So, new job, more money = upgrades! For the first time in quite a while, I've got some cash coming in, so i can finally upgrade my box. *dances*
As for the FTP, it's not going to be up for a while, since I'm moving yet again soon. Finally got a scsi controller, so I can up the space on the server. I think we're hitting 18gb now. not much, but speedy damn drives. Basically, it lets me use some of my old hardware. Bandwidth might be an issue, but I might just upgrade my dsl to a 256 upstream, since I'm at 128 up, and 256 down right now.. Erg. Prob. have a 3 user limit. No warez, no pron, no copyright music. I'll see what i can do. Need to get my array up and running.
Well, back to work. Damn you IBM!
BTW: This Anti-Gaia, Anti-Moderator stuff is driving me nuts. It's getting tiring ahving to defend my character and my coworkers every 5 minutes.
Twistex · Fri Nov 05, 2004 @ 07:25pm · 1 Comments |