any who reside with him. Durin masquerades however, he makes a complete turn around and is, among other things, charasmatic and delightful around particular company, though he may still present himself as standofish to some human guests and other less desirable beings of his own kin.
Weapons: Only a single silver athame with celtic knots in its patterned weaving.
Personal Tastes: Artist, writer, musician, actor (the arts in general), British and Asian tastes, monocromatic schemes in neutral colors, though his attire is almost always vibrant in color if it is not black and white.
General Mood: Reserved, calm cool and collected, contemlating, can be dominating at times, dangerous, etc.
Other: Koske Satoma hosts the Trist Ahn Nefaritus within his estate as part of an inheritance. He is aslo of mixed decent between pure blood British on his mother's side and pure blood Japanese on his father's, hence his red hair, english accent, physical appearance, and mixed names (Satoma/ Koske verses Lithel/ Liander).
Portrayal: Raven with red tipped feathers
Zyke Nevaristh
"The only perfection is iperfection, unless of course you're looking for hope that love is too. But it's not. It's only a facade, a different set of emotions to the same reaction.... like hate."

User Name: Zyke Nevaristh
RPC Name: Satoshi Tochiima
Race: Human
Hunter: Neutral
Sexual Preference: Unsure
Age: 17
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 121 lbs.
Bio: Satoshi, orphaned when his mother died in birthgiving and his father was killed during a hunting spree by a well known vampyre, grew up by himself, no one to connect to. A devout student of a religious academy, he came to terms wth himself, that he would not live for himself, but help others through his own punishment. He is selfless and thinks only of those around him. He contributed his time to being a good student by the word of God and helping other children who were orphaned like he was. However, when the orphanage he was living in burned down and he could no longer attend his academy, Satoshi was left with no where to go and no where to turn to, those who claimed to be his friends, whom he had treated all with equality and friendship, seeming to vanish like mist. Still, he does not hold it against them, and thinks it is more his fault. Near death by illness that haunted his family blood line, he was discovered by Satoma one night in the streets just after a snow storm, and he was taken in. It is not commonly known to outsiders, but Satoma was the one to kill Satoshis father, though the boy does not hold it against him, passing it off as a will to survive ordeal. A simple eat or be eaten scenario. Now he loyally serves in Satomas name, doing for him during the daylight what Satoma cannot.
Personality: Satoshi is a happy go lucky kid who always puts other first, even when harm is done to him. He is easily trusting and chooses to ignore the darker threats of the world.
Weapons: None
Personal Tastes: Satoshi loves music and art. He spends what time he has drawing or mixing his own beats, as he enjoys the trance genre. He is also learning the piano under Satomas guiding hand.
General Mood: Pleasant, happy, reserved, humble, modest, loyal, etc.
Other: As a child, Satoshi was raped and molested, no longer a virgin in body, but in mind he is still pure of thought.
Portrayal: Dove

User Name: Zyke Nevaristh
RPC Name: Satoshi Tochiima
Race: Human
Hunter: Neutral
Sexual Preference: Unsure
Age: 17
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 121 lbs.
Bio: Satoshi, orphaned when his mother died in birthgiving and his father was killed during a hunting spree by a well known vampyre, grew up by himself, no one to connect to. A devout student of a religious academy, he came to terms wth himself, that he would not live for himself, but help others through his own punishment. He is selfless and thinks only of those around him. He contributed his time to being a good student by the word of God and helping other children who were orphaned like he was. However, when the orphanage he was living in burned down and he could no longer attend his academy, Satoshi was left with no where to go and no where to turn to, those who claimed to be his friends, whom he had treated all with equality and friendship, seeming to vanish like mist. Still, he does not hold it against them, and thinks it is more his fault. Near death by illness that haunted his family blood line, he was discovered by Satoma one night in the streets just after a snow storm, and he was taken in. It is not commonly known to outsiders, but Satoma was the one to kill Satoshis father, though the boy does not hold it against him, passing it off as a will to survive ordeal. A simple eat or be eaten scenario. Now he loyally serves in Satomas name, doing for him during the daylight what Satoma cannot.
Personality: Satoshi is a happy go lucky kid who always puts other first, even when harm is done to him. He is easily trusting and chooses to ignore the darker threats of the world.
Weapons: None
Personal Tastes: Satoshi loves music and art. He spends what time he has drawing or mixing his own beats, as he enjoys the trance genre. He is also learning the piano under Satomas guiding hand.
General Mood: Pleasant, happy, reserved, humble, modest, loyal, etc.
Other: As a child, Satoshi was raped and molested, no longer a virgin in body, but in mind he is still pure of thought.
Portrayal: Dove
Zyke Nevaristh
"I find nothing more depressing than optimism." (Quote by Paul Fussell)

User Name: Zyke Nevaristh
RPC Name: René Rethel Michiiru
Race: Unknown
Hunter: Unknown
Sexual Preference: Homosexual
Age: Unknown
Height: 6'4"
Weight: 147lbs.
Bio: Unknown, but may have a history with several residents, including Satoma.
Personality: Mostly unknown, but René is cold and reserved, and looks down upon those who are not at times.
Weapons: Uses a bow and quiver/ arrows of ancient make, refurbished over the centuries.
Personal Tastes: Mostly unknown, but enjoys toying with others....
General Mood: Dominant, reserved, cruel, etc.
Other: It is not known whether or not René is a human or vampyre yet, and he uses this to his advantage due to the fact an extremely rare few can tell or know. (Im experimenting with this one. Hope you dont mind guys. As far as who knows, no RPC is made available to this information as of yet.)
Portrayal: Black, red, and silver peacock

User Name: Zyke Nevaristh
RPC Name: René Rethel Michiiru
Race: Unknown
Hunter: Unknown
Sexual Preference: Homosexual
Age: Unknown
Height: 6'4"
Weight: 147lbs.
Bio: Unknown, but may have a history with several residents, including Satoma.
Personality: Mostly unknown, but René is cold and reserved, and looks down upon those who are not at times.
Weapons: Uses a bow and quiver/ arrows of ancient make, refurbished over the centuries.
Personal Tastes: Mostly unknown, but enjoys toying with others....
General Mood: Dominant, reserved, cruel, etc.
Other: It is not known whether or not René is a human or vampyre yet, and he uses this to his advantage due to the fact an extremely rare few can tell or know. (Im experimenting with this one. Hope you dont mind guys. As far as who knows, no RPC is made available to this information as of yet.)
Portrayal: Black, red, and silver peacock
Zyke Nevaristh
Life is like a vampire. It bites and it sucks..."

Username: Zyke Nevaristh
RPC Name: Avery Amadeo Spencer
Race: Vampire Fledgling
Hunter: N/A
Sexual Preference: Unknown
Age: 18
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 137 lbs.
Bio: Avery lost his father at the age of four, and with it, his sight. Seen as light brown eyes with a dark chocolate ring, his eyes are actually green, but with his blindness, the light changes their appearance. He struggles with himself, feeling that he is useless, and is angry at his own weakness. He can do little to care for his mother and little brother Kristopher, who is currently at the age of six, and he cannot head the house. He therefore, though defiantly, agrees to apprentice with René, in order to support his family. René has promised that in the end, Avery will have the skills to live freely of his weakness. Another little side note, Avery only recently became a vampire, and has not told his family. He also sees this as a weakness.
Personality: Defiant and cold towards those he sees as stronger, he despises those who pity him, mainly because he cannot come to terms with how he pities himself. His only desire is to keep his family alive, even if that means being a vampire and traveling with René, whom he disliked on the spot because of his confidence.
Weapons: None, but will be training with bow and arrow and psychic targeting
Personal Tastes: Family, poetry, learning of vampire lore and hunting clans, etc.
General Mood: Quiet, reserved, untrusting, determined, etc.
Other: Blind, some psychic ability, is a vampire fledgling, but has thought about becoming a hunter, etc.
Portrayal: Red wolf

Username: Zyke Nevaristh
RPC Name: Avery Amadeo Spencer
Race: Vampire Fledgling
Hunter: N/A
Sexual Preference: Unknown
Age: 18
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 137 lbs.
Bio: Avery lost his father at the age of four, and with it, his sight. Seen as light brown eyes with a dark chocolate ring, his eyes are actually green, but with his blindness, the light changes their appearance. He struggles with himself, feeling that he is useless, and is angry at his own weakness. He can do little to care for his mother and little brother Kristopher, who is currently at the age of six, and he cannot head the house. He therefore, though defiantly, agrees to apprentice with René, in order to support his family. René has promised that in the end, Avery will have the skills to live freely of his weakness. Another little side note, Avery only recently became a vampire, and has not told his family. He also sees this as a weakness.
Personality: Defiant and cold towards those he sees as stronger, he despises those who pity him, mainly because he cannot come to terms with how he pities himself. His only desire is to keep his family alive, even if that means being a vampire and traveling with René, whom he disliked on the spot because of his confidence.
Weapons: None, but will be training with bow and arrow and psychic targeting
Personal Tastes: Family, poetry, learning of vampire lore and hunting clans, etc.
General Mood: Quiet, reserved, untrusting, determined, etc.
Other: Blind, some psychic ability, is a vampire fledgling, but has thought about becoming a hunter, etc.
Portrayal: Red wolf
Zyke Nevaristh
"When you were born, you cried and the world rejoiced. Live your life so that when you die, the world cries and you rejoice."

User Name: Zyke Nevaristh
RPC Name: Sunako Matsumi
Race: Human
Hunter: Rogue
Sexual Preference: Heterosexual
Age: 21
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 127
Bio: Matsumi grew up with little memory of her family or her general childhood past, only sketchy moments in life. But to honor the family she cant remember, she has trained as a hunter in the traditional respect, seeking through the libraries of her adolescent years about the history of her family lineage and crest. The only problem is, Matsumi has a darker side, a completely reversed image of herself and what she stands dor. Sunako is a neo hunter who happens to know more about Matsumis past than herself, and she believes vampires are the real reason Matsumi has no family. Thus, combined, they have become known as a rogue hunter together.
Personality: Matsumi is quiet and reserved and speaks only when needed to. She tends to wear subtly clothing styled after past eras and enjoys the smaller things that captivate her attention. Sunako on teh other hand is everythign that neo represents. Prefering to do things her own way, she likes taking care of business when it begins, and dislikes getting what she wants until she says so. Dont surrender to her, youll only be playing into her hands.
Weapons: Leather and chain whips
Personal Tastes: Arts versus technology
General Mood: subtle and reserved versus bold and flirtatious
Other: Matsumi does not know of Sunako's presence.
Portrayal: Albino tiger

User Name: Zyke Nevaristh
RPC Name: Sunako Matsumi
Race: Human
Hunter: Rogue
Sexual Preference: Heterosexual
Age: 21
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 127
Bio: Matsumi grew up with little memory of her family or her general childhood past, only sketchy moments in life. But to honor the family she cant remember, she has trained as a hunter in the traditional respect, seeking through the libraries of her adolescent years about the history of her family lineage and crest. The only problem is, Matsumi has a darker side, a completely reversed image of herself and what she stands dor. Sunako is a neo hunter who happens to know more about Matsumis past than herself, and she believes vampires are the real reason Matsumi has no family. Thus, combined, they have become known as a rogue hunter together.
Personality: Matsumi is quiet and reserved and speaks only when needed to. She tends to wear subtly clothing styled after past eras and enjoys the smaller things that captivate her attention. Sunako on teh other hand is everythign that neo represents. Prefering to do things her own way, she likes taking care of business when it begins, and dislikes getting what she wants until she says so. Dont surrender to her, youll only be playing into her hands.
Weapons: Leather and chain whips
Personal Tastes: Arts versus technology
General Mood: subtle and reserved versus bold and flirtatious
Other: Matsumi does not know of Sunako's presence.
Portrayal: Albino tiger