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The Daily Topic Where i just talk about anything please feel free to message me if u want me to talk about something specific.

Community Member
Puppet Show (a peom i wrote when i was deppressed)
A Puppet Show

People are just puppets and their emotions are the strings.We can do nothing on our own. We are trapped.

A puppet show, a puppet show, an inescapable fate to be pulled around by our emotions as if we can do nothing on our own. A puppet show.

Some people try to hide their strings, but it's useless. We are all puppets, we cannot escape.

A puppet show, a puppet show. An inescapable fate to be pulled around by our emotions as if we can do nothing on our own a puppet show.

People try to escape their strings but when they do they fall to the ground, and lay like rag dolls not seen by the puppets that pass by.

A puppet show, a puppet show an inescapable fate to be pulled around by our emotions as if we can do nothing on our own. A puppet show.

Tell me what u think i know it sounds pretty emo but rest assured i was just depressed not emo.

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